Congrats to these students for their posters that were presented to the judges and EAB members on October 22nd in these categories:
- Undergrad Research
- 1st, Lauren Spahn/Raisa Carmen Andeme Ela, advisor Rebecca Ong
- 2nd place, Ethan Burghardt/Seth Kriz, advisor Caryn Heldt
- Student Organization
- 1st, ChemE Car, Sarah Foyer/Emily Leverance,/Axel Valeri, advisor Jeana Collins
- 2nd place, CPM: Commercial Keg Cleaner, Autumn Cole/Mike Johnson/Cael Hansen/ James Staley/Frank Bruck, advisor Tony Rogers
- Graduate Research
- 1st Natalie Nold/Seth Kriz/ Sheridan Waldack/ Alexis Pohkrel/ Pratik Joshi, advisor Caryn Heldt
- 2nd place, Tinuade Folayan, advisor Lei Pan
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