HuskyLead: Step Into Leadership

In the final HuskyLead of the semester, join presenter Beka Horsch, Coordinator of Student Leadership & Involvement for Step Into Leadership. An effective officer transition can set the tone for future organization success! Learn how to effectively run an officer election and facilitate proper knowledge transfer for incoming organizational leaders. Please join us on Zoom on Thursday, December 3 at 6 PM.
The Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success is Hiring for 2021-22!
The Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success is hiring students for the 2021-2022 academic year. There are a variety of positions that we will be filling with over 70 new employees: Orientation Team Leaders, ExSEL Peer Mentors, Success Coaches and Peer Teaching Assistants. If you are interested in helping your fellow students in their transition to and overall success at Michigan Tech, we encourage you to apply!
Interested students must take in an information session either live on Zoom on December 3 from 5-6 p.m., or watch a recording of that session that we will post on our hiring page starting on December 4. Please visit our hiring website for the link to the information session, position descriptions, and more information about the hiring process:
Applications are due January 24, 2021 – early applications encouraged!
Students can direct any questions
Featured this week in the Michigan Tech Lode

News: New health dept. order, campus level 5 imminent
This Week in History
Pulse: Broomball: a lasting legacy at Michigan Tech
Getting your lab results: Medical Lab Scientists bring real-world testing to MTU
Opinion: The Great British Baking Show is the only thing keeping me going and that’s okay
Life is just less funny now and it’s ruining entertainment
Check out our website to see past articles and more!
ISO: Food Photos! Win a Prize!

The Western UP Food Systems Collaborative invites you to join us in telling our food stories! We are hosting youth and adult photo contests to help us create a rich narrative about our community. You are invited to submit one or more photos you love for their look, message, or personal meaning to at least one of the following categories:
- Homegrown and Home Raised
- Hunting, Fishing, and Gathering
- Make It, Bake It, Preserve It
- Food as Community
- Local Festivals and Markets
- Health and Wellbeing
- Food Cultures and Histories
- A Category of Your Choosing!
Photos accompanied by a short description can be submitted using the Google Form included with this message. If you do not have a Gmail account, please complete our printable PDF submission form and email it to Participants are invited to submit as many entries as they would like, but only one photo may be submitted per form. Submissions are due on December 9th at 11:59 pm EDT and prize winners will be announced shortly afterward!
We hope that this contest inspires you to share stories about our community. Sharing your stories with the public is one way to generate knowledge about our community and this knowledge has the power to inspire social change. Please invite others to contribute to or hear our stories! Past and present submissions are accessible to the public on Flickr @WUPFoodPics (no account needed.) Your photos and stories may also be published on the WUPFSC website, the WUPFSC annual report, or in other WUPFSC publications.
Graduate Students: Join Write-D

SDC Hours

Superior Wind Symphony Presents “Reparations 2,” a Virtual Concert
The Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts and
Department of Visual and Performing Arts presents a virtual streamed video concert by the Superior Wind Symphony (SWS), titled “Reparations 2,” planned for Saturday, December 5, at 7:30 PM. Led by Michigan Tech’s director of bands Mike Christianson, the title surrounds the theme of “little-known and under-recognized Black American composers in history.” The concert will feature the Superior Wind Symphony in a streamed video concert of music by all African-American composers from the 1700’s to the present.
According to Christianson, “Our concer, the second in a series of four that will be performed along the theme of “Reparations,” will feature music, played in a somewhat socially distanced way by the members of the Superior Wind Symphony, that represents the music of black and other minority composers who have not received either the attention or recognition of white composers. This music will be from roughly 1700 to now, and will all be wonderful, whether you’ve heard of the composers or not. Concerts will be made available via online video streams, as they are ready.”
This concert is free and open to the public, and the link can be accessed on the Rozsa Center website.
For more details, please contact Mike Christianson, D.M.A., Associate Professor, Director of Bands, Michigan Technological University,, 906-487-2825 (off.).
Michigan Technological University is an equal opportunity educational institution/equal opportunity employer.
Film Board Events
It’s a Wonderful Life Movie
On December 4th and 5th at 8pm, Film Board will be showing It’s a Wonderful Life on Zoom. Grab some snacks and find a cozy seat to watch this classic holiday film.
The Zoom link will be shared later this week on our social media pages:
Instagram: @film_board
Facebook: Film Board
Twitter: filmboard
The Art of Fricion Management

On December 7th at 7pm via Zoom, the Railroad Engineering and Activities Club will be hosting our final presentation of the semester. Brian Royak from LB Foster will be talking about a very important, yet relatively unknown topic in the railroad industry: Friction Management. Why is this important? Well for one, the core of what makes a railroad a viable form of transportation is a very low coefficient of friction. Without it, the railroad industry wouldn’t exist! After the presentation, we will be holding officer elections, so if you have attended a meeting at all this semester, we need you to help vote! If you aren’t on our email list, reach out to for the Zoom link.