NSF-REU opportunities

Cleveland State University has two NSF-REU program that may be of interest to your undergraduate students. “Rehabilitation Engineering”, with details shown below. Please post or forward this information to interested students.

Thank you.


Rehabilitation Engineering at Cleveland State University

A Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates

May 29 – August 7, 2019

If you are an undergraduate student interested in creating and using technology to transform the lives of people with disabilities, this program is for you. This is an opportunity to explore a career path that is meaningful and significant and touches lives. We are looking for students at all undergraduate levels majoring in engineering, computer science, or a related area. We especially encourage students with disabilities and students from underrepresented minority groups to apply.

You will be immersed in a community of undergraduate researchers, graduate students, engineering mentors, health care professionals, and, most importantly, people with disabilities. Together you will work on research projects to restore movement to people with paralyzed arms, develop new prosthetic legs, help improve balance in older adults, and explore the mechanics of injured joints. For ten weeks during the summer you will live at Cleveland State University and work in research labs at CSU and in hospitals in Cleveland.

Benefits include:

· personal interaction with people with disabilities

· participation in cutting edge rehabilitation research

· membership in a supporting research community

· one on one mentoring

· help preparing for graduate school applications or a job search

· opportunity to travel to and present your research at an academic conference

· $5000 stipend

· free room and meal plan

· free travel to and from Cleveland

For more details please visit


Eric Schearer
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Cleveland State University
1960 E 24th St., FH237
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone (216)687-6901

Joanne M. Belovich, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair

Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Department

Fenn Hall 455

Cleveland State University



Summer REU experience at Mississippi State University

The Mississippi State University Chemical Engineering Department seeks applicants for an interdisciplinary NSF-supported summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program in summer 2019. Students who have completed their freshman year of college and who have not yet graduated can participate Summer Research Program activities in Optoelectronic Materials. The selected students work on a research project under the direction of a faculty mentor in the Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. The students will have the opportunities to participate in professional development, social and outreach activities. Student participants will receive a $5,000 stipend, a housing and meal plan for ten weeks, and travel assistance.

We would appreciate you disseminating word about this opportunity. Students can find more details at the link below. Or they can contact the PIs directly.



Thank you for your assistance.


Research Experience for Undergraduates

Bill B. Elmore, Ph.D., P.E.

Director & Deavenport Chair

Swalm School of Chemical Engineering

P.O. Box 9595

323 President’s Circle

Mississippi State University

Mississippi State, MS 39762


PH (662) 325-2480

FX (662) 325-2482

Penn State ChE REU – Integration of Biology and Materials

The Department of Chemical Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University will host a Research Experience for Undergraduates Site focused on the Integration of Biology and Materials May 28 – August 2, 2019. This REU program will provide a 10 week collaborative research experience for undergraduate students aimed at advancing the field and applications of biomolecular materials. Projects will span a variety of topics including design of biomaterials, control of living-nonliving interfaces, and development of processes for effective recovery of biomolecules. In addition to the hands-on research experience, students will participate in a variety of technical and social activities including seminars, facilities tours, and visits to local attractions. Interactions with other REU sites at Penn State and a focus on collaborative work in teams will provide social, research and personal growth opportunities beyond the research project work. Undergraduate students in Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering, Biology, Chemistry, Materials Science, Physics or related majors are encouraged to apply. More information regarding this REU program and an online application can be found at: https://www.che.psu.edu/reu/index.aspx

Program dates: May 28 – August 3, 2019

Award includes: $4,500 stipend, up to $1,900 for on-campus housing, and up to $400 for travel (for non-PA students only).

Selection and eligibility: Selection for this program is based on the applicant’s academic standing, a brief statement of interest, and two reference letters from faculty members. US citizenship or permanent residence status is required. Please see the online application.

Application deadline: February 15, 2019. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, and applicants are encouraged to submit their materials before the deadline to receive full consideration. Information on how to submit an application can be found at: https://www.che.psu.edu/reu/apply.aspx

Questions can be addressed to Dr. Esther Gomez (ewg10@psu.edu)

Jerry Norkol Excels Behind the Scenes

Jerry A. Norkol
Jerry A. Norkol

At an awards program in the Memorial Union Ballroom Wednesday (Jan. 9, 2018), staff members were honored with the Staff Council Making a Difference Award.

The Behind the Scenes Award was given to Jerry Norkol, master machinist, Chemical Engineering.

As one letter of support states “Jerry has always been available to help with various tasks in my lab or office, most things you would never notice. Whether it is helping hang things on the concrete walls, installing a rug, assembling furniture, installing laboratory equipment, making modifications to equipment and materials that accommodate my experiments, ordering parts or finding gas regulators, Jerry is efficient and helpful.”

Read more at the Staff Council blog.

DOE Highlights Bioenergy Research

Rebecca G. Ong
Rebecca G. Ong

Work by Rebecca Ong (ChE) and colleagues at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Michigan State University was highlighted by the Department of Energy, Biological and Environmental Research (BER).

The work compared experimental fuel yields from five different potential bioenergy feedstocks and determined that a lignocellulosic ethanol refinery could use a range of plant types without having a major impact on the amount of ethanol produced per acre.

Diverse Biofeedstocks Have High Ethanol Yields and Offer Biorefineries Flexibility

Evidence suggests that biorefineries can accept various feedstocks without negatively impacting the amount of ethanol produced per acre.

Refineries to convert biomass into fuels often rely on just one feedstock. If the refineries could accept more than one feedstock, it would greatly benefit refinery operation. Scientists at the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center investigated how five different feedstocks affected process and field-scale ethanol yields.

Read more at the BER.

I-Corps Funding for Lei Pan

Lei Pan
Lei Pan

Lei Pan (ChE) is the principal investigator on a project that has received a $50,000 grant from the National Science Foundation. The project is titled “I-Corps: Non-Destructive Separation Technologies for Li-ion Battery Recycling.” This is a six-month project.

By Sponsored Programs.


The proposed innovation minimizes the use of raw materials from mining, enables the long-term material availability, stabilizes the supply chain, and reduces the life-cycle cost. Additionally, recycling Li-ion batteries using the proposed innovation generates zero secondary wastes and thus minimizes environmental footprint.

The proposed technology separates and recovers valuable materials while preserving their original functional integrity. The upcycled active battery materials can be reused in new Li-ion batteries. The proposed solution is much more energy efficient and cost effective compared to the existing processes, for which both processes involve a conversion of active cathode materials to metal alloys or metal ions in solution.

Read more at the National Science Foundation.

Sustainable Living Open House

Sustainability Demonstration House
Sustainability Demonstration House

Interested in sustainable living and green architecture? Do you desire to reduce your personal impact on the earth? Come check out Michigan Tech’s Sustainability Demonstration House (SDH) from 4 to 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 4, 2018.

Sustainable features that have been added to the house over the past year include an 8.6kW solar array system, Wifi-controlled LED bulbs, an aquaponics system, composting, waste output tracking, low-flow faucets and shower heads, induction cooktops and so much more.

The SDH team and current tenants will be at this event to answer any questions you may have regarding energy efficient housing designs and sustainable living practices. Refreshments will be served. The address is 21680 Woodland Rd, Houghton. Contact the Alternative Energy Enterprise with any questions.

By the by Alternative Energy Enterprise.

Da Costa Cited in National Publication

Diversity in Materials Science and Engineering cover graphicAndre Da Costa (ChE) was featured in an article in the MRS Bulletin published by the Materials Research Society in partnership with Cambridge University Press.

The article, “Professional societies and African American engineering leaders: Paving pathways and empowering legacies,” was included in the special feature “Diversity in Materials and Science Engineering.”

Da Costa was featured in section three of the article “Diversity committees within professional societies are community incubators that seed ideas for change.”

Authors Christine S. Grant and Tonya Peeples noted De Costa’s “rare career move,” transitioning from being a successful industrial leader to an academic position at Michigan Tech.

De Costa was quoted regarding his support of minorities integrating and participating in the leadership of mainstream institutions.

Read the full article.

MRS Bulletin, Volume 43, Issue 9 (Data-Centric Science for Materials Innovation)
September 2018 , pp. 703-709

Michigan Tech Alumnus, Benefactor and Friend, Frank Pavlis dies at 101

Frank Pavlis
Frank Pavlis

Michigan Tech and the honors college that bears his family name are mourning the passing of Frank Pavlis. The alumnus, benefactor and friend of the University died Friday, Aug. 24, 2018, at Legacy Place Cottages in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He was 101.

Pavlis was raised on a farm in northern Lower Michigan and was the first in his family to graduate from college. He finished at the top of his class with a degree in chemical engineering from what was then the Michigan College of Mining and Technology. Pavlis’ success in Houghton led to a fellowship from the University of Michigan where he earned a master’s degree.

Following college, Pavlis turned down a job offer from Shell Oil to become the first employee of a small new Detroit Company called Air Products. Pavlis was tasked with the design and construction of a prototype processing plant to separate oxygen from atmospheric air. The project was completed a year later with Pavlis as the chief engineer. Air Products was credited with making a significant contribution to Allied success in World War II. Today, Air Products and Chemicals Inc., now headquartered in Allentown, Pennsylvania, has more than 19,000 employees in 55 countries with annual revenues of about $10 billion.

Pavlis rose through the ranks, joining the company’s Board of Directors in 1952 and serving as vice president for engineering and finance before retiring in 1980 as vice president for international/world trade. He is said to have traveled around the world five times in his lifetime.

Throughout his professional success, he never forgot Michigan Tech. The University responded by presenting him with an honorary doctorate of philosophy. He received the Distinguished Alumni Award in 2009 and is a member of the University’s McNair and Hubbell Societies. He was the principal benefactor of the Pavlis Honors College which began in 2014.

Lorelle Meadows, dean of the Pavlis Honors College, reflected on what Frank Pavlis means to Michigan Tech.

“Frank was a visionary, foreseeing the value of a global education for the college graduate of the 21st century,” Meadows says.

“He so generously gave of his time and resources to encourage our students to reach outside of their comfort zones and challenge themselves to attain their full potential as professionals and citizens of the world.”

Pavlis was preceded in death by his wife of 55 years, Ethel, in 2002. The couple had no children.

Funeral services for Frank Pavlis will be held at 4 p.m. Monday, Sept. 10 at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Macungie, Pennsylvania. Contributions in his memory can be made to Jah Jireh Homes of America – Allentown, 2051 Bevin Dr., Allentown, PA 18103. Donations received will be used to fund charitable care at Legacy Place Cottages.

Pavlis will be laid to rest in the small Michigan cemetery where his wife, parents, grandparents, brother and sister are buried.

“We will all miss Frank greatly,” Meadows says. “But his legacy will live on as we continue to put his vision to work to graduate students who will go out—ready and empowered—to make their unique contributions to society with understanding, vision and a commitment that honors his life.”

By Mark Wilcox.

Lei Pan Applies Mining Techniques to Battery Recycling

Lei Pan
Lei Pan

Lei Pan’s staff of chemical engineering college students had labored lengthy and arduous on their analysis undertaking, they usually had been completely satisfied simply to be exhibiting their outcomes on the Folks, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) competitors final April in Washington, DC. What they did not anticipate was to be mobbed by enthusiastic onlookers.

Read more at Junkies.tech, by Expo Tech News Junkie.