Looking for an awesome summer job?

If you’re a Michigan Tech student looking for a summer position that lets you channel your creativity, innovation, enthusiasm, and team spirit, all in a professional environment, we have just the job for you at Summer Youth Programs! All student majors and levels are welcome, full and part-time positions available.
We are currently planning our 2021 Summer Youth Programs and will be accepting staff applications now through the end of November and interviewing virtually in early December. For more information and to apply please visit us online and submit your application, resume, and schedule your virtual interview.
G.R.I.T. Leadership Workshop

Attend this leadership event, G.R.I.T. on Saturday, December 5th at 9:30 AM. This interactive virtual event will help you learn and grow in the areas of values-based leadership, self-motivation, perseverance, and accountability!
Spots are limited, register here to participate. There will be prizes and giveaways available to those who attend!!!
Winter Warm Up

On-Campus Flu Shot Clinic

Michigan Tech, in collaboration with UP Health System – Portage, brings you an on-campus flu shot clinic from 4 to 6 p.m. Thursday (Nov. 19) in the Rozsa Center Lobby.
A few things to remember for this year’s Flu Shot Clinics:
- No need to make an appointment—all flu shot clinics are walk-in friendly
- Be sure to have a valid copy of your insurance card (or a very clear picture of the front and back of the card) with you when you arrive
- Be sure to fill out the 2020 Influenza Vaccination Authorization Form before you arrive
- Be Smart, Do Your Part: Michigan Tech’s health and safety guidelines apply to everyone on campus. At all flu shot clinics, practice six feet of physical distancing and wear a face covering. If you don’t feel well, please stay home and plan to attend a future clinic.
- Flu shots are $40 for those who do not have insurance. Payable by cash, check or credit card.
- Join the UP Regional Flu Shot Challenge! Your results will be added to your institution’s data as we compete against other UP institutions. To log your flu shot (even if you received it off campus), please visit The Center For Rural Health page.
Full details can be found by visiting The Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being web page and questions can be directed to Whitney Boroski.
IRHC “Among Us” Whiteboard Decorating Competition

HuskyLead: Step Into Leadership

In the final HuskyLead of the semester, join presenter Beka Horsch, Coordinator of Student Leadership & Involvement for Step Into Leadership. An effective officer transition can set the tone for future organization success! Learn how to effectively run an officer election and facilitate proper knowledge transfer for incoming organizational leaders. Please join us on Zoom on Thursday, December 3 at 6 PM.
Featured this week in the Michigan Tech Lode

- News: Great news atop Mont Ripley
- Pulse: MTU observes American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month
- Opinion: Why your vote matters and your opinion doesn’t
- Tech: M183: What one wolf can reveal about the population as a whole
Check out our website to see a full list of this week’s articles!
University Senate Ad-Hoc Committee Survey
The University Senate Ad-Hoc Committee to Review Institutional Policy and Procedures for On-Campus Events would like to invite you to take the following survey. Part of our charge as a committee is to fully document the September 27th rally held on and around campus. If you attended, witnessed, or were impacted by the event and would like to share thoughts, pictures, videos, or audio recordings of this event, we’d like to hear from you.
Link: https://forms.gle/bfz4QF2kK5NEi7y99
The survey will remain open/accepting responses through December 4th, and the committee will be reporting on its findings at the January 20th meeting of the University Senate.
Virtual RTC Colloquium

The Department of Humanities will be hosting its first virtual RTC colloquium of the year on Wednesday, November 18th, between 4:00 and 5:30 PM. We will have two cross-disciplinary presentations: Dr Michelle Javie-Eggart (Engineering Fundamentals) will present “Investigating Factors Motivating Engineering Faculty to Adopt and Teach New Engineering Technologies”; Alfred Owusu-Ansah (Humanities) will present “Rhetorically Decoding Computer Programming as a Digital Literacy.” Dr Sarah Bell (Humanities) will be the respondent. All are welcome! Here is the link to the Zoom event: https://michigantech.zoom.us/j/86408896251

Join Husky Innovate for a virtual panel discussion with three remarkable entrepreneurs. Each panelist will share how their journey has shaped their perspectives on entrepreneurship and will reflect on the importance of adaptability and resilience — and how to stay relevant during Covid-19.
Zoom registration: http://bit.ly/WomenInnovate
How to Help a Friend – Suicide Prevention Training
Awkward Silence Presents: Seize the Awkward | Friendship & Mental Health
One of the best things about Michigan Tech is that we’re such a tight-knit community, and the thing that comes with a tight community is caring about those in our community. If you’re part of a student org., especially if you have a leadership position, you’re probably pretty concerned with ways to help your friends – especially with how stressful school + coronavirus can be. Heck, even if you aren’t in a leadership position, you probably want to learn better ways to help friends in need. But… conversations about mental health can feel awkward, intimidating and sometimes like you’re even crossing a line. When you seize the awkward ( <– check out that link, it’s super helpful) of these difficult conversations, it can be helpful to have a little training to rely on.
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) is a suicide prevention and awareness training that is online and takes about 25-30 minutes to complete. QPR is a lot like CPR, it can give people who aren’t professionals (all of you) a way to help someone in need. QPR teaches you first how to talk to someone who you might think is considering suicide, second, how to persuade them to get help, and last, how to refer them to help. We highly recommend this training for each of you, as well as any member of the MTU community, so please share this information.
- Access Training Link: http://www.qprtraining.com/setup.php
- Access Code: MTU
Remember, it’s not your responsibility to provide therapy for all your friends or to fix all the problems in the world (although, if you have a cure for COVID, we’d take that…). Set healthy boundaries for yourself, check in and connect with others frequently, and get help for yourself and others before you hit rock bottom. We’re here to support you whenever you need to talk through something or get mental health help for yourself or a friend. Contact Student Mental Health at 906-487-2538 or counseling@mtu.edu for an appointment or, if it’s an after-hours emergency, dial Public Safety to speak to the on-call counselor at 906-487-2216.
Upcoming Husky Hour Events!

Learn about the in’s and out’s of moving off campus. Get a handle on understanding a lease, where to look, and how to look for the best place for you. Join us on zoom!

Learn all about sustainability at MTU and how you might live a more sustainable lifestyle. Join us on zoom!
Michigan Tech Title IX 2020 Sexual Misconduct Survey Results
The recent Michigan Tech sexual misconduct climate survey reflects students’ voices and thoughts on the sexual misconduct climate, including information related to incidents of sexual violence, policy, reporting, training, programming, support and resources. In January 2020, the survey invitation was distributed to all enrolled students. Participation was voluntary and responses were anonymous. Approximately 11% responded; 21% were graduate and 77% undergraduate students.
The results tell us that overall, students agree that faculty and staff are concerned about their welfare and Michigan Tech has a good support system for students going through difficult times. Full details on the survey results can be found on Michigan Tech’s Title IX web page at mtu.edu/title-ix/assessment.
SDC Thanksgiving Break Hours

SDC Thanksgiving Break Schedule