Ahh the Beauty of Winter!
Watch for walkers in the morning and evening commutes. Also, if you are a walker wear reflectors or reflective jackets. Be careful out there. Be aware of icy walkways and roads.

Rekhi Innovation Challenge
The Rekhi Innovation Challenge is a crowdfunding competition to help promote and support student innovation and entrepreneurship through the use of Superior Ideas.
The competition will run for the month of February and the team that raises the most money will receive a monetary match up of to $1,000. Additional monetary awards will also be offered.
Projects must be submitted by 3 p.m. Friday, January 25th – TODAY! on Superior Ideas in order to enter into the competition. The application and guidelines can be found on Husky Innovate or by contacting Natasha Chopp.
SURF Applications Due Today
Applications for 2019 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURFs) are currently being accepted. Fellowship recipients will spend the summer on an individual research project under the guidance of a Michigan Tech faculty mentor. SURFs are open to all Tech undergraduates who have at least one semester remaining after the summer term. Awards are up to $4,000. Applications are due by 4 pm on Friday, January 25, 2019 – TODAY!
For more information and access to the application materials and instructions, visit the webpage or contact Paige Hackney (phackney@mtu.edu).
Deadline for CMU New Venture Competition Extended
By Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship
The last event in the Husky Innovate series, the Central Michigan University New Venture Competition, is Friday, April 12, 2019 in Mt. Pleasant, MI. For the ninth year, Michigan Technological University and Central Michigan University collaborate to offer our students the opportunity to compete for over $100,000 in cash prizes and in-kind services.
Are you a student with a great business idea or do you want to team up with a student who has a great business idea? If so, the New Venture Competition provides an exciting venue to pitch your business, get valuable feedback, network with representatives within Michigan’s innovation & entrepreneurship ecosystem, and last but not least, perhaps win some valuable prize money!
The NVC provides a transformational experience in which students are able to earn start-up funds for their new venture. Students will have multiple opportunities to connect with experienced entrepreneurs, alumni, and business professionals, venture capital experts, angel investors, and faculty and community leaders.
Students who are interested must submit an “Intent to Compete” application for the New Venture Competition by the extended January 25, 2019 deadline (TODAY). Click here to register and apply – http://bit.ly/newventurecompetition
This weekend, Film Board Presents: Venom
Friday, Jan. 25 @ 5:30, 8:30, 11:30
Saturday, Jan. 26 @ 2:30, 5:30, 8:30, 11:30
Sunday, Jan 27 @ 2:30, 5:30
Located on Michigan Tech’s campus in Fisher 135. Tickets are $3 and concessions are $1 each. We hope to see you at the show this weekend and have a great day!
Venom is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi violence and action, and for language.
Want to see what movies we’re playing next? Check out our movies and showtimes at the Film Board website: filmboard.mtu.edu
Jazz Cabaret at the Rozsa
Join us for two nights of Jazz Cabaret in Club Rozsa, featuring three Michigan Tech jazz ensembles: Full Send Combo, Jazz Lab Band and the Research & Development Big Band. The stage of the Rozsa is transformed into an historic jazz club with vintage atmosphere, complete with café tables and a cash bar. Join Michigan Tech’s guest jazz bands conductor Patrick Booth and the Michigan Tech Jazz ensembles for Backstage at the Rozsa this Friday and Saturday nights, January 25 & 26, 7:30 pm.
Dodgeball Tournament
Dodgeball Tournament with teams of 6 to win $25-30 gift card each. Single elimination bracket style. Uniforms are encouraged. Team names need to be appropriate. The team captain can send an email to MUBboardFGchair@gmail.com with their team name (Must be appropriate) and the 6 members of their team. Must include names and emails. We will send a PDF of the rules to each captain once they are signed up along with their start time. Games will be 10 minutes long.
This event will be at the Racquetball Courts, Saturday, January 26th, from 1 pm to 6 pm.
Men’s Club Volleyball Home Tournament
Come cheer on your MTU Men’s Club Volleyball team as they play in their first WVC tournament of the season! Five Wisconsin schools will be traveling up to Houghton to play. Admission is free, so take a break from your classes and go watch some competitive collegiate volleyball!
Saturday, January 26th 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
SDC Varsity Wood Gym
Alternative Spring Break Interest Meetings
Sunday, January 27 @ 1 pm, Wads G17/19W
Thursday, January 31 @ 4 pm, Wads G17/19W
Spend our Spring Break dedicated to sustainability and helping our environment by participating in one of our Alternative Spring Breaks (ASB). Travel to either New Orleans, Louisiana or San Jan Comalapa, Guatemala for an experience you will not want to miss!
Attend our Interest Meetings to learn more about these amazing opportunities or apply online at AlternativeSpringBreak. If you are unable to attend the Interest Meetings, please contact Beka Horsch at huskyhelpers@mtu.edu.
Free Ski Day
Join us on Sunday, January 27, 2019 at the Tech Trailhead from 2-6 pm. Try out ski equipment for FREE! It’s a great opportunity to try cross country skiing and snacks will also be provided.
If you can’t make it for Free Ski Day, you can still get in on the skiing fun.
By paying $10 to join the club, you get unlimited equipment usage for the season and can take advantage of beginner lessons available weekly, at no additional cost!
Photonics Night Engineering of Light
Spring HuskyLead Series
Student Activities announces the Spring 2019 HuskyLead Series. HuskyLead is a series of hour-long workshops that help Michigan Tech students elevate their leadership skills.
Tuesday, January 29 – “Rise Up: Don’t Throw Away Your Shot at Better Marketing”
Come rise up and work with Adobe Education Leader Jeremiah Baumann as we tackle the problem of “same old organization marketing tactics”. Learn some new tools and tricks to make your marketing stand out on a campus full of marketing doppelgängers. You’ll leave excited to “think past tomorrow” and create some amazing materials for your organization. Attend the first HuskyLead of the semester being held in MUB Ballroom B from 6–7 p.m.
If you have any questions or comments email Beka Horsch at rmhorsch@mtu.edu.
2019-2020 USG Budget Hearing Info Session
It is the beginning of the Annual USG Budget Hearing Process, which Registered Student Organizations can receive funding for the following school year from the Student Activity Fee (SAF). The Undergraduate Student Government oversees the disbursement of these funds every year, with the opportunity for organizations to receive this funding happening every spring. If your organization would like to be funded by the Student Activity Fee for the 2019-2020 school year there are a few steps you nee to take.
First a representative from your organization must be present and sign-in at the Mandatory SAF Info Session to be eligible for SAF funding. This info session will take place on Tuesday, January 29th at 6:00 PM in Fisher 135. Please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes ahead of time in order to sign in and receive your informational packet.
At this meeting you will be given all the information needed to get started planning a budget and submitting the required documents. A detailed timeline will be gone over, including submission deadlines. As a reminder, only open student organizations are eligible for SAF funding. If you are not sure if your organization is eligible, you are invited to attend this info session to see.
(Note: If your organization does not want SAF funding for the 2019-2020 school year, it is not required that you or a representative attend this info session. Special Budgetary Groups are also not required to attend this info session.)
If you have questions regarding the budgetary process, please wait until after the informational session as many questions will be answered there.
Spring Intramural Sports
Bad Art Night
The Alley Makerspace invites you to relax before Winter Carnival by making intentionally terrible art. Bring your friends and work together to create the spiciest and strangest sculptures, drawings, and paintings. Prizes given to the worst art.
Where: Basement of the MUB
When: Friday, February 1st from 5-7 pm
Cost: Free!
Winter Carnival Karaoke
The Winter Carnival Karaoke event will be in the MUB Commons, Wednesday, February 6th, from 8 pm to midnight. Free hot chocolate and snacks will be provided while supplies last.
This is going on during the all-nighter. Have some fun and Karaoke!
Snowshoe Hikes
Snowshoe Hikes are a part of the Series and are most what we do in the winter. We currently have about 120 pairs of Tubbs Snowshoes that are available for rent at the OAP, including about 8 pair of children’s snowshoes. We will head out to a number of different locations and snowshoe, usually after the sun has gone down for the day. Popular locations include Paavola Wetlands, McLain State Park, Michigan Tech Trails, and Maasto Hiihto/Churning Rapids in Hancock. These hikes are $10 and include snowshoes for those who do not own a pair(yet). We provide transportation if we are headed off campus and hot chocolate back at the OAP when we are all done!
2019 Snowshoe Series dates are listed below!
February 13, 2019- Hungarian Falls
February 21, 2019- McLain State Park
March 7, 2019- Pilgrim Community Forest
In addition, the Bigfoot Glowshoe Event, February 7, 2019, is a partnership between the OAP and Wellness Programs and makes up the other part of the Snowshoe Series. Held each year for the past 20 years, this year there will be some new changes to the event. The most significant and exciting is the moving of the event to Thursday night of Winter Carnival! We will be using glow sticks and glow paint and many other glow items to mark the trails and ensure that no one gets lost!
More Information on Bigfoot Glowshoe and More
- Bigfoot Glowshoe
- Thursday, February 7, 2019, 7-10 pm
- Students $5
- To register, visit the Student Health and Wellness Website
- Poster attached for your convenience
- Thursday, February 7, 2019, 7-10 pm
- Healthy Husky Workshop Series (Spring 2019)
- Workshop description: We know Huskies are super smart and wildy busy. We’ve designed this workshop series to help you learn positive life strategies, cope with the roadblocks this semester will bring, and connect with your pack.
- Poster Attached
- No cost to attend
- Attend one session or all
- Want to learn more? Follow Student Health and Wellness on Social Media
- Facebook (Michigan Tech Wellness) and Instagram!
- Events and information posted weekly
- Facebook (Michigan Tech Wellness) and Instagram!
- We’re Hiring!
- Do you love to talk about Health and Wellness? Are you passionate about balance and living a healthy lifestyle? Visit www.mtu.edu/wellness and click on “Join Our Team” to submit an
- Interviews will take place in the spring 2019 semester and work will begin in the Fall 2019 semester
- Do you love to talk about Health and Wellness? Are you passionate about balance and living a healthy lifestyle? Visit www.mtu.edu/wellness and click on “Join Our Team” to submit an
- Have a question about Student Health and Wellness? Email us at wellness@mtu.edu
Spend Your Spring Break in Silicon Valley
By Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship
Aspiring student entrepreneurs and innovators are invited to apply for the Michigan Technological University Silicon Valley Experience, a Spring Break tour of California Bay Area companies that includes meetings with entrepreneurs and Michigan Tech alumni who are leaders in their field. The deadline to apply is February 8th, 2019, and the application form can be found at SVE Experience 2019 Application. Up to fifteen students will be selected for this experience. Major funding for the trip is provided by Michigan Tech alum Kanwal Rekhi, as well as the Pavlis Honors College Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship and the School of Business and Economics in collaboration with 14 Floors.
Silicon Valley is known for its software giants, high-tech startups, Fortune 1000 companies, innovative culture and entrepreneurial ecosystem – the environment that affects local/regional entrepreneurship, such as culture, policies, talent, entrepreneurial organizations, regional resources, and networks.
The Silicon Valley Experience will showcase multiple perspectives of a day in the life of successful entrepreneurs, innovators, engineers, and business leaders. This tour will provide an interactive opportunity for students to discover more about a variety of industry settings, to sample various innovative corporate cultures through tours and presentations, and to meet and talk with successful alumni entrepreneurs.
Students who apply and are accepted will have the opportunity to:
- Tour companies like Google, Netflix, Hewlett Packard, Facebook, Ford, Clari, BYTON, Twilio, Autodesk, Waymo, the Porter Vineyard, as well as recent Michigan Tech alumnus startup, Handshake
- Meet with entrepreneurs and innovators
- Talk with Michigan Tech alumni who are leaders in their field
- Get answers to your real-world business, innovation, and leadership questions
- Gain firsthand knowledge of the enterprises that are revolutionizing global business
Lodging, some food, and ground transportation to and from toured companies will be covered. Students will be responsible for arranging and paying for their own air travel. As part of the student application, students will create a 2-minute video describing how they will share their experience with the Michigan Technological University community upon completion of their travel in order to positively contribute to our entrepreneurial ecosystem. Students who have a demonstrated financial need can apply for a limited travel scholarship. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Casper (lcasper@mtu.edu).
HuskiesFit and Outdoor Adventure Programs
Check out the awesome lineup of HuskiesFit and Outdoor Adventure Programs we have in store for you this spring! All adult and youth classes are open for registration!
We’ve got something for everyone! Keep yourself and your family HuskiesFit with HuskiesFit and Outdoor Adventure Programs classes this spring!
New Opportunity for Choreographers and Composers in 2019:
Rabbit Island and The Rozsa Center Create Residency Program
The Rabbit Island Foundation and Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts announce a new 2019 residency opportunity: The three-week Choreographer and Composer Residency encourages collaboration between a choreographer and composer in a wild natural setting offering time, space, and financial support to explore environmental concerns through dance and music. The two applicants selected, one choreographer and one composer, will spend two weeks on Rabbit Island, then one week of studio time at the Rozsa Center, and their final work will be premiered as part of the Rozsa Center Presenting Series season in 2020-2021. An honoraria of $2000 USD will be awarded to both the choreographer and composer.
The opportunity is an open call available to anyone working in the fields of choreography and composition. The selection committee is made up of each organization’s directors, Rabbit Island alumni, and accomplished choreographers and composers. The deadline for applications is Friday, February 15th, 2019 at 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time. Awarded residents will be notified in early May, 2019. A complete application guide and online submission form can be found at http://www.rabbitisland.org/art.
Rabbit Island is a 91-acre wilderness island partitioned from the mainland by the largest body of freshwater in the world, Lake Superior. As such, the location provides artists a remote contextual challenge to create works which add to the evolving contemporary conversation of art and the environment. Since 2013 the Rabbit Island Residency open call for all disciplines has received over 1000 applications from 45 countries. The Choreographer and Composer Residency marks the Rabbit Island Foundation’s first focused residency and first collaboratively created residency with the Rozsa Center.
Rabbit Island Foundation President Rob Gorski states, “The Choreographer and Composer Residency contests the status quo. Rabbit Island exists to encourage the creative community to focus intensely on the most fundamental narrative of our age—the environment and the human relationship to it. This residency challenges applicants to take risks and create bold work challenging the assumptions of the cultural landscape created by previous generations of choreographers, composers, and thinkers. We presume that there exist more meaningful ways to contextualize music and dance to the evolving understanding of ethics within the Anthropocene. This residency offers time, space, and context to take a shot at precisely this.”
To learn more about the residency opportunity, the Rabbit Island Foundation, and the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts; full application guidelines and submission information for can be found at http://www.rabbitisland.org/art.
HuskiesFit Adult Group Fitness
Spring HuskiesFit Adult Group Fitness classes begin January 20. Check out the daily schedule, Adult Group Fitness at a Glance! Student rates available!
Looking for the ultimate variety of group fitness classes? Commit to be HuskiesFit with our Spring Semester HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punch Card – variety at its best. #groupfitness #ultimatepunchcard #huskiesfit.
Michigan Tech Trails
If you join the Nordic Ski Club you get free day use of equipment at Tech Trails. Equipment cannot be kept overnight and can only be used at Tech Trails.
The next Citizen’s Night is February 5, 6 pm on the lighted Michigan Tech Trails. Enjoy a little friendly competition with family, friends and fellow skiers or ski just for fun. Free to Tech Trail members.
Come on out and support the Tech Trails with a season pass!
The Outdoor Adventure Program (OAP) offers snowshoe rentals . Various lengths available to accommodate all users and use types.