“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”– Winston S. Churchill
Learn what Buti Yoga is all about at the Buti Yoga Basics Workshop this Saturday, September 21, 11am-12:30pm in the SDC Studio! Open to beginner & seasoned yogis alike. Attend & enter a drawing to win some HuskiesFit swag!
Glow in the Dark Disc Golf Tournament

This Saturday, September 21, the Outdoor Adventure Program and MTU Disc Golf Club will host their inaugural glow in the dark disc golf tournament. This tournament is open to the public and students. It will be competed on a temporary 9-hole course constructed on the Michigan Tech athletic fields surrounding the SDC. In addition to playing disc golf at night on a new course, MVP has provided player packs that include a glow driver, glow putter, towel, and other accessories.
Prizes will be provided for the three highest finishers. First place will receive an MVP Pro Black Basket and 10 discs. Second place will receive an MVP banner and 10 discs, while 3rd place will receive a collection of 5 discs.
Cost to participant in the tournament is $30. Sign up at discgolfscene.com. For more information, visit MTU Glow Open.
Open House: MTU Sustainability Demonstration House

Tuesday September 27, 5:30PM in Fisher 135
Hosted by Student Health and Wellness, “Do It For Daniel” is a film that documents Daniel Olson’s story. It was created to educate people about the impact of depression, anxiety and mental illness.
Through education, and with your help, the goal is to get this documentary into every high school in the United States and all channels, so we can stop the stigma.
Jeff Olson, Daniel’s father, will be on Michigan Tech’s campus speaking about and sharing this documentary. The event is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, (Sept.17) in Fisher 135.
Tuesday September 24, 5:00PM – 8:00PM
Please go to the EWI website to register.
The Tech Trails Need Your Help!
Invasive Emerald Ash Borer have caused extensive damage to the ash tree population on the Tech Trails, leaving behind dead trees which create a hole in the canopy allowing invasive shrub species to flourish and stunt native growth. Michigan Tech has received funding through the US-Forest Service/GLRI to plant native trees in areas along ski trails with the greatest loss of ash overstory. Young red maple, northern white cedar, white pine, red-osier dogwood, yellow birch, high bush cranberry, and pussy willow trees will help reestablish the tree cover in areas once dominated by ash and preserve the beauty of the trails for future users. Student and community volunteers will be planting the young trees on September 27, 28 & 29.
Michigan Tech invites you to help preserve the beauty of the Tech Trails and give back to your community. All are welcome to assist as they are able. Stop by the Tech Trails ready to plant! No experience required! Student coordinators will be present to organize volunteers. Work will involve digging, planting, weeding, and mulching. Please dress in long pants, close-toed shoes, and bring a shovel if you are able! Gloves, water, and snacks are recommended.
Tech Trails Warming Hut
–Core Loop and Isle Royale Loop–
Sharon Ave
Houghton, MI 49931
Note: Signs will indicate the location of work each day
Friday September 27: 1pm-5pm
Saturday September 28: 8am-Noon & 1pm-5pm
Sunday September 29: 8am-Noon & 1pm-5pm
Note: shifts are non-committal, join and leave as you wish
Sigrid Resh, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor of Forest Ecology
Email: scresh@mtu.edu
Phone: 906-487-1139
To Learn More:
Lunch and Learn at Noon
Monday Sept 23rd
MTU’s MUB Ballroom A2
Find the Event on the MTU School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science Facebook Page @sfres
Project is funded with US-Forest Service and Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funding to Sigrid Resh (PI), and Jill Fisher, Rod Chimner, Chris Webster, Tara Bal, Jim Schmierer, and Andrew Storer (co-PIs)
Casino Night

Upcoming ones…
Tuesday, October 8 @ 4:00PM – 5:00PM
Where: Library East Reading Room
“Dear Stress, Let’s Break-Up”
Tuesday, October 29 @ 4:00PM – 5:00PM
Where: Library East Reading Room
“Super Hero Dynamics”
Tuesday, November 12 @ 4:00PM – 5:00PM
Where: Library East Reading Room
“Failure is a State of Mind”
Monday, December 2 @ 4:00PM – 5:00PM
Where: MUB Alumni Lounge
“Risky Business”
FREE QPR Suicide Prevention Trainings
Snapchat Takeover
Saturday, October 5, registration starts at 9:00 am, MUD FLIES AT NOON. Held at the Range Snowmobile Club.
Spectator admission is $5 per person, vehicle registration is $15 per class. There are classes for stock vehicles, ATVs, SXSx, snowmobiles, heavily modified, and more! Anyone 16 years of age and over can enter for a chance to win prizes. Food and drinks will be sold at the event.
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly Upper Michigan.
Check out the event on our Facebook page @MTU4x4
Be at the ROTC building at MTU at 10:00AM on Saturday, October 5th to start the run! Registration is $20, and the first 50 registrants will receive a free t-shirt. Registration can be done early through the link on our Facebook page (@mtuaas), or at the door on the 5th. There will be prizes and some speakers from the Hubbell VFW!
Please message our Facebook page if you have any questions.
The TSgt. Robert E. LaMotte Squadron is a squadron of Air Force ROTC’s Arnold Air Society. Arnold Air Society is a professional, honorary, service organization dedicated to the promotion of air power and service within local communities.
Upcoming Intramurals!
Please check out our Fall 2019 Activity Schedule for more details.
Intramural Sports is also HIRING! Interested in becoming an intramural official? If interested please apply at this site: https://uww.joinhandshake.com/jobs/2781710
Upcoming Entry Deadlines
Bocce Ball: Friday, September 20th @ Noon
- Tournament on Saturday, September 21st
Disc Golf Glow Tournament: Friday, September 20th @ Noon
- Tournament on Friday, September 20 starting around 8:00 pm
Racquetball Singles: Friday, September 20th @ Noon
Trails Relay: Tuesday, September 24th @ Noon
– Race is on Thursday, September 26th at 4:30 pm
Flag Football: Thursday, September 26th @ 8:00 am
Homecoming Cornhole Tournament: Friday, September 27th @ Noon
– Tournament will take place on Saturday, September 28th prior to the Varsity Football Game.
Co-Rec Basketball: Wednesday, October 2nd @ 8:00 am
Disc Golf Doubles: Friday, October 4th @ Noon
- Tournament will take place on Saturday, October 5th
If you are interested in officiating, please email imsports@mtu.edu
Register your team at www.imleagues.com/MTU
Click here to view our Intramural Handbook
If you have any questions, please contact Craig Pellizzaro at 487-3040 or crpelliz@mtu.edu.
IM Weekly Events-End of Week 3-Fall 2019
The SDC Building Schedule
SDC Building Schedule 8/26/19-5/2/20. Revised schedules for Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, and Spring break will be posted at those times.
HuskyDeals Google Group!
The HuskyDeals Google Group is here to share information about our current promotions and services! We distribute relevant information using a very limited amount of communications through this group. You may join or leave at any time.To join now, email “huskydeals-l+subscribe@mtu.edu” or search your Google groups for HuskyDeals and select the Join option. And if you’re already a member, check your email for your birthday discount coupon! Thank you for your patronage!
Expanded Overnight Study Space in the Library