Day: February 20, 2012

50th Anniversary

Many of our alums may not remember, but the Department of Biological Sciences began at MTU in 1962, meaning that 2012 is our official 50 year anniversary. Several Emeriti and Current Faculty (Dr. James Spain, Dr. Robert Keen, Dr. Thomas Snyder, and others) are putting together a brief history of the Department, where it was, has been, and is currently going. We (myself, Patty Asselin, Jeff Lewin, Emily Betterly and Alice Soldan, among others) are working on festivities to celebrate the 50th anniversary at the Alumni Gathering scheduled for August 2-4, 2012. We’ve already developed several activities that we hope will be of interest to alums from Biological Sciences for those dates. Please stay-tuned, more information will be coming out later, with individual mailings and the Spring 2012 newsletter.

Schedule for Alumni Weekend in celebration of Biological Sciences 50th Year Anniversary:

Friday Aug. 3 4:00-5:30 Biology Atrium CLS Social Wine, Beer, and light appetizers
Saturday Aug. 4 11:00-2:00 Houghton Waterfront/Beach Picnic and Agassiz boat rides, tour of Great Lakes Research Center. Final schedule TBA

Best wishes and regards.


K. Michael Gibson, PhD
Professor and Chair