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Student News Briefs

Backpacking Trips with the Outdoor Adventure Program

The Outdoor Adventure Company Program is hosting two camping trips in May 2012. The first is a 5-day trip to Isle Royale National Park from May 13-18. The cost per person is $250 and includes transportation on the Isle Royale Queen IV from Copper Harbor, group gear, food and FUN. All skill levels are welcome to attend.  The deadline for sign up is May 9, 2012.
The second is a 3-day trip to The Porcupine Mountains in Ontonagon, MI from May 25-27, 2012.  The cost is $65 and includes transportation, group gear, food and FUN.  All skill levels are welcome to attend.  Deadline for sign up is May 23, 2012.
To register for these trips, come by the OAP Rental Center at 207 East St. across US-41 from the Tech Library.  For questions regarding sign up and trip details please email the trip leader, Alyssa Friske, at

Student Newsbriefs April 27, 2012

Backpacking Trips with the Outdoor Adventure Program

The Outdoor Adventure Company Program is hosting two camping trips in May 2012. The first is a 5-day trip to Isle Royale National Park from May 13-18. The cost per person is $250 and includes transportation on the Isle Royale Queen IV from Copper Harbor, group gear, food and FUN. All skill levels are welcome to attend.  The deadline for sign up is May 9, 2012.
The second is a 3-day trip to The Porcupine Mountains in Ontonagon, MI from May 25-27, 2012.  The cost is $65 and includes transportation, group gear, food and FUN.  All skill levels are welcome to attend.  Deadline for sign up is May 23, 2012.
To register for these trips, come by the OAP Rental Center at 207 East St. across US-41 from the Tech Library.  For questions regarding sign up and trip details please email the trip leader, Alyssa Friske, at
Student Voice Survey

Student Activities is looking for feedback from the 2011-2012 year.
Please take a moment to give us your thoughts on campus programming.
Participants will be automatically registered for a drawing to win VIP access to campus events.
K-Day Registration

Attention Michigan Tech Student Organizations! Remember to register for K-Day online at:

Keweenaw Day (K-Day) is a longstanding tradition at Michigan Tech. K-Day is known for many different events and activities for students to get acclimated to another academic year. It is also an opportunity for organizations to promote themselves and interact with other students in a fun atmosphere.

The date has been set for Friday, September 7, 2012 and is organized by the Interfraternity Council.
Register online at:

For questions, please contact Student Activities at (906) 487-1963 or



Student News Briefs: April 13, 2012


FILM BOARD CHANGE:  Due to technical difficulties, Film Board will be showing Lilo and Stitch at 6, 8:30, and 11pm for FREE today (FRIDAY) in Fisher 135.  On SATURDAY and SUNDAY, we will be showing The Grey at 6, 8:30, and 11pm at regular ticket price ($3.00/Ticket).  Hope to see you at a show this weekend.  If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at


THREE DAYS TO HELP NORA:  Perhaps you’ve already voted for Nora’s intern
application video, and if you have, it is much appreciated- she’s in 2nd
place! If not, please take 10 seconds to vote for Nora Heikkinen, a
fourth-year STA student. 

CLICK: “Please Login to Vote”
Your Facebook information is to count votes: 1/person.

SHARE: please send link to friends, co-workers, and family, or have them
Google “nora island intern.”

Video at

Nora has found an internship matched exactly to her passions of outdoor
exploring, documenting, and interacting with people.  She needs you to take
just a few seconds to keep her application in the top five in order to make it to
the final interview round!
The internship is a 4-week exploration of Isla Palenque, an island owned by
Amble Resort in Panama. The intern participates in adventure sports,
interacts with indigenous people, and goes on excursions around the island,
all while documenting and blogging about the experience.


AISES CONFERENCE ON CAMPUS:  The American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) at Michigan Tech would like to invite all of campus to its conference events this weekend.  All events are open and free to Michigan Tech students.  The list of events in its entirety is attached  AISES Agenda[1].  AISES especially invites the public to join them at noon in the SDC Wood gym for the powwow.  Questions about the AISES conference can be directed to Lori Ann Sherman, AISES advisor, at


RALLY CROSS RACE:  The Sports Car Club of Michigan Tech is hosting a Rally Cross this Saturday in the Moyle Gravel Pit. All skill levels are welcome to  attend or race. Most cars and trucks can compete with the exception of high center of gravity vehicles. The cost to race is $35 for 6 to 10 runs, spectating is free. Directions: Follow US-41 past Walmart, and turn left at the Green Acres Road stoplight by Festival Foods. Follow the road until you see the Gravel Pit entrance on your left. Follow the orange road cones to the staging area.
Registration opens at 8:00am and closes at 9:30am. There will be a drivers meeting at 10:00am, and the race begins at 10:30am.
Rules and vehicle classes can be found on the Wisconsin Autosports Group website, the sanctioning body for the event. For any questions or comments, please email the SCC President, Kenneth Thorstenson, at
Vehicle Classes
Competition Rules


SIGN PETITION FOR WOMEN’S HEALTH ISSUES:  Did you know the student health insurance, required by Michigan Tech, covers pregnancy related costs and abortion services, but not birth control consultations?  The plan also covers part of the cost for birth control pills, but not other forms of contraception, such as the patch or IUD’s.  Even some lab fees for annual exams aren’t covered under the current plan.  What’s worse, having the plan excludes students from being eligible for state services such as Medicaid.  Tell Michigan Tech that women’s health issues matter by signing this petition:

You can also ‘like’ us on Facebook to receive updates on the progress of the campaign.


MIND TREKKERS NEEDS VOLUNTEERS:  Mind Trekkers is looking for 50 volunteers to attend their Iron Mountain/Lake
Superior State University road show coming up in May.  If you would like to go or would like further information,
please email Liz Fujita ( The plan is to leave Houghton
at 12PM on Wednesday, May 2 and return on Saturday, May 5 around 2 PM.


EUCHRE TOURNAMENT TUESDAY:  The Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority is hosting a Euchre tournament to raise money for the MPS society.  The tournament will be held on Tuesday, April 17 at 6:00 pm in the Wadsworth Hall Annex.  The cost will be $10 a team with the winner receiving a cash prize.  If you have any questions, contact Amanda Beam at


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR TIVITZ TOURNEY:  The Center for Pre-College Outreach needs your help on Thursday, April 19 from 9am-noon in the SDC Wood Gym. The department will be running a Tivitz Competition (  for 4th-7th grade students and they would like you enjoy a pizza lunch with the students while ensuring that they are following the (simple) rules of the competition. Volunteers can sign up for any time slot between 9:00 am and Noon.  To sign up contact Deb Maki at 487-2219 or


RECYCLING DRIVE:  Students at Michigan Tech will be hosting a Recycling Drive on Thursday, April 19  from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in the MUB Datolite Room.  Clean out your room at the end of the year and recycle some junk.  We will be collecting everything from paper to plastic and even GLASS!! Do something good for the environment and stop by! Contact Phill Mercier at with questions.


STUDENT ACTIVITIES WANTS FEEDBACK:  Student Activities is looking for feedback from the 2011-2012 year.
Please take a moment to give us your thoughts on campus programming.


WINTER CARNIVAL LOGO COMPETITION:  The theme for Winter Carnival 2013 will be “Heroes and Villains Find their Powers in These Frozen Winter Hours.”  Logos designs are now being accepted.  Forms  BK_logo_entry_form_2012[1] are available at or in the Blue Key office in MUB 106.  All logo submissions are due by Friday, April 20 at 5:00 pm to the Blue Key office.  The person who designs the winning logo will win $50! For questions, contact Michelle Chiodi


SDC RESERVATIONS OPEN FOR STUDENT ORGS:  For the academic year 2012/2013, the SDC open reservation period for student organizations began on April 9.  SDC reservations can be made at , left banner, Facility Reservation Form.  Due to the large demand for space, reservations may be limited to one 2-hour time slots per week, per organization.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.Lois Sedar


KEWEENAW SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA:  The Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra and Michigan Tech Concert Choir will share the Rozsa stage as they perform Ralph Vaughan Williams’ war cantata, Dona Nobis Pacem this Saturday, April 14, at 7:30 PM.  Renowned baritone, Nathan Herfindahl, and soprano, Lara Neves, will join in their performance of this gripping portrait of warfare and heart-felt plea for peace.  General Admission $15, Students $7, Michigan Tech Students Free. To purchase tickets, call (906) 487-2073, go online to, or visit Ticketing Operations at Michigan Tech’s Student Development Complex.  SDC box office hours are 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM, Monday-Friday, and 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM Saturday and 12:00 noon – 8:00 PM on Sunday.  Please note the Rozsa Box Office is closed during regular business hours, and will only open two hours prior to the show.


Student News Briefs: April 6, 2012



FILM BOARD:  This week Film Board is showing Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol in Fisher 135.  It will be shown on Friday, April 6 and Saturday, April 7 at 5:30, 8:30, and 11:30 pm.  Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents.  Next week we are showing: Chronicle.  If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at


PANCAKE BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER TOMORROW:  The students of the Pavlis Institute will be hosting a pancake breakfast fundraiser from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on Sunday, April 8 at St. Al’s Church (411 MacInnes Drive) to benefit communities in Ghana and India.  Perkins pancakes and Vollwerth’s sausages (among other goodies) will be
served. The meal is free with a donation. Artwork and crafts from Ghana will be available in a silent auction. In the summer of 2012, Pavlis students will travel to Ghana and India to implement a number of service projects. All funds raised at the breakfast will be used to support these international efforts.  The Pavlis Institute for Global Technological Leadership was founded by alumnus Frank Pavlis. The institute aims to transform students into tomorrow’s leaders by teaching them communication, ethics, sustainability, culture and leadership skills.


2012 Spring Chinese movie night will be held on  Sunday, April 8 at 7:30 pm in Fisher 135.  The Chinese action movie HERO will be shown. This event is sponsored by the Chinese Language and Culture Club.  FREE movie/99 minutes/English! We welcome everyone join us and enjoy the movie!


PREGNANT AND PARENTING STUDENTS NETWORK:  The Pregnant and Parenting Students Network will be hosting their final meeting of the semester. Please join us Tuesday April 10 at 6:00pm in the Daniel Heights Community Room for a full meal and kids’ activities. The meeting is free and open to children, spouses, partners, and other care-takers (even if they are not students).
PPSN is a support network for students who are pregnant and parenting. Support for the group comes from University Counseling and Wellness Services, The Michigan Tech Parent’s Fund, Housing and Residential Life, and the Center for Diversity and Inclusion. If you have any questions, please contact Counseling Services at 487-2538.


REAC HOSTS SPEAKER:  The Railroad Engineering and Activities Club will be hosting Canadian National Chief Engineer of Structures, Nigel Peters, this Tuesday April 10. His presentation topics, times and location are:

2-3 p.m., Dillman 214, Introduction to Railroad Bridges and Structures
4-5 p.m., Dillman 214, Rail – Latest Developments and Challenges
6-7 p.m., Dillman 214, CN Bridge Projects

Any questions about REAC or this event can be directed to Eric Goers at


HELP MAKE THIS STUDENT’S DREAM A REALITY:  Have you ever read a job description and thought “That is what I was born to do!” This happened to Nora Heikkinen, a fourth-year STA student. She has found an internship matched exactly to her passions of outdoor exploring, documenting, and interacting with people. Please take 10 seconds to help her application make it to the final round with your vote!


CLICK: “Please Login to Vote”
Your Facebook information is to count votes- 1/person.

SHARE: please send link to friends, co-workers, and family.

The internship is a 4-week exploration of Isla Palenque, an island owned by Amble Resort in Panama. The intern participates in adventure sports, interacts with indigenous people, and goes on excursions around the island, all while documenting and blogging the experience.


GLOBAL CITY PHOTO EXHIBIT:  Global City is proud to partner with the Vertin Gallery, the Keweenaw Brewing Company and the Copper Country Community Art Center for the second annual Global City photo exhibit!

Global City is a student organization at Michigan Tech dedicated to addressing critical global issues, especially those that most directly impact developing countries. Its three main goals are to: 1) foster cooperation and understanding among nationals of different countries, 2) promote interest in international affairs such as the environment, human rights, technology transfer, poverty, development, and sustainability, and 3) provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to benefit the university and the world community.

The winning photos representing the categories of “People”, “Planet”, “Sustainability” and “Glocal” will be exhibited in the following venues around Hancock, Houghton and Calumet:

 April 6 – 14 – Vertin Gallery in Calumet

April 15 – 29 – Keweenaw Brewing Company

April 30 – May 6 – Copper Country Community Arts Center

All are welcome to attend opening night at 7:00pm, Friday, April 6 at the Vertin Gallery as part of the Calumet First Friday events. We are excited to offer a glimpse of Global City members’ pictorial vision that embodies the essence of both local and global community. Please come out and support this vibrant and inspiring exhibit!


Student News Briefs: March 30, 2012


TECH EXPRESS MOVING:  Tech Express Services Moving:  All card services are moving from the Bookstore to the Library and IT Service Center as of April 2, 2012.  This will include Michigan Tech ID Cards and all related services such as Meal Plans, Express Cash, Big Dog Bucks, Top Dog Meals, Dining Dollars and Guest Meal sales along with Quad Core Fitness Club memberships. can still be used to view your balances and transactions as well as add money or meals to your card.  There will no longer be an option to withdraw cash from your Express Cash account.

Services that will be staying in the Bookstore include:

· Mailbox and Locker Rental

· Postage Stamps

· Kodak Photo Printing

· Laminating

· UPS Shipping

· Textbook Buyback


FILM BOARD:  This week Film Board is showing Contraband in Fisher 135. It will be shown on Friday, March 30th and Saturday, March 31st at 6:0, 8:30, and 11:00pm. Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents. Next week we are showing: Mission Impossible 4. If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at


THEMES FOR WINTER CARNIVAL 2013:  Theme submissions are now being accepted for the 2013 Winter Carnival!!!  Please send your ideas to by April 4.  The official theme will be announced on Friday, April 13 at Spring Fling.


RELAY FOR LIFE STARTS TONIGHT:  Help fight back against cancer and join Michigan Tech at their annual Relay for Life event!  The Relay For Life Registered Student Organization at Michigan Tech will we holding their relay event from Friday March 30th 6:00 PM to Saturday, March 31st 6:00 AM. The event will be held in the SDC wood gym.  The event list includes rock climbing, basketball, dodgeball, and many other exciting activities!  Their will be luminaria and ceremonies for survivors and caregivers.  There will be food, fun, and lots of activities, so please join us and help fight back against Cancer!  Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back.  For more information, please contact Amanda Carlson at 920-321-8773 or; or Carl at 906-250-4129


THE BIG QUESTION:  The Big Question Series continues this Friday, March 30, 2012 at noon in the Memorial Union Building Commons.  Prompting discussion is the article called “What If There’s No Hell?” from the April 25, 2011 issue of Time Magazine.  Some of the Big Questions to be covered:  Is Hell Dead?  Heaven or Hell: Should I Care?  What If There Is No Hell?

The issue may or may not hold much weight for Lutherans, but it sure has in downstate Michigan at Mars Hill, the huge Reformed Church were Rob Bell was the pastor.  It also helped make headlines with the Southern Baptist Convention who recently passed a resolution, in reference to the kafuffle caused in part by Bell, affirming the reality of hell as a place of eternal physical torment.   It wasn’t enough to affirm hell as separation from God or eternal death; their resolution says we need to be reminded that it’s a place where unrepentant sinners will experience torment forever for choosing wrongly, or for not choosing at all.  

The BIG QUESTION Series is sponsored by the student organization, Lutheran Campus Ministry (ELCA) at Michigan Tech, and in partnership with Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.  To find the discussion group in the MUB Commons, look for the shepherd’s staff. The discussion group is a noon-time series of informal, on-campus discussions for students, staff and faculty that focus on many questions in which religion and contemporary issues intersect.  Questions and topics include “Cosmic Silence: God does not seem to answer prayer”; “Church:  Should I Stay or Should I Go? – Higher Education is being blamed for young people leaving Christianity”;  “Where did evil come from (or is it just Friday the 13th)?”; “Heaven / Hell: Should I care?  Is Hell dead? What if there is no Hell?”; “Predestination or is the Holy Spirit really accomplishing anything?”;  “Just what is a purpose-driven life?”

For more information on the Big Questions Series, contact Bucky Beach via email:


CAMPUS HOPE SPEAKER SERIES:  The Campus HOPE Student Organization will be sponsoring a Christian speaker, Pastor Daniel McGrath, to come and speakabout the truths in the Bible. This series is entitled “Can The Bible Really Be Trusted?”  Please join us every night from Monday, March 26th to Friday, March 30th at 7:00pm in Fisher 138.  The public is invited and Bibles will be provided free of charge!  For any questions, please contact us at

NANCOON 23 1/2:  Nanocon 23½ is taking over the first floor of Fisher Hall, this Saturday, March 31.  Events include anime screenings such as the animated feature, Redline; Smash Bros. tournament; Science; Dance Dance Revolution; a one-shot Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 campaign and other table-top games; toast, and more!  Nanocon 23½ is sponsored by HARO, PFRC, The DDR Club, and GA!  For more information, contact Dylan Steinmetz at


INTERNATIONAL NIGHT:  Join us on Sunday, April 1, from 6pm-7:30pm in the MUB Ballroom for International Night sponored by the International Club at Michigan Tech.  Savor an endless buffet of international dishes including dumplings, chicken, rice, curry, hash, salad, desserts, and more while enjoying 8 international performances including singing, dancing, comedy sketches, and community drumming.  Tickets are $10 for students and are available at the SDC ticket office and on the Rozsa Center website under “University Events.”   Limited tickets may be available at the door.


PRIDE WEEK:  Keweenaw Pride, a registered student organization at Michigan Tech, is sponsoring the following events during Pride Week, which is April 1-6.  The events are held in order to raise awareness of the issues of homophobia, acceptance, and tolerance on our campus and in the community.

 Sunday (4/1): Film Screening – The Curiosity of Chance
                Where: M&M U115
                When: 7PM
                Pop and popcorn will be provided.
Monday (4/2): Guess The Straight Person
                Where: MUB Ballroom A1
                When: 7PM
                Finger foods will be provided.

Tuesday (4/3): Taboo Talk
                Where: DHH Ballroom
                When: 7PM

Wednesday (4/4): Film Screening – She’s a Boy I Knew
                Where: Fisher 135
                When: 8PM
                Pop and popcorn will be provided. (This event will be hosted by oSTEM)

Thursday (4/5): Lecture by Reverend Dr. Jamie Washington
                Where: DHH Ballroom
                When: 6PM
Friday (4.6.2012): Dr. Keith Berry’s presentation “Uncovering the Gay Interculturalist”
                Where: Walker HDMZ 120
                When: 10AM
Friday (4.6.2012): Lunch with the Queens
                Where: Center for Diversity and Inclusion
                When: 2PM
Friday (4.6.2012): Drag Show!
                Where: Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts
                When 8PM (Doors open at 7:30PM)

STOCKER RUN 2012:   Learn some tips to off-roading after Spring Fling at Stocker Run 2012!  The Four Wheelers of Michigan Tech will be holding a stock vehicle friendly day of off-roading on Saturday, April 14.  All you need is front and rear tow points for your vehicle.  Don’t have a vehicle? There are plenty of seats to just ride along.  We will be meeting in lot 14 at 10:00 am to go over proper recovery techniques and some tips to off-roading.  After the short info session, we will caravan out to the trails just outside of Houghton for the day.  If you have any questions, email, or stop by the MUB circle during Spring Fling (it will be hard to miss all of the Jeeps and Trucks).


STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS NEEDED:  Michigan Tech Youth Programs is looking for Student Organizations, Enterprise Teams, and Club Sports Teams to participate in two Campus Life fairs on Friday June 29 and Friday July 13 (Summer Track B).  Organizations need 1-3 representatives and some sort of table display to participate.  Each fair is for 150 high school students who have received a full scholarships to attend summer programs at Michigan Tech.  This is a great opportunity to represent the University to excellent prospective students while recruiting for your organization.  If you think your organization may be interested, please send a “yes” to Jess Banda at   More information will follow for those who respond with a yes!


SUPERIOR WINDS SYMPHONY AND CAMPUS CONCERT BAND:  This Saturday, March 31, at 7:30 PM, the Rozsa Center and the Michigan Tech Department of Visual and Performing Arts present “Superior Winds:  Spring Revels,” an evening featuring the music of John Williams, from the original Star Wars Trilogy, and a new arrangement of a work by renowned contemporary composer Eric Whitacre. Both the Superior Wind Symphony and Campus Concert Band will perform, conducted by Nicolas Enz, Michigan Technological University’s Director of Bands.  General Admission $10, Students $5,  Michigan Tech Students Free.  To purchase tickets, call (906) 487-2073, go online to, or visit Ticketing Operations at Michigan Tech’s Student Development Complex (SDC).



Student News Briefs: March 23, 2012


FILM BOARD:  This week Film Board is showing Sherlock Holmes 2 in Fisher 135.  It will be shown on Friday, March 23 and Saturday, March 24 at 5:30, 8:30, and 11:30 pm.  Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents.  Next week we are showing: Contraband.  If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at


CAMPUS HOPE SPEAKER SERIES: The Campus HOPE Student Organization will be sponsoring a Christian speaker, Pastor Daniel McGrath, to come and speak about the truths in the Bible.  This series is entitled “Can The Bible Really Be Trusted?” Please join us every night from Monday, March 26 to Friday, March 30 at 7:00 pm in Fisher 138.  The public is invited and Bibles will be provided free of charge! For any questions, please contact us at



DECA SHOWS “HOP”:  To kick-start your Easter weekend, DECA student organization will be showing “Hop” on Thursday, April 5 at 7:00 pm in Rehki 214.  This is a FREE event open to everyone on campus.  There will be popcorn, soda, and Easter candy!  If you have any questions regarding DECA or the event please contact Sarah Ochs at


VOCATIONAL JOB FAIR:  The Rotaract Club at Michigan Tech, an international service student organization, is hosting a Vocational Job Fair on Tuesday, March 27 at 7:00 pm in Fisher 126.  Leaders of the Houghton Rotary International will be presenting about their careers and offering professional advice to interested students.   Information about joining Rotaract will be available and free refreshments and snacks will be served.   If you think you might like to attend please send a confirmation email to Jess Banda,   To learn more about Rotaract visit: .


FUNDRAISER AT JOEY’S SEAFOOD AND GRILL:  Alpha Phi Omega student organization Relay for Life team will be hosting a fundraiser at Joey’s Seafood and Grill on Wednesday March 28.   Relay For Life raises money for cancer research.  Simply go into Joey’s on Wednesday and tell your server that you are there for the fundraiser, order your food and when you pay, 20% of your bill will be donated to APO’s relay team from the owner of Joey’s.  Visit APO’s Relay for Life link at  For questions, contact Travis Wakeham at

ROCK CLIMBING SORORITY EVENT:  The women of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority have rented out the rock climbing wall at the SDC and would love to see you there!  If you are interested or have any questions about how a sorority could work for you, come and join us Wednesday, March 28 at 7pm.  Rides will be provided to and from the residence hall lobbies at 6:45pm.  For anymore information, contact our recruitment leader Leona Parent at or call 586-383-3823.  Hope to see you there!


LODE SURVEY:  It would be greatly appreciated if you would fill out this short survey (only 4 questions) regarding Lode readership.  This survey will help us to better tailor our paper to what students would like to see.  At the same time knowing our readership will allow us to operate more efficiently, ensuring that we will be able to keep producing this paper as a service to students for years to come.  Just click on this link and it will bring you right to the survey  Questions about the survey can be directed to Joe Giddings at


JOB OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS:  The Office of Process Improvement is hiring 2 Student Process Improvement Coordinators.   The successful candidates will work with the department on specific improvement goals as well as support the Michigan Tech campus community in carrying out diverse improvement efforts.  More position information is available on NACElink, Job ID#15871.  Candidates must be available to work over the summer of 2012.  This position is year round and the hours are flexible. $9.00/hour.




Support Phi Sigma Bio Honor Society by participating in this year’s Bio Week March 26-30.  Attend one or all of the many events related to the biological sciences being hosted this week:

Monday (March 26th):  Save a life and register to become an organ donor.
   MUB COMMONS: 10-2
Tuesday (March 27th):  Stop by and sign the ‘We Love Biology’ banner with fingerpaints.
   DOW LOBBY: 10-2        
Wednesday (March 28th):  Book and Bake Sale.
   DOW LOBBY: 10-2
Thursday (March 29th):  Contagion movie night (snacks provided).
   FISHER 328 7pm
Friday (March 30th):  Pitch Burst! Soak your friends with water balloons.
   MUB LAWN: 2-4pm
Contact Phill Mercier ( with any questions about Biology Week.  Hope to see you all there!!

HEALTH CLINIC CLOSED THIS WEEKEND:  The clinic and pharmacy at the Portage Health University Center on MacInnes Drive will be closed on Friday, March 23 and the weekend as workers finish up Phase One of the $4.3 million addition and renovation.  The services will reopen on Monday, March 26 for regular business hours in the newly constructed space, which features a more spacious and comfortable registration area/waiting room, updated patient-care areas and an expanded, revamped pharmacy.  Phase Two of the project begins on Monday, March 26, and includes renovating the original clinic, which was built in 2000. The entire complex is expected to be open in August.


USG LANSING BLITZ:  Calling All Students!! Do you think the price of tuition is too high? Do you wish Lansing would prioritize University Funding? Well, the Student Association of Michigan’s Lansing Blitz- Higher Education Rally is for you. Come join members of the Undergraduate Student Government rally with students from each of Michigan’s 15 Public Universities on the steps of the state capitol on Friday, March 30, 2012.

A bus will be departing from outside of the Memorial Union Building at 8:00 pm on Thursday, March 29, 2012 to head down to Lansing for the rally Friday at noon! Transportation costs have been covered by the Student Activity Fee.  Participants will also receive a small breakfast and lunch stipend on Friday as well as a Michigan Tech T-shirt for attending.

For more information, contact Eli Karttunen at or stop by the USG office in the MUB. Participants will be required to signup and fill out a liability waiver.  Seats will fill up on a first come first serve basis, so be sure to stop by ASAP.


INTERNATIONAL NIGHT:  International Club would like to invite you to International Night 2012, a dinner/theater event that will take place on Sunday April 1 at 6:00pm in the MUB Ballroom. Enjoy a multi-course dinner while watching 8 performances including singing, dancing, comedy sketches, and community drumming. Tickets are $10 for Students and $12 for Community and are available for purchase at the SDC Ticket Office and online at  For more detailed information about the event menu and performances please see below.

International Night Performances include:

Don’t Feed The Bears- performing “Entre Sabanas” & “Bullet”
African Student Organization- performing “West African Modern Dance”
Malin Erickson- performing “Simple Swedish” a Comedy Sketch
Keweenaw Community Drum Project- African Drum Circle
Conventus Discessio- Variations of “Farewell” and A-Minor Jam
Zichen Qian- Singing “Those Years”
Praise in Effect Gospel Choir- Singing “Can’t Give Up Now” & “He Wants It All”
Swagata Banerjee- Noted Odissi Dancer

International Night Menu includes:
Lahanosalata ( Greek Cabbage Salad)
Pitepalt (Swedish Dumplings)
Masaman Curry (Thai Curry)
Chicken Peanut Stew (African Peanut Chicken)
Da Pan Ji (Chinese Chicken)
Greek Green Beans in Tomato Sauce
Picadillo (Latin American Hash) :
Bibingka (Filipino Rice Pudding)


ASSOCIATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGISTS (AEG):  The newly formed Association of Environmental Geologists (AEG) Michigan Tech student chapter is looking for new members!  Membership is free, and is open to all majors.  Participation is not only fun, but it is a great way to network and make new friends.  Plus, it looks great on your resume!  We will be having our next meeting at noon on March 28 in the 6th floor Dow atrium.  Can’t make it to the meeting?  Be sure to ‘Like’ us on facebook ( and check out our homepage ( for the latest news and events.  Hope to see you there!


DONATE BLOOD FOR RESEARCH:  A research lab ( on campus is seeking blood donors for all blood types, especially the following rare blood types: A-, B+, B-, AB+ and AB-.  If you would be willing to donate a small vial of blood via the trained personnel at the SDC Portage Health Clinic, please contact Ms.Kaela Leonard at to schedule an appointment.  For any questions regarding the research, contact Dr. Adrienne Minerick at  You will be asked to provide proof of blood type, but other personal information will not be recorded and be kept completely confidential.  You will need to give your consent for donation; the form can be viewed at  A small monetary gift of $5 will be given to donors. 


DON KERANAN JAZZ CONCERT:  This Saturday, March 24, the Rozsa Center  and the Michigan Tech Department of Visual and Performing Arts presents “The Don Keranen Memorial Jazz Concert,” celebrating 45 years of Jazz at Michigan Tech!  Alumni will play a big role in the festivities, and a reception for Alumni will follow the concert.  “We’ve got alums from all over coming back,” Irish says. “So far, the oldest alum will be Tim Nielsen ’76 and the youngest will be Andy Kurzeniewski ’10.”  They are both trombone players.   General Admission $10, Michigan Tech Students Free. To purchase tickets, call 487-2073, go online at, or visit Ticketing Operations at the SDC.


Student News Briefs: March 16, 2012

 REMINDER BRA SHOW TODAY:  A reminder that the Bra Show will be held this evening in the DHH Ballroom from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.  There is no cost, but a free-will donation will be accepted.  All proceeds will go towards Breast Cancer Research.  For more information on the event please look at our website:


FILM BOARD:  This week Film Board is showing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in Fisher 135.  It will be shown on Friday, March 16 and Saturday, March 17 at 5:30, 8:30, and 11:30 pm.  Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents.  Next weekend is Sherlock Holmes 2.  If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at

LATIN AMERICAN MOVIE NIGHT:  It’s time for our annual Latin American Movie Night!  This year, the NOSOTROS Registered Student Organization will show the movie “Voces inocentes” (“Innocent Voices”) from Mexico/Unites States on Sunday, March 18 in Fisher 135 at 8:00 pm.  The movie is in Spanish with English subtitles. For more movie information, go to   Rated R.  The cost per person is $3.00.  For questions or comments please contact  This event is sponsored by the Undergraduate Student Government.


OUTDOOR ADVENTURE PROGRAM INSTRUCTION EVENT:  The OAP will be offering a night of free instruction and food for the outdoor context.  The event will take place on March 21 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm and will feature campfire cooking, dutch oven cooking, foraging techniques, and ways to make outdoor meals considerate of special dietary needs whilst keeping it tasty.  We’ll be cooking at the OAP house starting around 5:30, with the event kicking off at 6:00 pm.  Come by, eat some food, and learn a thing or two about cooking in the woods!  For more information, visit, email us at, or call us at 906-487-2290.  See you Wednesday!


FILM ALL.I.CAN:  The film All.I.Can will be shown on Thursday, March 22 at 7:00 pm in Forestry Building G002.  Admission is free and the event is open to the public.  More information can be found on Facebook at .

About the film:  An unparalleled cinematic experience: All.I.Can is a stunning exploratory essay that compares the challenges of big mountain skiing to the challenges of global climate change.  Shot on 6 continents over 2 years, the world’s best skiers deliver inspirational performances while ground-breaking cinematography expands our vision of the natural world.  Journey through Morocco’s majestic desert peaks, Greenland’s icy fjords, Chile’s volcanic craters, Alaskan spine walls, and more.  Join the revolution and experience one of the most spectacular, captivating, and thought-provoking films ever created in the action sports genre.  A must see for everyone whether you ski or not!  For questions, contact Mollie Ruth at


STANDATHON EVENT COMING SOON:  Standathon is coming up fast!  Are you ready?!  Standathon will be held at the SDC on Friday, March 23 beginning at 7:00 pm and will continue through to 7:00 am the next morning.   This year we have:
Pistol Range
Velcro Wall
Inflatable Jousting Course
3 Concerts with Michigan Tech’s very own “Don’t Feed The Bears”
Tech’s Got Talent
Students Vs. Michigan Tech Athletes
Dodge-ball with Paintball Bunkers
Massages and Nail Technicians
Black Light Mini Golf
Cake Walk
Gallon Challenge
Fear Factor Eating Contest
And way more!!!
$10 gets you in the door, 15 gets you in and a t-shirt, and 20 gets you in, a t-shirt, and a chance to win the Amazon Kindle Fire!  Plus – we are giving away amazing prizes all night long such as a stamped lions football, an autographed picture of Drew Miller, an autographed picture of the Detroit Tigers shortstop, and many local business gift cards!!  If you have any questions about this event, please contact Alix Rugg at



The Campus HOPE Registered Student Organization will be sponsoring a Christian speaker, Pastor Daniel McGrath, to come and speak about the truths in the Bible.  This series is entitled “Can The Bible
Really Be Trusted?”  Please join us every night from Monday, March 26 to Friday, March 30 at 7:00pm in Fisher 138.  The public is invited and Bibles will be provided free of charge!  For any questions, please contact us at




JOB OPPORTUNITY:  The Office of Process Improvement is hiring two Student Process Improvement Coordinators.   The successful candidates will work with the department on specific improvement goals as well as support the Michigan Tech campus community in carrying out diverse improvement efforts.  More position information is available on NACElink , Job ID#15871.  Candidates must be available to work over the summer of 2012.  This position is year round and the hours are flexible.  $9.00/hour.  For questions, contact Wendy Davis at



Student News Briefs: February 24, 2012




COMEDIAN TRACEY ASHLEY:  Come to the MUB Ballroom after the hockey game for Comedian Tracey Ashley 10pm sponsored by Late Night Programming from Student Activities & the Memorial Union Building (MUB) Board.  Event is at no cost.

From her southern upbringing to her life abroad to now living in the Midwest, Tracey has a lot to cover. Sprinkle in her opinion on society and her take on politics and you have one female comic with a lot to make you think about all while laughing! In addition to being a comedy club favorite and earning the prestigious  nomination by Campus Activities Magazine as Best Female Performer in 2008, Tracey has honored invites to perform at The Las Vegas Comedy Festival, HBO’s “The Lucky 21” Contest , and in 2007, was a semi-finalist on NBC’s Last Comic Standing. As well as a part of TV LAND Prime Movie/s.



FILM BOARD:  This week Film Board is showing The Muppets in Fisher 135. It will be shown on Friday, February 24th and Saturday, February 25th at 6:00, 8:30, and 11:00pm.  Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents.  If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at


HUSKYLEAD TUESDAY:  As a leader in today’s society, you want to make sure your points and ideas come across clearly and that you are not misunderstood.  Our next HuskyLEAD presentation is on Ethical and Effective Communication.  Learn how to effectively communicate through non-verbal, professional, and online/electronic methods of communication.  Attendees will also focus on ethical conversations, language, and accountability to further their success as a leader.  This presentation will be held in the MUB Ballroom A1 on February 28.******

EWB GENERAL MEETING & TRIVIA:  Engineers Without Borders will be holding their general meeting on Thursday, March 1 at 7:00 pm in Dillman 320.  Kelli Whelan will be talking about her recent trip to Guatemala, where she attended a conference on clean stoves. She will also talk about EWB’s project in Guatemala.  As always, there will be snacks and drinks, but please bring your own cup to reduce waste.   Join EWB afterward at around 8:30 pm at the KBC for an exciting night of team trivia.  Bring your friends or come alone!  There is always someone who needs another sharp head on their team.  $1 per person.  All proceeds will go towards the work EWB do in communities in Bolivia, Guatemala, and Honduras.  If you have questions, contact Merete at


SUMMER JOBS AT FORTUNE LAKE LUTHERAN CAMP:  Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp near Crystal Falls, MI, is recruiting for summer staff.  Representatives will be in the MUB Food Court Commons on Feb. 27  from 10:30 am – 1:00 pm.  If you have questions, contact Bucky Beach at


SEEKING INPUT FOR DISTINGUISHED TEACHING AWARDS:  The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Faculty Development seeks input for its annual Distinguished Teaching Awards, which recognize outstanding contribution to the instructional mission of the University.  Based on over 50,000 students’ rating of instruction forms, ten finalists have been identified for the 2012 awards. The selection committee is soliciting comments from students, staff, faculty, and alumni to aid in its deliberation process.

The finalists for the two awards include:

Associate Professor / Professor Category

– Andrew Burton (Associate Professor) — Forest Resources and
Environmental Science

– Will Cantrell (Associate Professor) — Physics

– Mary Durfee (Associate Professor) — Social Sciences

– John Jaszczak (Professor) — Physics

– Christopher Plummer (Associate Professor) — Visual and Performing Arts

Assistant Professor / Lecturer / Professor of Practice Category

– Timothy Eisele (Assistant Professor) — Chemical Engineering

– Philip Kendall (Lecturer) — Mathematical Sciences

– Elizabeth Reed (Senior Lecturer) –Mathematical Sciences

– Thomas Werner (Assistant Professor) — Biological Sciences

– Roger Woods (Lecturer) — Business and Economics

Comments on the nominees should be sent to the Center for Teaching via
its comment website: .  Comments are due by Monday, March 30, 2012.

The process for determining the Distinguished Teaching Award recipients from this list of finalists also involves the additional surveying of their classes.  The Distinguished Teaching Award Decision Committee makes the final determination of the award recipients.  The recipients of the 2012 Distinguished Teaching Award will be formally announced in the fall.  If you have any questions, please contact Nancy S. Seelyat


REMINDER FOR NOMINATIONS:  Nominations for the President’s Award for Leadership and the Vice President for Student Affairs Award for Service need to be submitted by Friday, March 2,
2012, at 5:00 p.m.  Nominations for all other Student Leadership Awards need to be submitted by Friday, March 16, 2012 at Noon.



Student News Briefs: February 17, 2012



FILM BOARD:  This week Film Board is showing Real Steel in Fisher 135. It will be shown on Friday, February 17th and Saturday, February 18th at 5:30, 8:30, and 11:30pm. Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents. If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at






WINTER BAJA 2012:  Michigan Tech’s Blizzard Baja SAE enterprise will be hosting this year’s annual Winter Baja competition on Saturday, February 18, at Lake Linden Park (15 minutes north of Hancock on M-28).  The only competition of its kind in America, Winter Baja draws teams from as far as Virginia and South Dakota to race their Baja SAE vehicles on a motocross-style track made completely out of snow and ice.  The event is FREE for spectators; concessions from local UP business will be available for purchase.  Races start at 10:00 am and continue all day!  For more details or questions, contact Grant Cox, Event Coordinator, at  See you there!


HUNGER WEEK:  Student Activities is hosting Hunger Week events from February 20 – March 2.  Registered Student Organizations are asked to collect one food category listed below.  At this time, the local food banks are in need of the following items:
Boxed Dinners (hamburger helper etc.)
Canned or Packaged Fruit
Drinks (juices, teas, kool-aid etc.)
Desserts (brownie mixes, etc.)
Snacks (fruit packs, granola bars, crackers, pop tarts etc.)
Hygiene Items (shampoo, soap, etc.)

Bring your donations to Student Activities in MUB 112, and they will be distribute the items to the local food banks.  If organizations would like to compete with other groups, Student Activities would be happy to sponsor an award.  Please email with your collection item of choice and your organization’s contact information.  Call Student Activities at 487-1963 with any other questions.


CARNIVAL AND MARDI GRAS EVENT:  NOSOTROS invites you to a dance celebrating Carnival and Mardi Gras on Saturday, February 18 beginning at 8:00 pm with free Salsa lessons.  Open floor dance will be from 9:00 pm until midnight.  The event will be held in MUB Ballroom A.   The event is a colorful and unique celebration and the apparel is half the fun!  Colorful costumes are worn, so dig out your hat, tiara, crown, boa, mask, costume or beads and be festive! Come and dance salsa, merengue, bachata and much more! No partner needed; family friendly; all levels; free entrance! King cakes and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided. Please bring dancing or comfortable clean shoes.  This event is organized by NOSOTROS, Latin Student Organization at Michigan Tech, and supported by the USG.  For information contact Alessia Uboni at



AFRICAN STUDENT ORGANIZATION EVENTS:  In celebration of Black History Month, the African Student Organization at Michigan Tech invites you to the following events this month:

Waiting for Superman
Wednesday February 22, 6:00-8:30pm, M&M U115
Film and Discussion – A documentary that reviews the public education system as it follows student through lottery selection for acceptance to charter schools.

Addressing “Sense of Belonging” for Minorities in STEM
Thursday February 23, 12 :00-1:00pm, Fisher 230
Lunch and Learn – A presentation by Tech Alum Kari L. Jordan. This lecture will address   the STEM Community and narratives from minority students who have successfully become “members”and those who have not. 
Please RSVP to Lori Weir ( ) by   February 21 .

African Night!  
Saturday  February 25 ,   7:30-10:00pm,   Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts
Ndangariro   (We Remember) — This performance   will reflect on some of the most significant periods throughout African history and celebrates African Culture by taking a look at what effect music, dance and fashion have had on the continent.  Contact the Rozsa Center for  pricing and  tickets  487-3200 .  $7 for students.  $10 for general public.  Free to children 5 and under.

For questions about these events, contact Tayloria at . 


KEWEENAW SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA:  The Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra performs its third concert of the 2011-2012 season this Saturday, February 18, 7:30 PM, at Michigan Technological University’s Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts. The KSO is proud to present the world premiere of a new work by local composer and former KSO conductor Milton Olsson, as well as the ever-popular William Tell Overture. General Admission is $15, Michigan Tech Students Free.  To purchase tickets, call (906)487-2073, go online at, or visit Ticketing Operations at Michigan Tech’s Student Development Complex (SDC).



CELTIC NIGHTS:  The Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts presents “Direct From Ireland – Celtic Nights – Journey of Hope,” featuring the finest singers and dancers Ireland has to offer! For two nights Tuesday, Feb. 21, and Wednesday, Feb. 22, 7:30 PM! For more details,

The Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts presents “Direct From Ireland – Celtic Nights – Journey of Hope,” featuring the finest singers and dancers Ireland has to offer! For two nights Tuesday, Feb. 21, and Wednesday, Feb. 22, 7:30 PM!  Don’t miss this spectacular celebration of Irish song and dance. Tickets for Adults, $28, Seniors $24, and Students $20.

To purchase tickets, call (906) 487-2073, go online at, or visit Ticketing Operations at Michigan Tech’s Student Development Complex (SDC), 600 MacInnes Drive, in Houghton.  SDC box office hours are 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM, Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM Saturday, and 12:00 noon – 8:00 PM Sunday. Please note the Rozsa Box Office will only open two hours prior to show times.  


GLOBAL CITY ANNUAL PHOTO COMPETITION:  You’re invited to submit your high resolution photos (300 dpi) to the annual Global City photo competition for a chance to win prizes and have your photos displayed in galleries throughout town and at International Night 2012.  Please submit up to 4 photos, one for each of the categories below, by sending them to

(open to interpretation)

1. People
2. Sustainability
3. Planet/ Landscapes
4. Michigan Tech “Glocal”; Photos that represent your experience at Michigan Tech.


    • The photos must be taken by you.
    • They must be 3000 pixels at 300 dpi (they will be printed as 20 by 30 inch prints)
    • The must be sent to by Friday @ Midnight .

Please submit your photos!

View past GlobalCity Photo Contest Winners @


NOW HIRING MULTILITERACIES CENTER COACHES FOR FALL 2012: If you enjoy working with others, listen well, have strong communications skills, have a sense of humor, display sensitivity toward others, and have an openness to diversity, you are qualified to become a Multiliteracies Coach. Applications are being accepted now for Fall 2012 coaches. Visit the Multiliteracies Center in Walker Arts and Humanities Room 107, or go to All majors are welcomed to apply; applicants need not be a Humanities major, an experienced writer, nor a tutor. Interviews begin in March. For questions, contact Nancy Grimm at, or call 487-3265.


MTU PRESCHOOL SERVICE OPPORTUNITY:  If you are looking for a community service opportunity and/or for something fun to do, the MTU Preschool would like to invite your organization to participate in our upcoming Cabin Fever Carnival fund raising event as event volunteers. The MTU Preschool is a non profit organization and the Carnival is our biggest fundraiser of the year. This carnival involves many games and activities for young children, including prizes, a snack bar, bake sale, and gift basket/memorabilia auction. This years’ Carnival is Saturday, March 3rd, 10:00am – 1:00pm in the Rozsa Center lobby. This is the first weekend of spring break this year, but if you are in town, please consider coming out to help us. Please see a summary of details below.

We need volunteers mainly to sell game tickets, run the games, give out prizes, help children and parents find things, help with set-up and tear down , snack bar help, etc.

If your organization can participate, please contact Tim Givens, Volunteer Coordinator at your earliest convenience with a list of names and/or a number of volunteers your organization can commit to one or more shifts. Tim can be reached at 483-0522  or by emailing
Volunteer Shifts

Shift 1

9:45am – 11:45am

Shift 2

11:45am – 1:45pm

Shift 3 ( Clean Up/Tear-Down )

1:00pm – 2:00pm



Student News Briefs: February 3, 2012


FILM BOARD:  This week Film Board is showing The Lion King (3D) in Fisher 135. It will be shown on Friday, February 3rd and Saturday, February 4th at 6:00, 8:30, and 11:00pm. Please bring your Michigan Tech student ID checkout 3D glasses. Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents. Next week is The Immortals. If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at


ASB TRIPS STILL AVAILABLE:  Outdoor Adventure Programs Alternative Spring Break Trips  still has spots available!  Sign-up Today!  Deposit due by February 17.   Utah Skiing, Florida Paddling, Georiga Backpacking!  All Trips $450.   Sign-up in the OAP house at 207 East Street now!


BUILD A WINTER CAMPING SHELTER:  Chili Feed and Igloo/Quinzee Clinic on Feb 5, Superbowl Sunday!  Come over to the Outdoor Adventure Program house for a cup of chili and learn how to build a shelter for winter camping.  We will be playing in the snow so bring warm clothes and a shovel if you have one.  Event takes place 12-3 pm, in plenty of time to warm up and go watch the game or the commericals afterwards!



Saturday, February 4
QUEENS – Winter Carnival Queens on the Rozsa Stage. Performance: 7:00 PM.  Box office will open at 5:00 PM.

Thursday, February 9
STAGE REVIEW – Winter Carnival Stage Review on the Rozsa Stage.  Performance: 7:00 PM. Box office will open at 5:00 PM.



WINTER CARNIVAL FLASH MOB:  1st Winter Carnival Flash Mob!  You are invited to make history by participating in the first International Winter Carnival Flash Mob!  The dance will take place during the “All Nighter” ( Wednesday February 8, 2012 ) at approximately 9:00pm on the DHH lawn, by the giant snow speakers.  The purpose of the Flash Mob is to have fun while celebrating the cultural diversity of Michigan Tech students. There will be a 1-hour dance rehearsal at 5:00pm on Wednesday Feb 8 in the DHH Ballroom. Please participate. 🙂  To sign-up, e-mail a “yes” to Jess Banda    Preview the dance here:


FUNDRAISER AT THE UPHILL:  Mu Beta Psi, National Honorary Musical Fraternity is hosting a scholarship fundraiser concert on February 10th at the Uphill 41 in Hancock. From 8pm to 1am guest musicians will be performing music to help raise money for the annual scholarship. Artists include Lindsey Whitfield, The Backroom Boys (previously the Uptown Swingsters) and Gary Tunstall. All ages are welcome, $5 donation at the door.   For more information please contact Victoria at



Friday, Feb. 3, 2012
Men’s Tennis at UW-Green Bay, 6 p.m.
Hockey at Minnesota State, 8:37 p.m. (Live Radio, Mix 93.5 FM)

Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012
Men’s Tennis at St. Norbert, 9 a.m.
Men’s Tennis vs. Carthage, 1 p.m. (DePere, Wis.)
Women’s Basketball hosts Wayne State, 1 p.m. (Live Radio, Mix 93.5 FM)
Men’s Basketball hosts Wayne State, 3 p.m. (Live Radio, Mix 93.5 FM)*
Hockey at Minnesota State, 8:07 p.m. (Live Radio, Mix 93.5 FM)


HUSKYLEAD TUESDAY:  Are you having a hard time motivating your members to be actively involved?  This is actually a common occurrence in many organizations.  HuskyLEAD is presenting on Motivating Your Members.  Learn various techniques on how to increase motivation within your membership by utilizing the purpose of organization, pride, and member recognition.  Due to Winter Carnival, this session will be held on Tuesday, February 14, in the MUB Ballroom A1.



CALL FOR LEADERSHIP AWARD NOMINATIONS:  Are you in awe about a student and all that they seem to accomplish? Do you serve as a mentor to a student that goes above and beyond to make a difference in their community? Is there a student that works with you that you just couldn’t do without? We need to hear from you. Now is the time to recognize these students for their Commitment, enthusiasm, and leadership. On behalf of the University, Student Affairs is seeking nominations for the President’s Award for Leadership, Vice President for Student Affairs Service Award, and various other student leadership awards. The recipient of each award will be honored at the spring student leadership awards which will be held on Friday, April 13, 2012.

The nomination process is simple and actually, quite easy. All awards and information about each can be found on the web at . Once you find the award, simply click on the
award header/description and submit the nomination.  Nominations for the President’s Award for Leadership and the Vice President for Student Affairs Award for Service need to be submitted by
Friday, March 2, 2012, at 5:00 p.m. Nominations for all other Student Leadership Awards need to be submitted by Noon on Friday, March 16, 2012.  Please take a minute to nominate a student or colleague today. Each nomination will enter you into a drawing for one of four $50 gift certificates from the Campus Bookstore.  If you have any questions concerning the awards, please contact Lynda
Heinonen at 487-1832 or



All International Students (and Domestic Students with International Interest or Experience) are invited to perform at International Night 2012, an intercultural dinner theatre event that will take place on Sunday April 1, 2012 in the MUB Ballroom.

International Club is seeking a wide variety of performances including singing, dancing, music making, story telling, language lessons, international fashion shows, and cultural demonstrations. The event is intended to entertain and celebrate the cultures of Michigan Tech students.

Performances can vary from 2 to 10 minutes and can be group or individual in nature. If you’re interested in participating, or finding out more, please e-mail Jessica Banda at




Saturday, Feb. 11th.
ARTIST DOMINIC FREDIANELLI RECEPTION, sponsored in part by the James and Margaret Black Endowment.  Rozsa Gallery reception for the artist Dominic Fredianelli and his exhibit “Spare the Introduction.” Free and open to the public, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM.

Fredianelli, featured in the recent documentary “Where Soldiers Come From,” opens “Spare the Introduction,” an exhibit of his grafitti paintings, collage, and a video of his work on the 2010 Jutila Center Mural.  Dominic will also begin an entirely new piece, in the Rozsa Gallery.  Visitors are invited to come to the gallery to watch Dominic work!  Gallery hours are M-F, 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM.

Saturday, Feb. 11th.

BO BURNHAM – Sponsored by the Student Entertainment Board.  Winter Canival Comedian Bo Burnham, on the Rozsa Stage. Performance: 9:00 PM. Box office will open at 7:00 PM. Three years ago, Bo Burnham was just another high-schooler recording YouTube videos for fun. Today , Burnham has burst on the comedy scene with a full-length LP, a Comedy Central special and a deal to write a film for Judd Apatow. Entertainment Weekly recently named Burnham one of the “12 Rising Stars of Comedy.” In March , Burnham released his first full length LP “Bo Burnham” which topped Billboard’s New Artist chart and was #2 on the Billboard’s Comedy chart in its first week. Four days after his eighteenth birthday, Burnham became the youngest person to record a “Comedy Central Presents” special. This young star is the hottest thing in comedy and your Student Entertainment Board is bringing him to you for Winter Carnival. PARENTAL ADVISORY: EXPLICIT CONTENT

Feb. 16-18 & Feb. 23-25th –   In the McArdle Theatre in the Walker Arts and Humanities Building.

JOHN CARIANI’S “ALMOST, MAINE,” PRESENTED BY THE TECH THEATRE COMPANY – Sponsored by the Department of Visual and Performing Arts. Performances start at 7:30 PM. Rozsa Box Office open at 5:00 PM, McArdle ticketing open at 6:00 PM.  With the solar wind electrifying the night sky, the residents of Almost, Maine experience mysterious life changing events, falling in and out of love and in again in this poignant and funny exploration of personal epiphany on a deep and snowy midwinter’s night.

Saturday, Feb. 18th

KSO Presents “A New Work by Milton Olsson.” On the Rozsa stage , 7:30 PM. Rozsa Box Office open at 5:30 PM . Sponsored by the Department of Visual and Performing Arts.  After kicking off 2012 with Rossini’s equine William Tell Overture, the KSO proudly presents the world premiere of legendary KSO music director, Milt Olsson’s, new composition for orchestra.

Tuesday, Feb. 21, and Wednesday, Feb. 22

DIRECT FROM IRELAND – CELTIC NIGHTS – JOURNEY OF HOPE AND PROMISE. On the Rozsa stage , 7:30 PM. Rozsa Box Office open at 5:30 PM . Celtic Nights – Journey of Hope , sponsored in part by the James and Margaret Black Endowment and Minnesota Public Radio. From the creators of Gaelforce Dance, the “unmissable two hour spectacular (that) has brought audiences to their feet all around the world” (The Guardian, England) comes a brand new show in celebration of song. Celtic Nights expertly weaves together the lilting melodies and plaintive lyrics of the rich Celtic heritage to tell the story of a people. In this stirring tale of the Celtic experience, the audience is invited to travel along on a journey of hope, transported in time through traditional ballads, vivid choreography and the story of a people struggling to find their place in a changing world. This unique new show features both the finest male and the finest female voices of the Celtic world, showcased against a thundering backdrop of expert dancing and musicianship. Six of Ireland’s most prominent vocal talents are complimented by six of its most accomplished step dancers, creating an exhilarating picture of a proud people who dared to dream big and doggedly carved out a home in the New World. In Celtic Nights, their story is told, through the power and majesty of music and the hypnotic fury of dancing feet. Purchase your tickets on or before Feb. 14th, and receive a special Valentine’s treat from the Rozsa Concession stand the night of the performance!


