Civil Engineering Seminar for March 29

Civil Engineering Seminarfor March 29:

Time: 4-5pm, Thursday (March. 29th)
location: Dow 642
Public welcome

Topic: Domain Microstructure Evolution and Magnetomechanical Property of Giant Magnetostrictive Materials

Presenter: Dr. Yongmei M. Jin, Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering Department, Michigan Technological University

Bio: Dr. Jin received B.E. and M.E. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Science and Technology of China in 1994 and 1997, respectively, and Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Rutgers University in 2003. After two years of postdoctoral research at Rutgers University, she joined the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M University in 2005 as an Assistant Professor and transferred to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Michigan Tech in 2009. Her research interest focuses on materials modeling and computer simulation. In particular, she has been working on the development and application of phase field models to investigate microstructure evolutions in crystalline materials during various physical processes, e.g., martensitic transformation, decomposition, ordering, ferromagnetic domain switching, magnetomechanical behaviors, and defect evolutions (dislocations, cracks, voids, and free surfaces) in single- and poly-crystalline bulk and thin film materials and nanoparticles.

Abstract: Domain microstructure evolution and magnetomechanical property of giant magnetostrictive materials are investigated by phase field micromagnetic microelastic modeling. The model explicitly treats magnetic and elastic domain microstructures, accurately calculates various thermodynamic driving forces (magnetostatic, elastostatic, magnetocrystalline, exchange, chemical, interfacial, applied magnetic field, mechanical loading), simultaneously takes into account multiple physical mechanisms, and automatically describes the domain microstructure evolutions along kinetically favorable pathways without a priori constraint. In particular, coupled magnetic and elastic domain microstructure evolutions in magnetic shape memory alloys are simulated. The simulation results reveal the effects of external magnetic field, twin boundary mobility, and twinning strain on domain structure evolutions, which help explain peculiar magnetic field-induced strain behaviors observed in magnetic shape memory alloys. Application of phase-field modeling to the microstructure evolutions in other material processes are also discussed. Connections between mesoscale phase-field modeling, atomistic (first principles, molecular dynamics) and continuum (finite element) simulations, thermodynamic and kinetic databases as well as experiments are addressed.
PDF of Civil Engineering Seminarfor March 29:

Alex Mayer Cited by Center for Water and Society

As part of World Water Day, Professor Alex Mayer (CEE) was recognized for his initiative and dedication in cofounding and leading the Michigan Tech Center for Water and Society (MT-CWS).

Mayer, who received a certificate and a stained glass scene of Lake Superior, cofounded the CWS in 2005. The organization’s mission is to enhance the ability and visibility of Michigan Tech to solve water-related problems of local, regional, and international interest.

Mayer stepped down in August of 2011. “I had a great time for six years,” he said. “I have worked with so many remarkable people who have contributed to the success of the center, but I felt it was time for some new blood and to bring in people with exciting and new ideas.”

Professor Noel Urban (CEE) succeeds Mayer.

CEE Seminar: March 22: Railroads and Environment

Mar 22: Civil Engineering Seminar:

Time: 4-5pm, Thursday (March. 22nd)
Location: Dow 642
Public welcome

Topic: Railroads and Environment – Steps in Locomotive and Power Development to Improve the Environmental Footprint of Rail Transportation

Presenter: Mike Iden – General Director, Car and Locomotive Engineering, Union Pacific Railroad
(hosted by Pasi Lautala)

Abstract: Railroads and rail transportation is often considered the “green” transportation alternative, but there is never-ending development process toward improving both the energy efficiency and the environmental footprint of rail transportation. One of the greatest priorities has been locomotives, whether it has been in reducing emissions or in improving operational practices toward better fuel consumption. This presentation will review some of the latest and future advances related to the development of north American diesel locomotives that today dominate the market. The difference between on-board power (diesel-electric or other prime movers) versus centralized power (“electrification”) will also be discussed, including technical and economic issues.

Civil Engineering Graduate Seminar March 15th

Civil Engineering Graduate Seminar March. 15th
Time: 4-5pm, Thursday (March. 15th)
location: Dow 642
Public welcome


1. Integration of Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences Into Performance-Based Engineering
Presenter: Ruiqiang Song, Ph.D. Student, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, (Adviser: Dr. Yue Li)

Abstract: During earthquake events, it is very common to observe many aftershocks following the mainshock. Although they are normally smaller in magnitude, aftershocks may have a large ground motion intensity, even longer duration and different energy content. Aftershocks have the potential to cause severe damage to buildings and threaten life safety even when only minor damage is present from the mainshock. However, most of current seismic risk assessment researches focus on risk due to a mainshock event only. The primary goal of this research is to systematically integrate aftershock seismic hazard into Performance Based Engineering through a combination of analytical studies with structural degradation models. In this study, the global-level hysteresis damage models is calibrated, structural Collapse Capacity subjected to Mainshock and aftershock sequence is carried out by performing incremental dynamic analysis, the effect of frequency content on structural collapse capacity are also checked and ground motion attenuation relationship of response spectral values are presented.

2. Building Information Modeling: A Demonstration of Parametric Modeling and its Use in the Construction Industry
Presenter: Christopher Brokaw, Master student, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, (Adviser: Dr. Amlan Mukherjee)

Abstract: Building information modeling (BIM) is a type of software that can be used to create a 3D model of a construction project that integrates information about the materials and scheduling. This makes it is possible to quickly explore multiple alternate designs and evaluate their performance, as well as plan out the entire project and management strategies. This allows for improved information management and project control when compared to projects designed with 2D drafting software. In this presentation, I will use a hands-on demonstration to explore BIM software and illustrate how stakeholders can use this software to streamline the design process, reduce conflicts, and save money. I will also present an overview of my ongoing research project that, in addition to the above, will explore the benefits of transitioning to BIM software, and will show some of the lessons learned from the early adopters.

NSBE team takes Family Engineering to Detroit

Members of Michigan Tech’s chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) are in Detroit to participate in an alternative spring break 2012 week. Eight members of the Michigan Tech student chapter of the NSBE will visit six middle schools and one high school to talk with students. They will also conduct Family Engineering events at three schools. Family Engineering includes fun, hands-on activities for the whole family, such as “Mining For Chocolate” and “Glue Is The Clue.” The program, developed at Michigan Tech and now available across Michigan and nationwide, is designed to engage and inspire young people and their families to consider careers in engineering and science. Read More

UPDATE: See a Video about Engineering Students Spring Break to Detroit Schools

Young Professional of the Year Award

Timothy Juidici ’04 (CEE) is the winner of the 2012 American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Young Professional of the Year Award.

The annual award recognizes engineers under the age of 30 for their contributions to the profession and society.

Juidici is currently featured on the website of the National Engineers Week Foundation. See Award.

He is a project manager and client representative for Orchard, Hiltz & McCliment Inc. (OHM), headquartered in Livonia. The firm has an office in Hancock.

Faculty Research Publications

Graduate student Kenny Ng (CEE) and Assistant Professsor Qingli Dai (CEE) published a paper, “Tailored Extended Finite-Element Model for Predicting Crack Propagation and Fracture Properties within Idealized and Digital Cementitious Material Samples,” in the Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 138 (1), 89-100.

Assistant Professor Qingli Dai (CEE), Associate Professor Theresa Ahlborn (CEE), a colleague, graduate student Kenny Ng (CEE) and graduate student Eric Kreiger (CEE) published a paper,”Damage Investigation of Single-Edge Notched Beam Tests with Normal Strength Concrete and Ultra High Performance Concrete Specimens Using Acoustic Emission Techniques,” in the journal of Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, 31, 231-242.