“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
– Harriet Tubman
Have a great summer Huskies!
Get Involved, Give Back, Serve

As our Husky family finds itself spread across the world this Spring, we have come to realize now more than ever the importance of continual dedication to civic engagement and service. Thus, we encourage each of you to get involved by finding opportunities to serve! Even though we cannot always volunteer together, there are many ways to give back. We have compiled a list of opportunities that most anyone can pursue regardless of geographic location. You can also sign up for our volunteer newsletter here. To all of you that volunteer your time and talents – YOU are our Husky Helpers! We appreciate all that you do.
K-Day Registration

K-Day Registration is officially open, so reserve your spot now! Space and resources are limited, so do not delay!
K-Day, or Keweenaw Day, is an annual tradition that will be held on Friday, September 11 beginning at noon. Students head to Chassell Centennial Park for an afternoon of food, fun, and music. K-day typically sees 3500-4000 students so this is an important recruitment opportunity for your organization. Please have your organization’s event finalized before registering HERE.
Keep in mind, the person you list as the primary contact for your organization’s registration will be the one receiving all communications. They will need to keep an eye out for emails during the summer in case of any changes that are made to K-Day due to the fall semester start date.
Get ready because with this year’s theme you will be crossing over into… The Involvement Zone! Organizations can get creative with this science fiction and fantasy themed student organization fair!
Questions about K-Day can be directed to Rochelle Spencer at raspence@mtu.edu.
MTU SDH Event: The Keweenaw’s First Waste Reduction Drive

The Keweenaw’s First Waste Reduction Drive has officially been rescheduled!
Drive Date: Saturday, June 27th from 9am – 5pm in Fisher Hall
Please continue collecting these items for the drive: foil-lined granola/energy bar wrappers, batteries, plastic caps and rings, Styrofoam and cardboard egg cartons, and any plastic bag containing a recycling number. If you are no longer able to hold on to your items or you will not be in the Keweenaw on the day of the drive, please contact sdh@mtu.edu and we will work with you to take your items off your hands.
How much WASTE can we SAVE from the landfill as a COMMUNITY?
Michigan Tech Community Outreach – COVID-19

● Michigan.gov Coronavirus Volunteering, Donation, & Assistance Request Page: comprehensive resource for those looking to volunteer (health professionals, students, community members, etc.) or request assistance within Michigan
○ Community Volunteer Sign-Up (by county)
● Yoopers Helping Yoopers Facebook Group: group for all UP residents dedicated to sharingresourcesand requesting assistance
○ Western Upper Peninsula Subgroup
● Face Masks for the Keweenaw: coalition of makers, creating masks for Keweenaw hospitals and residents
○ GoFundMe for monetary donations
● Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly: a great place to donate resources and time due to our elderly population being especially vulnerable
○ Mission in Motion: Ways to Volunteer
If you know of any other opportunities or needs that you would like the Michigan Tech community to be aware of, please contact Dr. Kari Henquinet (kbhenqui@mtu.edu).