Late Night Presents…
Comedian Cam Bertrand
Join Late Night for our first comedian of the Spring semester – Cam Bertrand!! This hilarious event will take place Saturday, January 29 at 10 PM in the MUB Ballroom.
Cam Bertrand is one of the fastest rising comedy stars in the country. Cam’s comedy can best be described as “sophisticated ignorance”. He prides himself on being able to turn even the dumbest conversations into ones that will have you up late at night asking yourself “What is that .01% of germs that GermX can’t kill after all this time?!..”
He’s opened for some of the biggest names in comedy today including Bert Kreischer, Joe Rogan, Pete Davidson, Michael Che, and Mike Epps. He was a contributing writer on two seasons of MTV’s Wild’N’Out (Seasons 11 and 12), has over 100 million views on TikTok (@camthecomic) and his recent Dry Bar Comedy special has been seen by millions online. In 2021 Cam became a finalist on season 16 of NBC’s America’s Got Talent!
*This event is free and contains college humor.
RSO Spring Involvement Fair
Looking for a way to get involved? The Spring Involvement Fair is a new tradition that takes place each January, giving new and returning students an opportunity to explore more options for their involvement.
Virtual Oasis- January 20th from 6-8 pm on Involvement Link
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) will have virtual meeting rooms attached to their organization’s description on the Virtual Oasis Involvement Link event page. New and returning students can browse through participating RSOs and join their virtual meeting rooms to chat with current members about their organization. Attending students will be entered into the prize drawing which includes Husky apparel, Hydroflask water bottles, and gift cards!
A Walk on the Beach- January 26th from 1-4 pm in the MUB
Student organizations will have individual tables set up throughout the MUB where new and returning students can check out the organizations. Students who talk with at least five different student organizations will enter into the prize drawing. All attending students will enjoy light, beach-themed refreshments.
Any questions can be directed to
MUB Board Presents…
Think You Know Campus?
Happy 7 Days of MUB! “Think You Know Campus?” ends today, Jan. 19th, at 5pm! Hurry and follow the clues to each location on campus and scan the QR codes to be entered into a raffle for a brand new iPad. You can participate via the link below.
p.s. There may be skip the line cards for the first 10 to finish the “Think You Know Campus?” event. (This might be especially nice for Stuff A Husky.)
Link here:

Upcoming HuskyLeads:
Leadership Styles and When to Use Them
Visionary Leadership, Servant Leadership, Transformational Leadership – you’ve likely heard these words, but do you understand what each means? There are many different leadership styles that you might embody and your leadership style might change based on the action you are taking or the relationship you are building. Join Alexis Straub and Josh Gostlin from Residence Education and Housing Services to learn more about these various styles and when to use them! Add this event to your calendar!
Creating and Maintaining a Student Organization Budget
Student Organization Budget Hearings are quickly approaching! Join Mark Holmgren from Student Leadership and Involvement to learn budgeting best practices for creating and maintaining your organization’s finances. Basics from setting up your organization’s budget tracking spreadsheet to tracking expenses will be reviewed. Add this event to your calendar!
Broomball is Hiring Referees!
We are once again short of refs! When we sent out our announcement that we had enough refs, 75 people had applied. Since then, only:
60 People confirmed the position
45 People submitted paperwork
28 People showed up to ref training
This is not enough.
We will be doing a few things to fix this problem:
Ref wages are increased to $11/hr, $11.25/hr for returning
We will be cutting games to fit our ref capacity. We will have off-ice training, followed by an on-ice shadowing of trained refs
Refs can choose their own schedule, even just 1-2 shifts per week
You don’t have to know anything about broomball
Shifts are only 3hrs long.
Each person who applies helps save the Season
Summer Employment Opportunity: Summer Youth Programs
Come make an impact this summer as Summer Youth Programs celebrate 50 years of high-impact educational experiences.
We’re looking for passionate individuals who enjoy working with youth and want to inspire the next generation of makers and doers to join our team of 50+ undergraduate and graduate students for a variety of roles that offer a rewarding experience that builds leadership and other critical interpersonal skills. To learn more, visit us on the web, drop by the Center for Educational Outreach office in Administration Building 217 (across from Career Services), or join us for an information session on Jan. 20 at 6 pm in the MUB Alumni Lounge.
Can’t make it in person on Jan 20? Join us virtually:
Upcoming GSG Webinar
Do you ever find yourself wondering how to be an effective Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) or Graduate Teaching Instructor (GTI)? The Professional Development Committee at GSG will be hosting Michael Meyer as a speaker for our “How to be an effective GTA/GTI” seminar.
Michael works with the Center for Teaching and Learning at MTU and teaches a course about this very thing, so don’t miss this invaluable material! Register here:
Husky Innovates Presents…
Business Model Boot Camp
1/19/22, 5:00 – 7:00 pm
M&M U113
Registration required
If you plan to compete in the Bob Mark Business Model Pitch Competition (January 27th), or if you’d like to learn how to develop a business model, this workshop is for you. The Bob Mark Business Model Competition will host up to16 contestants. Priority will be given to those who have completed the Business Model Boot Camp.
Using the Business Model Canvas, students will work with members of the Husky Innovate teaching team to develop a business model for their innovation. We walk through the steps involved to help you understand the relationship between your value proposition and the customers’ needs. The more clearly you understand this relationship, the better your position to launch a winning product or service.
Bob Mark Business Model Pitch Competition
4:00 – 5:00 social mixer
5:00 – 7:00 competition
MUB Ballroom A
Contestant pre-registration
Attendee Zoom pre-registration
Audience members and contestants also have the option to join virtually over Zoom, pre-registration required.
Graduate and undergraduate students from across campus disciplines are invited to pitch their business model in 4 minutes to a panel of judges. Contestants are required to register by January 21st.
Bob Mark Business Model Pitch Competition prize categories:
- First Prize: $2,000
- Second Prize: $1,000
- Third Prize: $500
- Honorable Mention (1 prize): $250
- Audience Favorite: $250 sponsored by Dan Green
- MTEC SmartZone Breakthrough Innovation award – $1,000
- Social Impact Award supported by Dr. Elham Asgari, CoB – $1000