Homecoming Continues!

The theme for homecoming this year is a Happy Little Homecoming (Bob Ross Theme)!
If you missed out on the Homecoming Shirt Swap, that’s okay! We still have shirts available! Stop by Student Leadership & Involvement (MUB 112) with your donation and you can get a shirt! (while supplies last). Donate an item from the list or a minimum of $5 and get a 2020 Homecoming Shirt. The theme this year is A Happy Little Homecoming (Bob Ross theme). You will want one of these amazing shirts in your collection.
All donations go to the Husky FAN Pantry.
The full schedule and rulebook can be found on our website and Involvement Link page.
Please send any questions to Rochelle at raspence@mtu.edu.
Halloweekend Events!
Halloweekend: Virtual Escape Rooms. Friday, October 23rd from 7-9 pm

“Framed” is the theme of this escape room and this is your scenario: Your friend has been convicted of brutally murdering his girlfriend. He was sentenced to Execution by Gas Chamber. In his final hour, he still maintains that he has been framed for the murder but no one will believe him. The person who set him up has planted a bomb to destroy all evidence of his innocence. Time is running out as the bomb is set to explode and the gas released to send your friend to his death. You and his closest friends are his last chance at survival. Do you have what it takes to diffuse the bomb, find a way to break into prison and disable the gas chamber before it activates? You are his last hope! Good Luck. Grab some friends and see if you have what it takes to escape in time. Check out our social media for more info on how to attend this event. |
Halloweekend: CyberSleuth Murder Mystery. Friday, October 23rd from 9-10 pm

Can you solve this mystery? Interact through live chat with fellow players and CyberSleuth’s live moderator while you pour over the QR clues that are regularly pushed to your mobile device. Just remember… TRUST NO ONE in this game, and whatever you do, don’t answer the door! Work to solve the crime, keep your answers to yourself, and there will only be one winner! Check out our social media for more info on how to attend this event. |
Halloweekend: Summoning Spirits. Saturday, October 24rd from 10-11 pm

Join SLI And MUB Board as we reach beyond the grave with an all-new show that will make you scream! Summoning Spirits is a séance-meets-magic show designed to get your adrenaline pumping with help from the other side. Written and performed by Peter Boie, one of the countries top touring college acts. He’s been featured on the hit tv show, “Penn & Teller Fool Us” and is a best selling magic inventor. Summoning Spirits brings to life old legends and haunted stories live on stage, for your delight … and fright. Peter combines freaky magic effects with masterful storytelling to create one of the most unique and spine-tingling experiences you will ever be a part of! Check out our social media for more info on how to attend this event. |
3 Minute Thesis Competition 2020

The Graduate Student Government is pleased to announce this year’s Three Minute Thesis competition. The competition is being held on Thursday, November 5, 2020. Registration is now open, and will be closed Friday, October 23, 2020. Also, a training workshop for the participants will be provided Wednesday, October 28th, 2020. This competition offers a great opportunity for graduate students across the university to present their research to a general audience. Participants are required to present their research within three minutes, hence the name ‘Three Minute Thesis’. This contest is open to all graduate students at any stage/path of their graduate studies. They are not required to have a finished thesis, or even a proposal to present – even coursework track students can participate. Participants are judged on their communication and presentation skills while delivering their content in just three minutes with one static PowerPoint slide. The 3MT competition was started by the University of Queensland, Australia in 2008. Success and the growing popularity of the competition spread the idea across more than 200 universities around the globe. The winner of the local Michigan Tech competition will earn the opportunity to present at the regional 3MT competition. It is divided into two phases: preliminary rounds and a final round. Preliminary round will be held virtually. Format for the final round is yet to be determined. The winner and runners-up will receive cash prizes of $300 and $150 respectively. Additionally, a People’s Choice award will be given to a speaker selected by the event’s audience, with a cash prize of $100. GSG invites and encourages all graduate students to take advantage of this amazing competition. For full event information and the registration link please visit http://gsg.mtu.edu/3mt. |
Enterprise Day – October 19, 2020 – 6-8 pm

Interested in learning more about Enterprise at Michigan Tech? Thinking about joining Enterprise, but not sure which team is right for you? Learn more by talking with program staff and students from various Enterprise teams, all in one place! Teams will meet in-person, spread out across various rooms in Fisher Hall, starting at 6pm, October 19, 2020. Teams will also have Zoom links available so interested students may join virtually. Find more information on Enterprise Day and each team here: https://www.mtu.edu/enterprise/involved/enterprise-day/. For questions, please feel free to reach out to Bre Tucker, bctucker@mtu.edu. |
Calling All Student Organizations!

Student Scoop Submission – activities@mtu.edu – Michigan Technological University Mail
The Lode, Michigan Tech’s student newspaper, is looking to do feature articles on the student organizations of Michigan Tech in the Pulse section of the paper. Is your group doing something cool and noteworthy that you would like to share with others in the MTU community? Reach out to the Pulse Section Editor at madegnit@mtu.edu to schedule an interview. |
Upcoming Intramural Events!

“Celebrating Traditions. Creating Connections.”

Are you a part of a student organization which has an idea that promotes student involvement on campus? The Alumni Board of Directors can help! The Student Initiative Support Program (SISP), financially supports initiatives that positively impact all students and support the alumni mission of “Celebrating Traditions. Creating Connections”. Check out https://www.mtu.edu/alumni/connect/contact/board/sponsorship/ for more information, and to apply. |
24 Hours of Reality: Countdown to the Future

Watch this video to learn more: https://youtu.be/8bUQiP9CDgc We are the newly-formed Climate Reality Campus Corps: Michigan Tech Chapter. The Climate Reality Project has branches on every continent except Antarctica, over 150 community chapters in cities and towns across the U.S. and over 30 campus corps chapters on college campuses. We are an official Campus Corps Chapter through Climate Reality and are working on becoming a registered student organization through Michigan Tech. We strive to educate the MTU community on the climate crisis and have a long-term goal of urging Michigan Tech to commit to 100% renewable electricity in addition to other campaigns related to climate action. In an event called 24 Hours of Reality: Countdown to the Future, hundreds of Climate Reality Leaders around the world will be giving presentations on the climate crisis between 4 pm Eastern time on Saturday, October 10th and 4 pm on Sunday, October 11th. Kendra Lachcik, a trained Climate Reality leader will be giving an hour-long virtual presentation over Zoom here at Michigan Tech on Saturday, October 10th at 6 pm. She will explain the science behind climate change, its impacts, the solutions, and how Michigan Tech fits into the bigger picture. The presentation is open to all Michigan Tech students, faculty, and staff as well as community members. Here are several other important links: Zoom link for presentation – https://michigantech.zoom.us/j/86012494204 Campus Corps interest form – tinyurl.com/mtucampuscorps More information about The Climate Reality Project – https://www.climaterealityproject.org/ More information about 24 Hours of Reality – https://www.24hoursofreality.org/ |

Husky Hour Events!

Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being Upcoming Workshops

Check out all of our workshops for the semester and sign up here: https://www.mtu.edu/well-being/programs/workshops/ |