I encourage you to live with life. Be courageous, adventurous. Give us a tomorrow, more than we deserve.
-Maya Angelou
Student Leadership Awards

You are cordially invited to the 26th Student Leadership Awards Ceremony. At Michigan Tech we are blessed with students who are crazy smart, motivated, and adventurous. As faculty and staff, we partner with these students to inspire community, scholarship, possibilities, accountability, and tenacity. We realize how lucky we are to be able to work alongside them in their academic and career pursuits. Now is the time to recognize these students for their commitment, enthusiasm, and leadership.
The recipient of each award will be honored at the 26th Annual Student Leadership Awards Ceremony posted Friday (April 24) on the Student Leadership Awards web page.

Trivia Night!
Join us April 29 at 8 PM EST on Zoom. This week’s theme will be general trivia! Think you know more than your friends? Full of facts and not sure when you might need them? Prove to everyone you know your stuff! We will have weekly Wednesday trivia nights until the end of the semester. Our final Trivia Night will be April 29 and the theme will be Disney! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get more information about upcoming trivia topics and other fun events!
K-Day Registration

K-Day Registration is officially open, so reserve your spot now! Space and resources are limited, so do not delay!
K-Day, or Keweenaw Day, is an annual tradition that will be held on Friday, September 11 beginning at noon. Students head to Chassell Centennial Park for an afternoon of food, fun, and music. K-day typically sees 3500-4000 students so this is an important recruitment opportunity for your organization. Please have your organization’s event finalized before registering HERE.
Keep in mind, the person you list as the primary contact for your organization’s registration will be the one receiving all communications. They will need to keep an eye out for emails during the summer in case of any changes that are made to K-Day due to the fall semester start date.
Get ready because with this year’s theme you will be crossing over into… The Involvement Zone! Organizations can get creative with this science fiction and fantasy themed student organization fair!
Questions about K-Day can be directed to Rochelle Spencer at raspence@mtu.edu.
Michigan Tech Community Outreach – COVID-19

● Michigan.gov Coronavirus Volunteering, Donation, & Assistance Request Page: comprehensive resource for those looking to volunteer (health professionals, students, community members, etc.) or request assistance within Michigan
○ Community Volunteer Sign-Up (by county)
● Yoopers Helping Yoopers Facebook Group: group for all UP residents dedicated to sharingresourcesand requesting assistance
○ Western Upper Peninsula Subgroup
● Face Masks for the Keweenaw: coalition of makers, creating masks for Keweenaw hospitals and residents
○ GoFundMe for monetary donations
● Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly: a great place to donate resources and time due to our elderly population being especially vulnerable
○ Mission in Motion: Ways to Volunteer
If you know of any other opportunities or needs that you would like the Michigan Tech community to be aware of, please contact Dr. Kari Henquinet (kbhenqui@mtu.edu).
Love in the Time of COVID-19: A Virtual Poetry Reading
Hosted by CDI

As we face a new normal to our day-to-day lives, maintaining a creative, expressive, and connected community has taken on new meaning and importance.
In celebration of National Poetry Month, Amy L. Howard (Center for Diversity and Inclusion) and M. Bartley Seigel (Department of Humanities) cordially invite you to submit work for participation in a virtual poetry reading engaging any facet of life and love in the time of Covid-19.
Anyone may submit a poem for this virtual reading. You may submit either an original poem or a favorite poem that has spoken to you during this difficult time. This reading is about community, feeling, healing, loving, and connecting, and we wish all individuals to feel empowered either as poets themselves or as avid readers of poetry.
Please note, by submitting a poem for possible inclusion, you are agreeing to be available to read that poem in person via the Zoom event.
The virtual poetry reading will be held Friday, April 24th at 4pm via Zoom.
This event is open to all. Selected poets MUST be available to read in person via Zoom. Please submit the following Google Form to participate!
Submission Deadline: Friday, April 17, 5 pm
Notification of Selection: Monday, April 20, 5 pm
Virtual Poetry Reading: Friday, April 24, 4pm
Virtual Spring Fling!
Avast ye, Huskies!
The first ever “Virtual Spring Fling” is happening, and it’s time to have all hands on deck for this year’s Pirates Edition! This event is brought to you by MUB Board (Memorial Union Board), and is a chance for you to promote your organization. Check your email for all of the details!!!
Instead of doing a booth competition and presenting your org at tables on campus, we will be having a virtual poster event with added competition for the best posters. The posters which best match the theme of pirates will have a chance to win money for their organization! First place is $125 and Second place is $75! Additionally, if your poster receives the most likes from our Facebook post your organization will get to select the location of your booth at next year’s spring fling!
Feel free to email MUB Board (mubboard@mtu.edu) if you have any further questions. We look forward to “seeing” you there!
-MUB Board Special Events Committee
Intramural Rocket League Info
Michigan Tech Intramurals is happy to announce that we will be offering Rocket League Tournaments. The attached link is a sign-up sheet for the tournaments so we can get a rough estimate of how many people will be participating, their skill level and what platform they will be using. Feel free to inform other Michigan Tech students who you would think would be interested.
This is a general sign-up sheet, it is to get a rough estimate of how many people are interested.
If everything goes well these next couple of days we should be starting this coming week.
The sign-up sheet is to get a general count of people who want to play in these tournaments. The tournaments will be divided by skill level, grouping some ranks together to make it more fair. There is now a category of what game mode you play. Your team will be based upon who is in your party at the start of the tournament. These tournaments will be private so there will be a name and password associated to be able to join. The name and password will be provided via IMLeagues in some way. If you have any questions you can reply to this announcement.
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COVID-19 Volunteer Interest Survey

Are you interested in volunteering to help community members of the Keweenaw during the Covid-19 crisis?
The Pavlis Honors College is looking to connect Michigan Tech students with opportunities to lend a helping hand–even from a distance–during this time! If you’d like to get involved, please fill out this survey.
Covid-19 Volunteer Interest Survey
Please note, this survey is for gauging initial interest. After you fill out the survey, we will reach out with further details as they become available!
If you have any questions, contact Elise Cheney Makens (eacheney@mtu.edu).
Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Michigan Tech is planning to host virtual events educate the campus community to prevent sexual violence.
Denim Day on Wednesday, April 29
Michigan Tech Title IX invites you to wear denim with a purpose on Wednesday, April 29, 2020 for International Denim Day to support survivors and educate our community about the forms of sexual violence. Denim Day was founded after a 1999 Italian Supreme Court decision overturned a rape conviction because the victim wore tight jeans. Enraged by the verdict, within hours the women in the Italian Parliament launched into action and protested by wearing jeans on the steps of the Supreme Court. Peace Over Violence, a nonprofit organization in Los Angeles, organized the country’s first Denim Day event in 1999. You can find more information about Denim Day here. Please join us in wearing denim proudly on April 29.
With any questions about these events, please contact Kaylee Kapatos at kkapatos@mtu.edu.
Campus Store Course Material Updates – Buyback and Rentals
Students who have rented books for the Spring Term will be required to return those books to Public Safety by May 15, 2020. Students have a two week extension for rental returns. Students who have left campus will be asked to ship their books back to the store, while those who remain on campus will have a drop location at Public Safety while the campus store is closed. We are planning in the event that we are unable to reopen, or for students who have returned to their permanent home. During this process, both the Campus Store and Public Safety will ensure adherence to the Governor’s order of social distancing, and respect safety guidelines for handling rental returns. These steps include, keeping a 6′ distance and disinfecting books. Students will receive communication regarding their rentals with instructions for proper returns. If students reach out to faculty to questions regarding their rental books, please have them contact Jennifer Cowan at the Campus Store.
Students will now have the chance to sell their used textbooks through an online buyback program. Michigan Tech Campus Bookstore has partnered with two used textbook wholesalers who are offering students the opportunity to sell their books back without leaving their home. The Campus Store website will allow students to compare prices to both Nebraska Book Company and MBS Book Exchange. Both companies will allow students to print off a return label for free shipping. If you’d like to find out more, you can reach out to Jennifer Cowan at the Campus Store or click here (https://www.bookstore.mtu.edu/michtech) During this time of social distancing, this is just one way the Campus Store is helping to smooth the transition for students by seeking new ways to offer services students depend on.
MTU SDH Event: The Keweenaw’s First Waste Reduction Drive

The Keweenaw’s First Waste Reduction Drive!
Stay tuned for more information regarding the new Drive date. We are hoping to hold the drive sometime this summer when it is safe for people to gather in groups again. If you are no longer able to hold on to your items or you will not be in the Keweenaw this summer, please contact sdh@mtu.edu and we will work with you to take your items off your hands.
Please continue saving these five items: granola/energy bar wrappers, batteries, plastic caps and rings, Styrofoam and cardboard egg cartons, and any plastic bag containing a recycling number.How much WASTE can we SAVE from the landfill as a COMMUNITY?