Winter Warm Up

Campus Store and University Images

Stop by November 11-15 for our Hats Off to Veterans sale. All hats of any style 20% off in-store at the Campus Store and University Images! Everyone welcome. You can also visit us online!
G.R.I.T Leadership Workshop

G.R.I.T. stands for Goals, Resilience, Individual, and Teams. This interactive virtual workshop being held on Saturday, December 5th at 9:30 AM is a great mixture of synchronous learning and self-guided content leading up to the day. Come prepared to develop and hone your leadership skills to improve yourself and the areas you are involved in!
Spots are limited, register here to participate! There will be prizes and giveaways available to those who attend!
The Lode – Student Newspaper

What is the Lode, anyways?
The Lode is Michigan Tech’s student newspaper, and we’ve been serving the MTU community since 1921, when we were founded as the Michigan College of Mines Lode. We currently serve the campus digitally on our website and in print, though COVID-19 safety precautions have momentarily postponed our in-print issues.
Read the Lode! We publish weekly on Thursday morning at midnight. We feature local, state and national news, arts, cultural events and other happenings around campus, relevant opinion pieces, features on STEM and campus research, sports and more! Check us out at www.mtulode.com.
HuskyLead: Health and Well-being

How do you encourage your friends and organization members to engage in self-care and well-being? Find ways to recognize the signs of over-involvement and the importance of a well-rounded experience by attending this HuskyLead!
Join us in MUB Ballroom A2 at 6 PM on Thursday, November 12.
MUB Board Musical

Show off your group’s dance moves and favorite song in our music video competition! Please fill out this form to get your song approved: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSc7wayU7eSzTa…/viewform
Videos will be due on November 23rd, and voting on Facebook will start the week of November 29th to determine the winners.
First, second, and third place will receive prizes. Prizes include gift cards, Tech gear, and Mont. Ripley Tubing Passes.
Superhero Night!

Test of your superhero knowledge during a trivia session at 7 PM, followed by a comic drawing class with Will Sliney @ 8 PM! There will be super prizes for those who win in trivia.
Will Sliney is an award-winning comic book artist, writer, and presenter!!! He has worked on titles such as Spider-Man, Star Wars, Defenders, Celtic Warrior (Ireland’s best selling comic book), and many more, including over 100 issues for Marvel comics!!!
He presented We Will Draw for RTE’s Homeschool hub, launched the viral art movement #wewilldraw, and presents Marvel Live’s How to Draw show including launching Marvel’s Twitch Channel.
Will also works for the Premier League, is an ambassador for the CUH Children’s unit, and is the Cork Person of the Month for July 2016.
Color and Calm Study Break

Feeling stressed about school and need a break? We have a solution! MUB Board will be handing out goodie bags full of de-stressing materials such as custom-made coloring pages drawn by one of our members, colored pencils, puzzles, play-dough, tea, and snacks! You can use this kit for the rest of the semester whenever you need a break from homework! Don’t miss out on Tuesday, November 17 at 6 PM in the MUB Commons.
Want to stay up-to-date with MUB Board events? Or interested in joining? Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for the latest updates on all of our events! Or check out our website.
Virtual RTC Colloquium

The Department of Humanities will be hosting its first virtual RTC colloquium of the year on Wednesday, November 18th, between 4:00 and 5:30 PM. We will have two cross-disciplinary presentations: Dr Michelle Javie-Eggart (Engineering Fundamentals) will present “Investigating Factors Motivating Engineering Faculty to Adopt and Teach New Engineering Technologies”; Alfred Owusu-Ansah (Humanities) will present “Rhetorically Decoding Computer Programming as a Digital Literacy.” Dr Sarah Bell (Humanities) will be the respondent. All are welcome! Here is the link to the Zoom event: https://michigantech.zoom.us/j/86408896251

Join Husky Innovate for a virtual panel discussion with three remarkable entrepreneurs. Each panelist will share how their journey has shaped their perspectives on entrepreneurship and will reflect on the importance of adaptability and resilience — and how to stay relevant during Covid-19.
Zoom registration: http://bit.ly/WomenInnovate
Advertise on WMTU

Is your student org looking for a way to break out of the mold of poster advertisements and email lists? Are table tents just not cutting it anymore? Want to reach all of campus, all at once? WMTU has you covered! If you or your student org would like to advertise on the radio, it’s fast, easy, and best of all free! Just send an email to wmtu-pr@mtu.edu, and we’ll get to work on boosting YOU with the 91.9 MHz frequency and our live stream. We’ll work with you to tailor the ads to your needs and even record them ourselves as requested. So if you’ve been looking for a new way to say hey, consider giving WMTU a shot! As always, tune in at 91.9 FM, and wmtu.fm – Keep on rockin’!
Grant Writing Seminar

As a student or a researcher, a necessary component of your work is applying for a multitude of grants to obtain funding for future projects. Peter Larson, the Director of Research Development at Michigan Tech, will be conducting a seminar on Grant Writing on November 12 from 4:00-5:00 PM via Zoom. Peter specializes in creating effective grant and research proposals, particularly in the non-technical proposal sections that researchers often struggle with. Please send any topics or questions you wish to see discussed to gsg-prodev@mtu.edu so we can structure the seminar to better suit your needs. Those who participate in the seminar will get a chance to enter a raffle draw.
Zoom Link: https://michigantech.zoom.us/j/92904132886
Space is not really limited but just so we know how many students to expect, be sure to register using the link below!
Event Registration: https://mtu.libcal.com/event/7146638
Virtual Library “Drop-In” Hours
The Van Pelt and Opie Library is piloting a series of virtual “Library Drop-in Hours” for the remainder of the semester. Twice a week (Tuesdays, 4-5p and Wednesdays, 1-2p), we’ll host an open Zoom session on tools, topics, and skills that can streamline your research to save you time. Drop-in at any point during the hour with your questions or to walk through a short overview of the topic. Upcoming topics are:
Citing with APA and IEEE Styles, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 4:00-5:00pm: Discuss the ins and outs of two of the most commonly used citation styles on campus.
Google Apps, Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1:00-2:00pm: Make Google Applications (calendar, docs, sheets, groups, etc.) work for you!
If you would prefer a different topic or are unavailable at the scheduled time, please schedule a consultation. Immediate reference assistance is also available M-F, 9-5 via our Ask Us & FAQ page.
iDesign Info Session

iDesign Panama info session
November 11th, 6:00 pm, Zoom
Attend this virtual info session to learn about the iDesign program — a program that provides a venue to do inspired, international, and integrative community design working with partners in economically disadvantaged locations around the world. A program in Panama is tentatively being planned for August 2021. Engineering majors may enroll for senior design credit (subject to department approval), and other majors can earn elective course credits.
Upcoming Intramural Events!

Looking to add some more pep to your event?

Well, then you should invite your local Huskies Pep Band to come and crash your orgs event! To invite along a band just fill out the following form and we will reply back to you as soon as possible. Please give us at least a week’s notice. https://bit.ly/3lN1n3p
How to Help a Friend – Suicide Prevention Training
Awkward Silence Presents: Seize the Awkward | Friendship & Mental Health
One of the best things about Michigan Tech is that we’re such a tight-knit community, and the thing that comes with a tight community is caring about those in our community. If you’re part of a student org., especially if you have a leadership position, you’re probably pretty concerned with ways to help your friends – especially with how stressful school + coronavirus can be. Heck, even if you aren’t in a leadership position, you probably want to learn better ways to help friends in need. But… conversations about mental health can feel awkward, intimidating and sometimes like you’re even crossing a line. When you seize the awkward ( <– check out that link, it’s super helpful) of these difficult conversations, it can be helpful to have a little training to rely on.
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) is a suicide prevention and awareness training that is online and takes about 25-30 minutes to complete. QPR is a lot like CPR, it can give people who aren’t professionals (all of you) a way to help someone in need. QPR teaches you first how to talk to someone who you might think is considering suicide, second, how to persuade them to get help, and last, how to refer them to help. We highly recommend this training for each of you, as well as any member of the MTU community, so please share this information.
- Access Training Link: http://www.qprtraining.com/setup.php
- Access Code: MTU
Remember, it’s not your responsibility to provide therapy for all your friends or to fix all the problems in the world (although, if you have a cure for COVID, we’d take that…). Set healthy boundaries for yourself, check in and connect with others frequently, and get help for yourself and others before you hit rock bottom. We’re here to support you whenever you need to talk through something or get mental health help for yourself or a friend. Contact Student Mental Health at 906-487-2538 or counseling@mtu.edu for an appointment or, if it’s an after-hours emergency, dial Public Safety to speak to the on-call counselor at 906-487-2216.
Husky Hour Events!

Come learn about proper nutrition practices, why nutrition is important, and tips and tricks to be a healthier person overall at this Husky Hour. Join on Zoom!
Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being Upcoming Workshops

Check out all of our workshops for the semester and sign up here: https://www.mtu.edu/well-being/programs/workshops/ |
Biofluids Laboratory Graduate Research Assistant Position Open
The Biofluids Laboratory at the Biomedical Engineering Department of Michigan Technological University has an opening for a graduate research assistant (PhD) starting January 2021.
The candidate will contribute to:
- The design and implementation of cardiovascular devices.
- Conducting experimental and computational studies on various congenital and adult cardiovascular models.
- Image reconstruction and processing by using and expanding existing tools and development of novel methodologies.
More detailed description of our website can be found HERE.
Applicants should hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, or a related field. To apply, please send a copy of your CV and the contact information of three references to Dr. Hoda Hatoum (hhatoum@mtu.edu). Review of applications will begin immediately.