Civil Engineering Graduate Seminar: Thursday, 21, 2013; Room 642 Dow, 4:00 pm
Mary Christianson, PhD candidate will present a second seminar concerning an alternative bonding agent to the use of Portland cement. Topic: Geopoly-what? Part II: Developing glass-based geopolymer mortars
In part I of the Geopoly-what? series, CEE grads and faculty were introduced to the basics of geopolymers, a low-CO2 binder capable of performing equally to or better than ordinary portland cement in terms of mechanical and durability performance. Part II of this series offers a recap of the mechanisms behind geopolymer technology followed by a look into the development of glass-based geopolymer mortars activated with NaOH. A review of those materials currently used in geopolymer reseach as well as a discussion of the viability of glass for use in geopolymers will also be presented.