Younger Chemists Committee Survey

The ACS UPLS would like to hear its members’ interests and opinions about starting a Local Section Younger Chemists Committee (LSYCC). Please review the information about LSYCC and take a few minutes to respond to our survey.

What is a Local Section Younger Chemists Committee?

Local Section Younger Chemists Committees (LSYCC) empower younger chemists – those under the age of 35 or getting started in their careers – to communicate and interact with other chemists in their areas, often participating in programs that enhance their professional development.

Why should we start a LSYCC? 

  • To bring together Local Section members with similar professional needs and enable them to identify and address common issues.  
  • To provide leadership opportunities for younger chemists who wish to develop skills.
  • To provide a vehicle for younger chemists to voice their opinions and concerns to the Society (American Chemical Society) and to the larger scientific community.  

Please respond to our survey no later than Friday, November 18, 2022, to let us know if you would like to see the formation of a LSYCC in the UP.

You are welcome to forward this survey to other young chemists in the Upper Peninsula, even if they are not members of the ACS UPLS.

This effort is being led by Monica Nyansa Please direct any questions or comments you may have to Monica or Katie Newton

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