Happy Spring Michigan Tech!

Friday, March 29 @ 5:30, 8:30, 11:30
Saturday, March 30 @ 2:30, 5:30, 8:30, 11:30
Sunday, March 31 @ 2:30, 5:30
Located on Michigan Tech’s campus in Fisher 135. Tickets are $3 and concessions are $1 each. We hope to see you at the show this weekend and have a great day!
Aquaman is rated PG-13 for sequences of action violence, thematic elements, and mild language
Want to see what movies we’re playing next? Check out our movies and showtimes at the Film Board website: filmboard.mtu.edu
2019 Undergraduate Research Symposium
The Pavlis Honors College will be hosting the 7th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium being held on Friday, March 29th from 1-5 pm in the lobby of the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts. The Symposium highlights the cutting-edge research being conducted on Michigan Tech’s campus by some of our best and brightest undergraduate students. Student presentations represent a wide array of scientific and engineering disciplines from across campus and highlight the diversity of research areas being explored.
Visit the 2019 Undergraduate Research Symposium website for more information regarding abstract submission. All undergraduate student researchers should consider participating in this event as a means to display their work and gain presentation experience.
Shakespeare As You’ve Never Seen It Before!
See The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Love Shakespeare? You’ll love this show. Hate Shakespeare? You’ll love this show! Think Monty Python meets Saturday Night Live meets the Bard. The raucously entertaining Reduced Shakespeare Company (RSC) will perform “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) [revised]” at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 30 at the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts. Join these madcap men in tights as they weave their wicked way through 37 plays in 97 minutes. London’s longest-running comedy, “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) [revised]” is a fast-paced romp through the Bard’s entire dramatic anthology. The show has been seen at the Kennedy Center, Off-Broadway, and from sea to shining sea.
Annual Bounce-O-Rama
The Michigan Tech Student-Athlete Advisory Committee will host the annual Bounce-O-Rama event inside the Student Development Complex for all area youth on Sunday, March 31, from noon to 5 p.m. The event will be a charity fundraiser, with proceeds going to the Make-A-Wish Foundation as well as Big Brothers Big Sisters in conjunction with Copper Country Strong.
Michigan Tech student-athletes will staff the event. In addition to inflatable bounce houses, there will be other activities such as face painting, music, and more.
Tickets for the Bouce-O-Rama are $12 at the door or $10 in advance by topping at or calling the SDC Ticket Office (906-487-2073). The event is open to children ages 2-12. Adults are admitted for free with their children.
Tech Arts Festival
The Copper Country Edition of Tech Arts Festival will hold a Painting Night on Tuesday, April 2nd from 6 – 8 pm in the MUB Commons, then on Thursday, April 4th a Picture Frame Night from 6 – 8 pm in the MUB Commons, then on Friday, April 5th a Photography Competition will be due by 5 pm.
Sponsored by the MUB Board.
Class Tribute Program
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS GRADUATING IN May 2019: The Michigan Tech Student Foundation (MTSF) and the Student Philanthropy Council invite you to make your upcoming commencement day even more meaningful by participating in the Class Tribute Program. For $10, your tribute to them will be printed in the commencement program and displayed on the arena videoboard. Your contribution also supports student scholarships at Michigan Tech.
Just go to http://www.mtu.edu/classtributes for program and participation details. The deadline for tribute submissions is Tuesday, April 2nd at 11:59 pm.
For questions, contact Adam Portmann at 487-2542 or aportman@mtu.edu.
Title IX Showing of “On the Basis of Sex”
Title IX is doing a showing of “On the Basis of Sex” on Thursday, April 4th at 6:00 p.m. in Fisher 135.
Brian O’Sullivan
“Brian O’Sullivan is a singing-comedian from Los Angeles, California. Inspired by artists “Weird Al” Yankovic, Stephen Lynch, and The Bloodhound Gang, O’Sullivan uses clever lyrics and catchy tunes to deliver his punchlines. Often compared to Bo Burnham for his quick wit and hilarious songs, Brian’s show makes fun of the pop-culture of today, while relating to the college experience. Brian has performed at over 300 schools across the country, and in 2015, he was voted “Roommate of The Year” by his two roommates.”
The event will be in the MUB Commons, April 5th, at 9 pm.
Charity Ball to Benefit Husky FAN
Get your tickets now for the 5th annual Charity Ball to benefit Husky FAN and Let’s Eat! It’s “A Night Under the Lights”! Saturday April 6th from 8 to midnight. Event includes live music, a DJ, dancing, photo booth, cash bar, hors d’oeuvres and more! $10 for students $20 for the general public, available online at bit.ly/MTUCharityBall or at the door at the Rozsa. The 5th annual “A Night Under the Lights” Charity Ball at Michigan Tech’s Rozsa Center lobby, Saturday April 6th 8 p.m. to midnight!
Pavlis Honors Pathway Program Now Accepting Applications
The Pavlis Honors College is now accepting applications for Fall 2019. Students are eligible to apply to join if they have 2 or more years remaining on campus. Pavlis offers 6 distinct pathways on which students may build their honors program:
- Global Leadership
- Community Engagement
- Research Scholars
- Enhanced Enterprise Experience
- New Venture
- Custom Pathway
Each of these pathways provides a framework of support, exceptional resources and a community of scholars for students interested in challenging themselves, doing more and making a difference. If you are interested in graduating with honors from Michigan Tech, please apply. If you would like to learn more about Honors at Michigan Tech or speak with an advisor, email us at honors@mtu.edu.
Applications will be accepted through Monday, April 8th. However, students who apply early will be given preference. Space is limited.
Find out why success means more than GPA: mtu.edu/honors.
Tech’s Got Talent!
Tech’s Got Talent! Think America’s Got Talent…wait to see what Tech has. There will be admins, students, and teachers as judges. Students can demonstrate their talent in an attempt to win the prize. We will have prizes for the first second and third place people. Winners will be chosen by students via i clickers from the top 5 chosen by the judges. Students can submit their act through https://bit.ly/2TwmacY. Groups are capped at 6 unless they contact us with a special request. If people are in a group, they share the prize. Performers can practice in the MUB Commons, on Saturday, April 13th, from 1-6 pm.”
The event will be in the MUB Commons, Saturday, April 13th, at 7 pm.
Scavenger Hunt
The MUB Board is hosting a Scavenger Hunt event here at Tech. There will be events held the week of April 14th, all week, on campus. This will be a photo scavenger hunt where some will win prizes. Find clues on MUB Facebook, solve riddles and get a selfie with the object or location to win points. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners that will be announced on Saturday, April 20th.
Superior Health Foundation Community Ambassadors in Health Scholarship
Do you have an interest in contributing to the health and wellness of the local community through partnering with a service-oriented organization? Are you an enrolled undergraduate or graduate student at Michigan Tech? Consider applying for the Superior Health Foundation Community Ambassadors in Health Scholarship.
Undergraduate scholarship recipients will receive $500 for the semester they participate in the program. Graduate scholarship recipients will receive $1000. Students will partner with a service-oriented organization, such as organizations addressing health care, food security, mental health, obesity, health education, environmental health, etc. Residents of the Upper Peninsula are especially encouraged to apply and will be given priority consideration. Check out our site for more detailed information on eligibility and how to apply.
This scholarship opportunity is made possible through the generosity of the Superior Health Foundation and all Michigan Tech students may apply. Deadline is April 15, 2019.
OAP Silent Gear Auction
The Outdoor Adventure Program (OAP) will host its 12th annual gear auction Saturday, April 20, from 10:00am to 2:00pm in the Gates Tennis Center. New this year, OAP is coordinating with Athletics to auction some of their surplus equipment as well as used OAP gear.
Need to clear out your garage or storage unit? OAP wants to help you with your spring cleaning. Either have OAP sell your gently used (but still usable) outdoor recreation equipment on your behalf or consider donating it to the OAP and we’ll use any proceeds to help purchase new equipment for the OAP rental program.
Items can be dropped off April 17-19 at the OAP during regular business hours.
Anyone interested in purchasing at the gear auction will need to register at the at the Gates Tennis Center the day of the event.
For more information, visit OAP Silent Gear Auction, email OAP at oap@mtu.edu or call 906-487-2290.
Tau Trot
Alpha Sigma Tau and Phi Kappa Tau will host their 1st annual Tau Trot Run/Walk Saturday, April 20, at 10:00 am. The race will begin in Hancock and end in Houghton.
Want to help support a great cause? All proceeds will go to support Girls on the Run and the SeriousFun Children’s Network. Participants will receive a commemorative t-shirt upon signing up. If you are not able to make it to race day, but would still like to participate, we have the option of a virtual 5k, in which you can run the race on your own time!
For more information, and to register, visit tautrot.weebly.com.
Spring Gallery Exhibition Salon!
The Department of Visual and Performing Arts and the Rozsa Center are excited to announce the spring gallery exhibition, Salon!, curated by gallery director and Michigan Tech associate professor of art, Lisa Gordillo. It features works of art and writing by more than 30 artists and writers. Gordillo is excited to present an older arts tradition with a contemporary twist. She drew much of her inspiration for this show from Jewish Women’s Salons, which focused on inclusivity, diversity, and contemporary dialogue. Works of art will also pepper the Rozsa lobby, creating sitting spaces and areas for conversation. Salon! runs Now – April 20 in Michigan Tech’s A-Space Gallery, hours are M-F 8:00 am – 8:00 pm and 1:00 – 8:00 pm on Saturdays, and the exhibition is free and open to the public.
The MTMC is Hiring!
The MTMC is currently hiring coaches for the Fall semester.
Healthy Husky Workshop Series
- Healthy Husky Workshop Series (Spring 2019)
- Want to learn more? Follow Student Health and Wellness on Social Media
- Facebook (Michigan Tech Wellness) and Instagram!
- Events and information posted weekly
- Facebook (Michigan Tech Wellness) and Instagram!
- We’re Hiring!
- Do you love to talk about Health and Wellness? Are you passionate about balance and living a healthy lifestyle? Visit www.mtu.edu/wellness and click on “Join Our Team” to submit an application
- Interviews will take place in the spring 2019 semester and work will begin in the Fall 2019 semester
- Do you love to talk about Health and Wellness? Are you passionate about balance and living a healthy lifestyle? Visit www.mtu.edu/wellness and click on “Join Our Team” to submit an application
- Have a question about Student Health and Wellness? Email us at wellness@mtu.edu
StudentWatch Course Material Survey
The Campus Store is once again participating in the nationwide survey regarding course materials, we would like to know your thoughts!
Your feedback will help the Campus Store strive to provide the broadest course material options and most cost-conscious pricing through strategic partnerships, transparency, and industry awareness.
Cash prizes are available, please check your email for the link to the survey!
Have a great semester and we hope to hear from you!
HuskyDeals Google Group!
The HuskyDeals Google Group is here to share information about our current promotions and services! We distribute relevant information using a very limited amount of communications through this group. You may join or leave at any time.
To join now, email “huskydeals-l+subscribe@mtu.edu” or search your Google groups for HuskyDeals and select the Join option. And if you’re already a member, check your email for your birthday discount coupon! Thank you for your patronage!
Play Some Pickleball
Gates Tennis Center now has two pickleball courts available for reservations and pickleball equipment available for rental. For more information, visit PickleBall at Gates. Call 487-2774 to reserve a court.