Tag: rail transportation

Students Visit Rail Yards in Superior, Wisconsin

SYP Rail 2016KBJR-TV Channel 6 (NBC) in Duluth broadcast a story about students from Michigan Tech’s Summer Youth Program Rail and Intermodal Transportation Institute visiting rail yards in Superior, Wisconsin.

From Tech Today.

Michigan Tech students get an up close look at trains in Superior

Today, students from throughout the country enrolled in Michigan Tech’s Summer Youth Program’s Rail and Intermodel Transportation program were in Superior to get an up close look at Railroad Transportation.

Read more and watch the video at KBJR-TV Channel 6, by Anthony Matt.

Rail Day Expo at Michigan Tech

IMG_5208450The Rail Day and Expo is an awesome opportunity for both students and industry! Railroad companies and consultants have the opportunity to showcase the industry and the career opportunities available. This is also a targeted recruiting opportunity for the industry … students who attend already have some interest in railroading. For students, this is an opportunity to have focused discussions about the rail industry and what it has to offer.

Railroad Night is a networking opportunity for both industry representatives and students. The event features a relaxed evening of dining and conversation.

Mr. Art Guzzetti, Vice President-Policy of the American Public Transportation Association was the keynote speaker and provided a personal touch and insight into the rail industry.

Art Guzzetti, Vice President - Policy, American Public Transportation Association and Pasi Lautala, Director of Rail Transportatio 11th Annual Railroad Night at Michigan Tech
Art Guzzetti, Vice President – Policy, American Public Transportation Association and Pasi Lautala, Director of Rail Transportatio 11th Annual Railroad Night at Michigan Tech

According to the APTA website, Guzzetti is a 32-year veteran of public transportation at the local, state, and national levels.

Among other things, Guzzetti is responsible for APTA’s extensive policy research agenda, policy analysis and development, transportation information, and statistics. He and the APTA team work with the legislative and executive branches of all levels of government and with other national associations, think tanks, and interest groups to cultivate the ideas, relationships, and advocacy initiatives that will propel public transportation forward.

Prior to coming to APTA in June 1997, Guzzetti spent 16 years in management at two of the nation’s leading public transportation systems—New Jersey Transit Corporation and Pittsburgh’s Port Authority of Allegheny County—along with two years at New Jersey DOT. His duties focused on transportation policy, government affairs, capital programming, grants development, and grants management and advocacy. In short, the focus of his career has been on generating support for public transportation and the benefits it provides to communities and regions. Guzzetti has a political science degree from Edinboro State University and a master of public administration from the University of Pittsburgh.

Railroad Night is a networking opportunity for both industry representatives and students.  The event features a relaxed evening of dining and conversation.
Railroad Night is a networking opportunity for both industry representatives and students. The event features a relaxed evening of dining and conversation.

Michigan Tech Rail Industry Panel at Rail Day
Michigan Tech Rail Industry Panel at Rail Day

11th Annual Railroad Night at Michigan Tech:  Railroad Engineering and Activities Club at Michigan Tech,  Aaron Dean, Webmaster, Alex Lakenen, President, Derek Owen, Marketing Chair
11th Annual Railroad Night at Michigan Tech: Railroad Engineering and Activities Club at Michigan Tech, Aaron Dean, Webmaster, Alex Lakenen, President, Derek Owen, Marketing Chair

Michigan Tech Rail Industry Alumni at the 11th Annual Railroad Night
Michigan Tech Rail Industry Alumni at the 11th Annual Railroad Night

See more photos at the Rail Day Gallery


Videos of 11th Annual Railroad Night and Rail Expo Day

10th Annual Railroad Night and Rail Day Expo

hoeffnerThe Rail Transportation Program and Railroad Engineering and Activities Club held the 10th Annual Railroad Night, on Tuesday Oct. 14, in the Memorial Union Ballroom. The event was free to faculty, staff, students and members of the local community. A social hour started at 6 p.m., followed by hors d’oeuvres and the keynote speech was given by Tim Hoeffner ’80 (CEE), director, Office of Rail, Michigan Department of Transportation MDOT.

UPDATE: View photos of Rail Day and Expo and Rail Night on the Photo Gallery

Rail Transportation Seminar: Railway Track Structures Research at Tampere University of Technology

sep8Rail Transportation Program and Environmental Engineering Geologists AEG Michigan Tech Student Chapter present Dr. Pauli Kolisoja Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering Tampere University of Technology (TUT) in Finland presented a seminar on rail research at TUT at Michigan Tech on Monday, Sept. 9, 12-1 p.m. at DOW 875. He also gave the presentation September 9, for the Civil Engineering Seminar Fisher 10 at 7 p.m. in conjunction with the Railroad Engineering and Activities Club’s first general business meeting

The title of the seminar is: “Railway Track Structures Research at Tampere University of Technology”

The Railway Track Structures Research Team at Tampere University (TUT) of Technology consists of about 10 researchers. The research area includes track components from subsoil stability through the structural layers to sleepers, rails and wheel-rail contact. Essential parts of the research area are also bridges and the life cycle and monitoring of track structures. The main emphasis of activity is experimental research based on diverse arrangements from laboratory scale material analyses to field measurements and full-scale loading tests. Research methods are complemented by calculation analyses of performance of structures and literature reviews of international research results. The basis of the on-going track structure research is the Life Cycle Cost Efficient Track research programme (TERA) implemented in co-operation with the Finnish Transport Agency. This presentation provides an overview of research projects conducted at the TUT and related outcomes.

See Railway Track Structures Research Video

Thomas Oommen, Michigan Tech, Pauli Kolisoja, Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Pasi Lautala,  Director, Rail Transportation Program, Michigan Tech
Thomas Oommen, Michigan Tech, Pauli Kolisoja, Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Pasi Lautala, Director, Rail Transportation Program, Michigan Tech

Rail Night Brings Industry, Educators and Students Together

Railroad Night offered a relaxed dine-with-industry setting for faculty, students, industry, administration and community to meet each other and to learn more about railroads and the railroad industry. The event included hors d’oeuvres , cash bar, door prizes, and more. This event continues to draw in record numbers of participants with each year with over 165 this year. The Keynote Speaker was Lisa Stabler, President of the Transportation Technology Center Inc., Pueblo, Colorado.

The Rail Transportation Program (RTP) and the Rail Engineering and Activities Club (REAC) organized the 9th Annual Railroad Night and related Rail Day activities recently. Railroad Night’s 150-plus participants made for a full house and an exciting evening. The event drew in 15 industry company sponsors including RTP program partners Norfolk Southern, Union Pacific and CN.