Category: Alumni

Construction Career Days

Staff from the Center for Technology and Training (CTT), a part of the Michigan Tech Transportation Institute (MTTI), joined several other construction industry professionals from across Michigan to coordinate the fifth annual Michigan Construction Career Days event in Howell last week.
CTT staff who assisted were Training Coordinator John Ryynanen, Research Engineer Christopher Gilbertson and Technical Writers Shaughn Kern and Trevor Kuehl.
Construction Career Days attracted more than 1,500 students and teachers from across Lower Michigan. The event is designed to show young people the wide variety of careers available in the construction industry–at all levels of education and experience.
Ryynanen serves on the Construction Career Days Advisory Committee.
For more information about Career Days, see Construction.

John Ryynanen, training coordinator with the Center for Technology and Training in the Michigan Tech Transportation Institute, is quoted in the Livingston Daily article “Event Gives Students Some Experience in Construction,” about the fifth annual Michigan Construction Career Days, held May 9 in Howell Township. The event introduces secondary school students to education and employment opportunities in construction and the skilled trades.

Tech people at Michigan Bridge Workshop and Conference

The Center for Technology and Training (CTT), a part of the Michigan Tech Transportation Institute (MTTI), hosted the Michigan Bridge Workshop and Conference in Howell, March 20 and 21.

The conference brought together more than 160 engineers and engineering technicians from Michigan County Road Commissions, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), the Federal Highway Administration, and private firms to learn about bridge design, construction, inspection, funding, and administrative issues related to bridges and new bridge technology.

Young Professional of the Year Award

Timothy Juidici ’04 (CEE) is the winner of the 2012 American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Young Professional of the Year Award.

The annual award recognizes engineers under the age of 30 for their contributions to the profession and society.

Juidici is currently featured on the website of the National Engineers Week Foundation. See Award.

He is a project manager and client representative for Orchard, Hiltz & McCliment Inc. (OHM), headquartered in Livonia. The firm has an office in Hancock.

Railroad Night 2012

The Rail Transportation Program (RTP) and the Rail Engineering and Activities Club (REAC) held the 7th Annual Railroad Night, February 21, 2012 at the Shelden Grill in the Magnuson Hotel, Houghton. This year’s keynote speaker was Kevin Kesler, Chief of the Engineer and Operating Practice Division for the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). This was a great opportunirty to meet rail industry people, see photos at the Rail Transportation Program link: Railroad Night 2012 for more information.