While some folks are planning to relax over the Thanksgiving break, the Michigan Tech Student Chapter of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) will be spreading the word about engineering as a possible STEM career path. The MTU students will conduct a Family Engineering event on November 23 at the Academy of the Americas in Detroit. A free supper for families will be provided3:45-4:30 pm in the school cafeteria.Families will attendthree 35-minute activities from 4:30-6:30 pm. This event is made possible with a grant from John Deere to the Michigan Technological University Center for Science & Environmental Outreach who is helping the SHPE chapter prepare for this event. Michigan Tech is a co-developer of the Family Engineering program, along with the Foundation for Family Science & Engineering and the American Society for Engineering Education. To learn more, visit: http://www.familyengineering.org/ For more information, contact co-author Joan Chadde, Director, Michigan Tech Center for Science & Environmental Outreach, at 487-3341 or jchadde@mtu.edu FamEngin Flyer AoA Nov.23.2015
Mystery solved: Sherlock ‘Homes’ event teaches energy-saving skills for all ages
The Western Upper Peninsula Center for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education along with the Houghton Energy Team and Michigan Tech hosted an event at the Portage Lake District Library to teach kids the importance of energy-saving skills.