Bring a friend (or two!) and join us for our fifth annual Plant-A-Palooza!!
You can plant a succulent and take it home. Wednesday, May 26 at 2 PM on Walker Lawn. We will be featuring a HUGE variety of succulents to choose from!!
Plants, dirt, and pots will be provided – while supplies last!

Nominate your RSO for the Student Org Spotlight! The Spotlight is featured on Student Leadership & Involvement social media and webpage, highlighting your RSO to a large audience. Make sure you include any events coming up in the fall, fun facts about your org, and any accomplishments you’d like to highlight. Questions? Email rso@mtu.edu

Camping 101
Summer’s approaching fast! Come join us Wednesday, June 2 at 2 PM on Walker Lawn.
Learn how to set up a tent, what supplies to bring, how to pack a backpack, planning meals, and more!

S’more than a feeling
Take a break and enjoy some time around the fire! We will be making s’mores and learning more about the Green Bandanna Project.
June 8th from 2-4 pm (Rain day June 9th from 2-4 pm) at Hillside Fire Ring
Students, faculty, staff, RSO’s, and all Michigan Tech community members and their families are welcome!
Husky Emergency Assistance Fund
The Husky Emergency Assistance Fund was established in 2020 to help members of our campus community who are experiencing financial hardship. All current students, faculty and staff who have incurred emergency or crisis-related expenses and can demonstrate need are welcome to apply.
The fund is supported by donations from Michigan Tech alumni and friends.
To get more information or complete an application for financial assistance, visit the Husky Emergency Assistance Fund website, send an email to heaf@mtu.edu or call 906-487-1567.