Last Sunday (Jan. 24), more than 160 computer screens of students, faculty, staff and community members gathered for the 15th Annual Fraternity and Sorority Life Awards Ceremony held via Zoom.
In addition to the many student awards presented, Order of Omega, the Fraternity and Sorority Life Honor Society that coordinates the awards, took the time to recognize some exceptional faculty and staff members.
There are more than 460 students in fraternities and sororities at Michigan Tech, and Order of Omega wanted to emphasize that these awards were coming directly from the students.
The following faculty and staff members were nominated by members of the Greek community and recognized at the 2021 Fraternity and Sorority Life Awards Ceremony (winners are in bold type):
- Gordon Parker (Mechanical Engineering)
- Faith Morrison (Chemical Engineering)
- Glen Archer (Electrical & Computer Engineering)
- Alan Turnquist (Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success)
- Jessie Stapleton (Student Leadership & Involvement)
- Laura Bulleit (Dean of Students)
- Alyssa Fredin (Student Financial Services)
- James Schmierer (Forest Resources & Environmental Science)
- Jannah Tumey (Center for Educational Outreach)
- Jeannie DeClerck (Instructional Design & Assessment)
- Joe Cooper (Interim VP for Student Affairs and Dean of Students)
These nominations were written by individual students and were supported by an entire fraternity or sorority. Congratulations to all of these faculty and staff members who were nominated and thank you for inspiring and motivating students. A complete list of all the award winners can be found on the Student Leadership and Involvement web page.
by Fraternity and Sorority Life