Featured this week in the Michigan Tech Lode

Featured this week in the Michigan Tech Lode:
News: This week in history
Michigan population vaccinated exceeds total diagnosed since March
Pulse: Denali art exhibit: a brief review
One week ‘til Carni! Here’s what to expect
Opinion: Camera on
Flavor Flav is slept on
Tech: Technology for Winter Carnival 2021 is essential
Check out our website to see past articles and more!
Do you enjoy writing, editing, photography or graphic design? We are currently in need of new individuals to join our staff! We meet weekly on Wednesdays and publish the same night on our website. Eventually, we will be returning to print publishing as well. We are a dedicated and fun group of individuals who enjoy representing campus life through news. Email us at lodesubmit@mtu.edu and find out how you can join the Lode!
Hang out with Steve-O

Friday, Feb 5 at 9 PM on Zoom
This virtual Q&A event will allow you to catch up with the Jackass star Steve-O and ask him questions about his life.
There will be prizes for a few lucky attendees!
*This event has college humor and is recommended for ages 18 and up.*
MUB Board Upcoming Events

Come sing your heart out at the Winter Carnival Karaoke Night! We will have three large prizes to hand out to participants! This event will take place on the night of all-nighter. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date with our latest events.
Tarot Card Readings

Gain insight into your past, present, and future through a free tarot card reading.
Each reading will be a 3 card spread and will last 8-10 minutes long.
Register for a time-slot to ensure you get a reading. However, you do not need to register to attend!
Time-slot registration:
Zoom link will be posted closer to the event
36 Hour Teeter Totter for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

The sisters of Delta Phi Epsilon will be teeter-tottering for 36 hours during Winter Carnival in order to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis. Thirty-six hours represents the average lifespan of someone with cystic fibrosis, which is thirty-six years old. We would appreciate any donation that you might be able to provide in order to help those affected by this disease. A small amount can go such a long way! Here is our donation page.
Memorial to Charlotte Jenkins on Friday, February 5th
Residence Education and Housing Services will be holding a memorial to Charlotte Jenkins, the student, friend, RA, and dear member of our Tech community who passed away on January 16th. The memorial/open house will take place this Friday, February 5th from 6pm to 8pm in the Rozsa parking lot (lot 5 and lot 9) and also virtually. All students, staff, faculty, and members of the community are welcome. For more information on the event, please reach out to Anna Browne (ambrowne@mtu.edu) or join the Remembering Charlotte discord server. A link to the server can be found here.
Black Students Association and Late Night Programming Present Black History Month Trivia

Join us on Zoom on Thursday, February 11 at 6:00 PM. Win prizes as you test your knowledge!
Speed Study Abroad Advising

Zoom into ISA and USAC: Speed study abroad advisingFebruary 4th, at 12:00 pm
Zoom: bit.ly/ISA-USAC
Stop by the virtual information table for speed study abroad advising with International Studies Abroad (ISA) and University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC). Just like an in-person information table, representatives from ISA and USAC will give you a brief overview of their study abroad programs and will give you their contact information for a follow-up meeting.
Students will be admitted into the Zoom room every 15 minutes, with the last admittance at 12:45.
If you have any questions, please email studyabroad@mtu.edu.
Ireland Student Abroad Virtual Information Sessions

Are you searching for something adventurous to experience this summer? How does exploring the coasts of Ireland sound? Or what about exploring Aran Islands, Galway, the Ring of Kerry, and Cliffs of Moher? You can see all of those places with Michigan Tech faculty and students through the summer Michigan Tech faculty-led Ireland study abroad program.
Attend an upcoming info session to learn more about the program and the application process.
February 8th at 12:00 pm
Register in advance: bit.ly/MTU-Ireland
February 11th at 5:00 pm
Register in advance: bit.ly/MTU-Ireland 11
Finance Your Innovation Workshop

February 10th, 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Registration: bit.ly/HuskyInnovate-Finance
Husky Innovate is hosting Finance Your Innovation, a virtual workshop with Patrick Visser, Chief Commercial Officer at the MTEC SmartZone Nathan Sturos, Michigan Tech alum and Principal at Sturos CPA, a full-service accounting firm based Calumet. Both bring a broad range of finance experience.
Workshop topics:
1) Fundamentals of small company finance including using balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and pro-forma financial statements to make financially conservative projections emphasizing the importance of vetting financial documents with data gathered during customer discovery and market research.
2) Founder capital fundraising strategies and choices including bootstrapping, angel investment, venture capital investment, and growth capital financing.
Three Minute Thesis Competition for World Water Day
2021 World Water Day will be virtually the week of March 22-26 (exact dates & events are being planned now). WWD has been celebrated annually at Michigan Tech since 2007. World Water Day events will include a student Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition (previously a poster competition, but the committee determined 3MT is a better fit for our virtual 2021 celebration), panel discussion, art show, and other virtual student engagement activities. World Water Day is sponsored worldwide by the United Nations—this year’s theme is “What Does Water Mean To You?”
The student 3MT competition has three categories: (1) original student research; (2) course-based research; and (3) people’s choice. There will be student cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for categories #1 & #2, plus a single cash prize for category #3.
Here is the link to the Google Form students should use to register for the competition. Students must register by Friday, February 12th at 11:59 p.m. Once registered, the WWD Committee will send a second form to which registered students can submit their video and supporting materials, which will be due the week prior (Thursday, March 18). Check out Michigan Tech’s 2020 winning 3MT presentation by Jordan Ewing here.
Math Learning Center is Hiring

Registration Open for Michigan Concealed Pistol License Course
Registration is open for the next Michigan Concealed Pistol License course at the SDC Shooting Range. This is the premier course in the state of Michigan. The Michigan Coalition of Responsible Gun Owners (MCRGO) course covers what you need to know for carrying in open spaces. Not just what to do in your home, but what to do in the parking lot, in the alley, etc. We also add in things we teach our other courses that we feel you are going to need to know, doing our best to help prepare you to prevail in any encounter. Rental equipment available for an additional fee; individuals responsible for supplying their own ammunition (100 rounds). Students will receive a copy of the course material on the day of class.
Must be 20 years of age or older, no experience necessary. Class size is limited.
February 13, 8am-5pm
$150/person (participant has their own equipment)
$185/person (w/ rental equipment provided by 906 Tactical – 9mm pistol @ $35)
Deadline to register: February 8
Visit Michigan CPL Course for more information or to register.
Upcoming Intramural Events

Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being Upcoming Workshops
Interested in other workshops or groups from the Center for Student Mental Health & Well-being? Check them out here:
Workshops: click here.
Groups: click here.