Michigan Tech Hockey!
Watch for walkers in the morning and evening commutes. Also, if you are a walker wear reflectors or reflective clothing. Be careful out there. Be aware of icy walkways and roads.
Tommy Ryman grew up with a new-age, folk singing mother and a traditional, Lutheran insurance-agent father. This XY equation evidently equals: acclaimed comedian. Ryman has earned the title of Semifinalist on NBC’s Last Comic Standing. Ryman also recently won the title of Best of the Midwest at the prestigious Gilda’s Laugh Fest. Ryman’s act can be described as absurdist and clever, masked behind a very likable and innocent demeanor, often thought of as awkwardly charming. He is a favorite among audiences at top clubs, corporates, and colleges around the nation.
Agnes of God
Questions of faith, motherhood and determination arise as three women with vastly different ideologies are faced with a supposed virgin birth. The investigation of the nun who was found to have given birth, and ensuing controversies and debates over the possible miracle – then subsequent death of the infant – are explored as Tech Theatre presents John Pielmeier’s 1979 play Agnes of God. Please join Michigan Tech’s Department of Visual and Performing Arts, presenting six performances of Agnes of God, for two weeks, Thursday – Saturday, Feb. 21 – 23 and Feb. 28 – March 2, 7:30 pm in the McArdle Theatre in the Walker Arts and Humanities Center.
Pop Tab Chainmail Making Night
Pop Tab Chainmail Making Night, Friday, February 22nd 5 – 7 pm.
The Alley Makerspace (Basement of the MUB)
Looking for an opportunity to make chain mail with pop tabs? Interested in projects that promote sustainability? Check out this simple, easy workshop. Supplies limited, but you can bring your own pop taps, too!
Green Book Tonight!
Please join The Black Student Association for a FREE showing of the Green Book on Friday,
February 22, 2019 at 7 pm in Fisher 139.
It’s FREE and it’s TONIGHT!
Volunteers Needed for CopperDog 150
We are still looking for volunteers for the CopperDog 150, March 1-3. Volunteers can register as a single, couple, group, etc. Although there are many positions in which you can volunteer, we are still in high demand for dog handlers and crossing guards.
Volunteering training is set for Saturday, February 23, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm at the Calumet High School. Here, volunteers will be able to learn more about the race, their role as a volunteer, and the in and outs of working with mushers and sled-dogs. Although the training is not required, it is highly recommended, as safety is one of our biggest concerns and a well-prepared volunteer base is very important.
For more information on the event, and to sign up for volunteering, please visit copperdog150.
African Night
2019 African Night will feature Goree Drum and Dance from Columbus, Ohio, and a special student performance called JAMA.
Goree combines Sene-Gambian dance traditions, a genre of dances from the ancient western Sudanese empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai, with contemporary West African dance traditions in symbolic storytelling.
JAMA has a call and response structure that electrifies its participants and seeks to transfer energy from the singers to the audience. During African Night, we won’t just perform Jama; the audience will feel the irresistible urge to join in the Jama.
There will be a dinner featuring sumptuous African dishes mainly from East, Central, West and Southern Africa. These will include egusi soup, vegetable fried rice, peppered gizzards, zobo juice and tropical fruits smoothie.
For tickets, contact aso-officers-1819-l@mtu.edu
In the MUB Ballroom Saturday, February 23rd from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm.
Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra to Perform
The Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra (KSO) presents a concert of two works, Les nuits d’été [Summer Nights], by Hector Berlioz, and then featuring Gustav Holst’s “The Planets” suite, under the direction of conductor Joel Neves, at 7:30 pm Saturday, February 23rd in the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts. Since its premiere in 1918, the seven movements of “The Planets” have been among the composer’s most renowned works. Each movement in the suite is dedicated to one of the planets in our solar system, with the mood of each being defined by the astrological archetypes of the corresponding celestial body.
Junior Hockey Night
Saturday, February 23rd is Junior Hockey Night at the John MacInnes Student Ice Arena, the annual celebration of youth hockey players in the area. There will also be Skate With The Huskies after the game.
The first 200 youth into the building will receive coupons and candy. There will also be a variety of door prizes during Skate With The Huskies, including two $150 vouchers from Michigan Tech Recreation towards sports camps and clinics or SDC memberships, a signed jersey, signed sticks, mini sticks, and much more. Michigan Tech Dining Services and Vollwerth’s will be selling $1 hot dogs for the first 500 as part of Fan Appreciation Night.
Junior hockey night sponsors include Center Ice Skate & Sport, Michigan Tech Recreation, The Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts, Orbit Video Games, University Images, Dairy Queen, and Dominos.
The Huskies host Alaska Anchorage this weekend. The puck drops at 7:07 p.m. each night. Tickets to the games can be purchased at the SDC Ticket Office, online at BuyHuskiesTickets.com or over the phone at 906-487-2073.
Poetry Slam
BSA will be hosting a Poetry Slam on Sunday, February 24, 2019, 6-8 pm in the Center for Diversity and Inclusion.
Participants can read original pieces and the work of others. Not ready to share, join the audience to support the many voices of Michigan Tech.
Volunteers Needed for Get WISE (Women in Science and Engineering)
Volunteers Needed!!!
On Monday, February 25th 250 middle school girls will be meeting at Houghton Middle School for Get WISE (Women in Science and Engineering)! To put on this event we need YOU! The event will last from about 9:00 am to 1:30 pm and we need volunteers for any time they are available! Anyone can volunteer for this event and you DO NOT have to be available for the whole day! Also, lunch will be provided to volunteers who are helping at that time. There will be a shuttle for volunteers to and from Houghton Middle School.
If you would like to sign up to volunteer please email Lauren at lakirwin@mtu.edu.

Craft Club Oth Birthday Party
When: Tuesday, February 26th 8-9 pm
Where: The Alley Makerspace (Basement of the MUB)
After a three year journey, Craft Club is celebrating becoming an official student org. Come enjoy free cake and cookies and learn about Craft Club and see all the projects that the members have made over the years.
Attention Student Orgs!
Want to win $500?
Please join the Michigan Tech Student Foundation for Paper Airplane Trivia in the MUB Commons on Tuesday, February 26th from 7:00 – 8:30 pm.
- There will be 3 rounds of 10 trivia questions about philanthropy at Michigan Tech. Paper airplanes that you fold will be thrown at targets to answer the questions, so start practicing!
- Prizes will be awarded for each round and a grand prize of $500 for your student org.
- All registered student organizations are invited to participate with a team of up to 3 members.
To register please reply to the Google Form at Win Money or for more information email Adam Portmann at aportman@mtu.edu.
Ilyasah Shabazz at the Rozsa Center
The Rozsa Center and the Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) present Ilyasah Shabazz on Tuesday, February 26, at 7:30 pm, in the Rozsa Center. “When you educate a girl, you raise a nation,” says Ilyasah Shabazz. She is the third daughter of Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz, and is an educator, activist, motivational speaker, and author of four award-winning publications—most notably of her memoir, “Growing Up X.”
This event is partially sponsored/funded by the Visiting Women and Minority Lecture/Scholar Series (VWMLSS) which is funded by a grant to the Office of Institutional Equity and Inclusion from the State of Michigan’s King-Chavez-Parks Initiative. Shabazz’s appearance is arranged through Gotham Artists. This lecture is presented as part of the Social Justice Lecture Series and Van Evera Distinguished Lecture Series. Tickets to this lecture are free, however due to limited seating tickets are required, and are available by phone, (906) 487-2073, online at mtu.edu/rozsa, in person at the Central Ticketing Office in the Student Development Complex, or at the Rozsa Box office the night of the show. Please note the Rozsa Box Office is only open two hours before performances.
Husky Innovate Speaker Series
The Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship will be hosting the first of the Husky Innovate Speaker Series on Friday, March 1 at 12 pm in the Pavlis Honors College Collaboration Space (M&M 722). Faculty, students, and staff are invited to join us for a talk given by Michigan Tech’s Andrew Barnard. Barnard is an assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics and faculty advisor for SENSE Enterprise.
Barnard is using lean business model development and customer discovery to start his own business, NanoSound. NanoSound focuses on the elimination of noise from pipe and duct systems, like automotive exhausts and heating and ventilation pipes. Barnard will provide an example of an early business pitch and provide insights into the customer discovery process and business model development that has led to significant pivots in the start-up’s trajectory.
If you are an innovator or entrepreneur working on an idea with the goal of launching your own business, you are highly encouraged to attend. Registration is required, and attendance will be capped at 30. Lunch will be provided to the first 30 people to register. Please register no later than Monday, February 26.
The Husky Innovate Speaker Series is hosted by the Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship which is a collaboration between the Pavlis Honors College and the School of Business and Economics.

Got Game?
On February 27th at 7 pm in the MUB Commons, Panhel is hosting a social event for potential new members of sororities here at tech. It will be a Game Night Social Event so please come and hear about Panhel.
“If you’ve ever wondered about sorority life at MTU, join the ladies of our Greek community for a night of games and conversation!”
Khana Khazana
Khana Khazana– Have some Soul Food with BSA! February 27, 11-1 pm. Only $7.95
It Ain’t Easy Being Green: Let’s Talk About It
Event Name: It Ain’t Easy Being Green: Let’s Talk about it
Date: Thursday, February 28, 2019
Time: 6 pm – 7 pm
Location: Alumni Lounge A in the MUB
Description: Come join your fellow students to discuss what can be done differently on our college campus related to sustainability and green movements.
Paracord Bracelet Making Night
When: Friday, March 1st 5-7 pm
Where: The Alley Makerspace (Basement of the MUB)
Going on any adventures for spring break? Create a handy paracord bracelet before you head out at this free workshop.
Maximize Your Buzz
Maximize Your Buzz is a fresh take on traditional alcohol education. It covers important topics such as: binge drinking, college alcohol policy, how to make a turtle backpack, and identifying values!
This training empowers young adults to make safe and healthy decisions about drinking! Whether you are simply curious about the concept, need to take the course, or really like big group discussions; come on and join us, it’s free! So let’s learn how to Maximize Your Buzz together!
You can find this event at 6:30 pm, on Tuesday, March 5 in the MUB Ballroom! See you there!
Thank you to our sponsors!
Housing and Residential Life, Late Night Programming, Tau Kappa Epsilon and Student Health and Wellness.
Snowshoe Hikes
Snowshoe Hikes are a part of the Series and are most what we do in the winter. We currently have about 120 pairs of Tubbs Snowshoes that are available for rent at the OAP, including about 8 pair of children’s snowshoes. We will head out to a number of different locations and snowshoe, usually after the sun has gone down for the day. Popular locations include Paavola Wetlands, McLain State Park, Michigan Tech Trails, and Maasto Hiihto/Churning Rapids in Hancock. These hikes are $10 and include snowshoes for those who do not own a pair(yet). We provide transportation if we are headed off campus and hot chocolate back at the OAP when we are all done!
2019 Snowshoe Series dates are listed below!
March 7, 2019- Pilgrim Community Forest
Healthy Husky Workshop Series
- Healthy Husky Workshop Series (Spring 2019)
- Want to learn more? Follow Student Health and Wellness on Social Media
- Facebook (Michigan Tech Wellness) and Instagram!
- Events and information posted weekly
- Facebook (Michigan Tech Wellness) and Instagram!
- We’re Hiring!
- Do you love to talk about Health and Wellness? Are you passionate about balance and living a healthy lifestyle? Visit www.mtu.edu/wellness and click on “Join Our Team” to submit an application
- Interviews will take place in the spring 2019 semester and work will begin in the Fall 2019 semester
- Do you love to talk about Health and Wellness? Are you passionate about balance and living a healthy lifestyle? Visit www.mtu.edu/wellness and click on “Join Our Team” to submit an application
- Have a question about Student Health and Wellness? Email us at wellness@mtu.edu
Michigan Tech Intramural
Sports T-Shirt Design Contest
Michigan Tech Intramural Sports is excited to announce the 2019 T-Shirt Design Contest! All students are invited to create an original t-shirt design. The winner of this contest will get a $50 gift card to University Images and their design will be featured on all of the 2019 – 2020 Championship T-Shirts! Please feel free to be creative and come up with something unique!
Submitting an Entry
- Participants must be currently enrolled at Michigan Tech.
- Winner will receive the current Intramural Champion T-Shirt, the first copy of their t-shirt design, and a $50 University Images gift card.
- Entries are currently being accepted and must be turned in no later than 5:00 p.m. on March 8th, 2019.
- Once submitted, all entries will become property of the Michigan Tech Intramural and will be used at their discretion.
- Entries must be submitted via email (IMsports@mtu.edu), or delivered to Jason Hawke in the Intramural and Physical Education Office (Room 202 in the SDC).
Design Requirements
- Design is on the front of the shirt only. Please keep designs within the chest region of the shirt.
- Artwork must include one of the following: Michigan Tech, Intramural Champion, IM Champ, or anything else that denotes Intramural Champion.
- Digital art is preferred. Vector art as created in programs such as Corel Draw or Photoshop are preferred. Hand drawn or other design formats will be accepted as design concepts as well.
- Slogans and catch phrases are permissible; however, they cannot infringe on Copy Rights nor can they be derogatory. Michigan Tech IM Staff will have final say on acceptability.
- Artwork must be sports related, but should not focus on only one specific sport.
- Artwork should not include any dates or years (for example: 2019, 2018-2019, etc.)
If you have any questions about this contest please feel free to contact Jason Hawke, jfhawke@mtu.edu.
Open Rock Climbing
Try something new at the SDC! Join the Outdoor Adventure Program on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 pm for Open Rock Climbing in the multipurpose room! Open to all ages, no experience necessary and included in SDC membership or facility day pass. Get out of your comfort zone and climb with us today!
For more information, visit Open Rock Climbing.
Order Your Cap, Gown and Tickets!
HuskiesFit Adult Group Fitness
Spring HuskiesFit Adult Group Fitness classes begin January 20. Check out the daily schedule, Adult Group Fitness at a Glance! Student rates available!
Looking for the ultimate variety of group fitness classes? Commit to be HuskiesFit with our Spring Semester HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punch Card – variety at its best. #groupfitness #ultimatepunchcard #huskiesfit.
Michigan Tech Trails
If you join the Nordic Ski Club you get free day use of equipment at Tech Trails. Equipment cannot be kept overnight and can only be used at Tech Trails.
Come on out and support the Tech Trails with a season pass!
The Outdoor Adventure Program (OAP) offers snowshoe rentals . Various lengths available to accommodate all users and use types.
Play Some Pickleball
Gates Tennis Center now has two pickleball courts available for reservations and pickleball equipment available for rental. For more information, visit PickleBall at Gates. Call 487-2774 to reserve a court.
Undergraduate Research Internship Program (URIP) Applications Due March 27
The Pavlis Honors College would like to remind undergraduate students that URIP 2019-20 applications are due Wednesday, March 27, 2019.
The internship program is open to any undergraduate student on campus. Students are welcome to apply with faculty with whom they are already working.
The program consists of a 20-week internship (September – March) as well as professional development activities centered on academic research and scholarship.
The Pavlis Honors College will provide $800 in funding for the student intern, with the expectation that faculty will provide matching funds to be dispensed concurrently, resulting in a total of $1600 (or $10/hr for 8 hours per week for a period of 20 weeks). Faculty may make use of research funds, IRAD, startup packages, or consult their chairs, deans or center/institute management to identify the source of their match.
Details regarding the Undergraduate Research Internship Program (URIP) application process can be found at mtu.edu/honors/research/urip/application.html.
The Undergraduate Research Internship Program is made possible by generous donations from the Portage Health Foundation and the DeVlieg Foundation, with the support of the Pavlis Honors College.
2019 Undergraduate Research Symposium
The Pavlis Honors College will be hosting the 7th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium being held on Friday, March 29th from 1-5 pm in the lobby of the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts. The Symposium highlights the cutting-edge research being conducted on Michigan Tech’s campus by some of our best and brightest undergraduate students. Student presentations represent a wide array of scientific and engineering disciplines from across campus and highlight the diversity of research areas being explored.
Visit the 2019 Undergraduate Research Symposium website for more information regarding abstract submission. All undergraduate student researchers should consider participating in this event as a means to display their work and gain presentation experience.
Pavlis Honors Pathway Program Now Accepting Applications
The Pavlis Honors College is now accepting applications for Fall 2019. Students are eligible to apply to join if they have 2 or more years remaining on campus. Pavlis offers 6 distinct pathways on which students may build their honors program:
- Global Leadership
- Community Engagement
- Research Scholars
- Enhanced Enterprise Experience
- New Venture
- Custom Pathway
Each of these pathways provides a framework of support, exceptional resources and a community of scholars for students interested in challenging themselves, doing more and making a difference. If you are interested in graduating with honors from Michigan Tech, please apply. If you would like to learn more about Honors at Michigan Tech or speak with an advisor, email us at honors@mtu.edu.
Applications will be accepted through Monday, April 8th. However, students who apply early will be given preference. Space is limited.
Find out why success means more than GPA: mtu.edu/honors.
OAP Silent Gear Auction
The Outdoor Adventure Program (OAP) will host its 12th annual gear auction Saturday, April 20, from 10:00am to 2:00pm in the Gates Tennis Center. New this year, OAP is coordinating with Athletics to auction some of their surplus equipment as well as used OAP gear.
Need to clear out your garage or storage unit? OAP wants to help you with your spring cleaning. Either have OAP sell your gently used (but still usable) outdoor recreation equipment on your behalf or consider donating it to the OAP and we’ll use any proceeds to help purchase new equipment for the OAP rental program.
Items can be dropped off April 17-19 at the OAP during regular business hours.
Anyone interested in purchasing at the gear auction will need to register at the at the Gates Tennis Center the day of the event.
For more information, visit OAP Silent Gear Auction, email OAP at oap@mtu.edu or call 906-487-2290.
Spring Gallery Exhibition Salon!
The Department of Visual and Performing Arts and the Rozsa Center are excited to announce the spring gallery exhibition, Salon!, curated by gallery director and Michigan Tech associate professor of art, Lisa Gordillo. It features works of art and writing by more than 30 artists and writers. Gordillo is excited to present an older arts tradition with a contemporary twist. She drew much of her inspiration for this show from Jewish Women’s Salons, which focused on inclusivity, diversity, and contemporary dialogue. Works of art will also pepper the Rozsa lobby, creating sitting spaces and areas for conversation. Salon! runs February 20 – April 20 in Michigan Tech’s A-Space Gallery, hours are M-F 8:00 am – 8:00 pm and 1:00 – 8:00 pm on Saturdays, and the exhibition is free and open to the public.
StudentWatch Course Material Survey
The Campus Store is once again participating in the nationwide survey regarding course materials, we would like to know your thoughts!
Your feedback will help the Campus Store strive to provide the broadest course material options and most cost-conscious pricing through strategic partnerships, transparency, and industry awareness.
Cash prizes are available, please check your email for the link to the survey!
Have a great semester and we hope to hear from you!
HuskyDeals Google Group!
The HuskyDeals Google Group is here to share information about our current promotions and services! We distribute relevant information using a very limited amount of communications through this group. You may join or leave at any time.
To join now, email “huskydeals-l+subscribe@mtu.edu” or search your Google groups for HuskyDeals and select the Join option. And if you’re already a member, check your email for your birthday discount coupon! Thank you for your patronage!