Category: Employment and Career

2020 EERE Robotics Summer Internships

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) Robotics Internship Program is a 10-week summer internship program for students majoring in a field related to robotics. The program provides opportunities for high school seniors, undergraduate and graduate students and postgraduates to intern at federal national laboratories throughout the United States.  The EERE Robotics Internship Program is sponsored by the EERE Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO).

Why should I apply?

You will receive:

·  Hands-on experience in development of future robotics technical, engineering, and advanced manufacturing technologies

· Development of professional networks with leading scientists and subject matter experts

·  Identification of career goals and opportunities

·  Stipends:  High school seniors and undergraduate students receive a $600 per week stipend; graduate students and postgraduates receive a $750 per week stipend

·  Housing Allowance: $150 per week for interns whose home location is more than 50 miles from the hosting facility

· Inbound/Outbound Travel Reimbursement: Up to $1,000 to/from assigned location for interns whose home location is more than 50 miles from the hosting facility


·  Be a U.S. citizen

·  Be at least 18 years old by May 1, 2020.

·  Be a high school senior, undergraduate or graduate student, or recent graduate of an accredited institution of higher education majoring in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics discipline related to robotics and/or manufacturing.

How to Apply

Applications and supporting materials must be submitted at


Application and letters of recommendation are due February 3, 2020, 8:00 AM EST.

For more information

Contact us at

Internship and Fellowship Opportunities

The ORAU University Partnerships Office is pleased to provide the following information, available to all institutions. Please forward within your institution and broadly to colleagues as you feel appropriate.

2020 Summer ORISE Fellowship Opportunity at CDC – Deadline Approaching

A summer fellowship opportunity is available in the Division of Laboratory Sciences (DLS) within the National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the Chamblee Campus in Atlanta, Georgia. DLS provides laboratory support that improves the detection, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of environmental, tobacco-related, nutritional, newborn, selected chronic and selected infectious diseases. DLS also works to improve the rapid and accurate detection of chemical threat agents, radiologic threat agents, and selected toxins.

Collaborating with a multidisciplinary team, the selected participant will use state-of-the-art laboratory equipment to address topics relevant to public health. This will allow the participant to gain hands-on experience in applied analytical chemistry and enhance their knowledge of its applications to public health. This program is available to any undergraduate or graduate student majoring in Biochemistry or Chemistry. Opportunity is open to U.S. Citizens only.

For more information on this opportunity, contact (please include reference code CDC-DLS-2020-0015), or apply online at The application deadline is Friday, January 10th, 2020 at 3:00 PM EST.

National Science Foundation Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship – Deadline Approaching

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) aims to provide opportunities to enrich the training of graduate students in the Mathematical Sciences through the provision of an NSF Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship Program. This program will provide an opportunity for mathematical sciences doctoral students to participate in internships at federal national laboratories and research facilities. Participation in an internship will provide first-hand experience of the use of mathematics in a nonacademic setting. The internships are aimed at students who are interested in understanding the application of advanced mathematical and statistical techniques to “real world” problems, regardless of whether the student plans to pursue an academic or nonacademic career.

For more information visit The application deadline is Monday, January 13th, 2020 at 5:00 PM EST.

Arctic Advanced Manufacturing Innovator Program – Early Career Research Experience – Deadline Approaching

The Arctic Advanced Manufacturing Innovator Program supports early career innovators with fresh ideas and innovative approaches to address fundamental hard technology manufacturing challenges in Alaska. Hard technology is defined as physical devices. With support from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) and in collaboration with the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), you will have a unique opportunity to advance your early stage concept to a potentially commercialize-able opportunity with support from mentors at the UAF and at a participating DOE National Laboratory. As an Arctic Advanced Manufacturing Innovator, you will be paired with a UAF researcher and a DOE National Laboratory researcher who are well aligned with your hard technology focus area, and who will serve as a mentor and collaborator for your project. You will also receive commercialization and entrepreneurial support from UAF.

For more information about program details, please visit the program website at The applications deadline is Friday, January 15th, 2020 at 5:00 PM EST.

2020 MITRE Embedded Capture the Flag Registration Open – Deadline Approaching

MITRE’s eCTF (embedded capture-the-flag) is an embedded security competition that puts participants through the experience of trying to create a secure system and then learning from their mistakes. The main target is a real physical embedded device, which opens the scope of the challenge to include physical/proximal access attacks. The eCTF is a two-phase competition with attack and defense components. In the first phase, competitors design and implement a secure system based on a set of challenge requirements. The second phase involves analyzing and attacking the other teams’ designs.

The eCTF is open to students of all levels and abilities, but prior experience with embedded programming, cybersecurity, electronics, signal processing, and cryptography are helpful.

For more information about the program, visit

Register to participate at The event begins January 15th, 2020.

Minority Serving Institutions Partnership Program Internship – NEW! Deadline Approaching (keyword: MSIPP)

The Minority Serving Institutions Partnership Program (MSIPP) is a program to promote the education and development of the next generation workforce in critical science, engineering, technology, and math (STEM) related disciplines that compliment current and future missions of U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management (DOE-EM).

The MSIPP Internships Program is designed to provide an enhanced training environment for next generation scientists and engineers by exposing them to research challenges unique to our industry. MSIPP interns will be given the opportunity to complete Summer Internships aligned with ongoing U.S. DOE-EM research under the direction of a host national laboratory. The internship will be performed at the host national laboratory, utilizing their facilities and equipment under the guidance of a senior research mentor. Interns will collaborate with subject matter experts, work in a collaborative environment, gain hands-on experience, and connect with other professionals in their field while pursuing growth opportunities. Selected candidates will be compensated by either a stipend or salary commensurate with the cost of living at the location of the host laboratory.

Visit the opportunities and apply online at (keyword: MSIPP). The application deadline is January 21st, 2020.

Faculty-Student Team Defense Lab Research Program Applications – NEW!

The Faculty-Student Team Defense Lab Research (FSR) Program provides faculty and student research teams from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and Minority Serving Institutions (MIs) with the opportunity to conduct research at a Department of Defense (DoD) laboratory. All eligible candidates are encouraged to apply.

The mission of the FSR program is to increase and enhance the scientific leadership at underserved populations such as Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and Minority Serving Institutions (MIs) in research areas that support the mission and goals of the Joint Science and Technology Office JSTO-CBD.

As a FSR participant, you will train under the mentorship of a DoD scientist while working on a mission-focused research project. During the 10-week appointment, you will receive a weekly stipend and may be eligible for travel allowances. The research activity requires teams to be composed of one faculty member and one undergraduate student. Appointments will not be made to teams without a student member or to teams without a faculty member. All team members must be U.S. citizens.

Visit the FSR program website for more detailed information on the program at View the opportunities and apply online at The application deadline is February 18th, 2020.

National Science Foundation (NSF) Statistics Research, Analysis & Data Visualization Opportunity – Reminder

The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) — part of the National Science Foundation (NSF) — is the world’s premier source for data and information on the science and engineering enterprise. NCSES is one of only thirteen principal statistical agencies in the U.S. federal government.

This is an open opportunity to participants in a wide variety of fields including, but not limited to, Bioinformatics, Biophysics, Business Management, Communications and Graphic Design, Computer Sciences, Computational Biology, Demography, Economics, Engineering, Epidemiology, Finance, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Marketing, Mathematics and Statistics, Neurosciences, Physics, and Public Policy.

NCSES is seeking participant involvement in a variety of interesting and original activities. These challenging projects make use of expertise from a variety of fields such as research and analysis, statistics, economics, survey methodology, demography, data science, data visualization, graphic design, data journalism, communications, and project management, among others.

The scope of the work relates to both domestic and international data and information. Participants will have the opportunity to make use of, or support and improve, NCSES and other available data on

·        Innovation

·        Research and development (R&D)

·        The science and engineering workforce

·        U.S. competitiveness in science, engineering and technology, and

·        Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education.

Participants may have the opportunity to be part of a data collection program, to search for and analyze key trends and patterns, and to visualize their analyses in novel and informative ways. Both independently, and as part of a team effort, participants may help define specific projects that will advance the Center’s ability to generate, document and analyze statistics on the science and engineering enterprise. Individual innovation and novelty in approach and techniques (including the use of non-survey data and methodologies) are highly desirable.

There will also be opportunities to collaborate with some of the world’s leading experts on the science and engineering enterprise and in fields such as statistics, survey methodology, and economics. These interactions will inform policy discussions related to the science and engineering enterprise, the federal data strategy, and potentially to support key NCSES and National Science Board products such as Science and Engineering Indicators; the National Patterns of R&D Resources; the Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering Report; and the Annual Business Survey, which includes data on R&D, innovation, technology and globalization, among others.

To learn more about NCSES, visit If you have questions, send an email to Please list the reference code of this opportunity in the subject line of the email.

National Science Foundation (NSF) Statistics Research, Analysis & Data Visualization Opportunity – NEW!

The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) — part of the National Science Foundation (NSF) — is the world’s premier source for data and information on the science and engineering enterprise. NCSES is one of only thirteen principal statistical agencies in the U.S. federal government.

This internship is for participants in a wide variety of fields including, but not limited to: Business Management, Communications and Graphic Design, Computer Sciences, Economics, Marketing, Mathematics and Statistics, and Survey Methodology. The scope of activities in the internship include, but are not limited to:

·        Use statistical and methodological principles to design, develop, coordinate, conduct, analyze, and disseminate surveys of science and engineering resources.

·        Collaborate with NCSES staff to assist in conducting project management and survey implementation.

·        Design and prepare responses to “requests for information”.

·        Assist in research, evaluation, and testing software solutions for data and information dissemination.

·        Collaborate with data system, metadata, publications, and web teams to develop data on products, such as InfoBriefs, data tables, special reports, public and restricted use data files, and Office of Management and Budget products.

Both independently, and as part of a team effort, you may have the opportunity to conduct analysis of key trends and patterns, and to visualize and present the findings in novel and informative ways. You will also have opportunities to collaborate with some of the world’s leading experts on the science and engineering enterprise and in fields such as statistics, survey methodology, and economics.

For more information on this opportunity, contact (please include reference code NSF-NCSES-2019-0002), or apply online at Internships are expected to be granted beginning in February.

Clean Energy Policy Internship for Post-Degree Candidates – Reminder

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education is currently accepting applications for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Science, Technology and Policy (STP) Program. This internship is with the U.S. Clean Energy Education and Empowerment (C3E) Initiative. As an intern embedded within the C3E initiative, you will get to develop educationally and professionally while participating in policy-related projects at DOE’s EERE office in Washington, D.C. The goal of the C3E effort is to close the gender gap and increase participation, leadership and success of women in clean energy fields. You will collaborate with DOE Senior Program Advisors and engage closely with your mentor to move this initiative forward. You will also learn how to plan, manage and execute initiative activities, including organizing meetings and collaborations within the agency and with partnering organizations, solicitation of new ideas for how to grow the C3E, as well as new strategic directions and activities.

For a full description of this internship and to submit your application, visit If you have questions, send an email to Please include the reference code for the opportunity [DOE-EERE-STP-SP-2019-2200] in your email subject line.

Solar Energy Innovators Program Opportunity – Reminder

The purpose of the Solar Energy Innovators Program is to enable selected applicants to conduct practical research on innovative solutions to the challenges faced by electric utilities, energy service providers, and electric public utility commissions as the levels of solar energy, as well as other distributed energy resources (DERs), increase on the electrical grid.

Selected applicants, referred to as “Innovators” herein, will participate for up to two years at a Host Institution on one or more topics related to the integration of solar energy. The applicant to this program is the prospective Innovator. The applicant must identify a Host Institution and potential mentor at a utility, energy service provider, or public utilities commission (PUC) currently conducting research in an area related to the integration of solar energy onto the electricity grid. Host Institutions may seek potential Innovators that are eligible to apply to the program, but it is the potential Innovator, not the Host Institution or mentor, who submits the application and supporting materials to this site.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Applications are downloaded for review on the first of the month, and applicants can expect to hear whether they move to the next stage within 30 days. Subsequent selection process stages include telephone interviews of the applicant and mentor. The process from application submittal to Innovator start date is approximately 3 months. For more information and to apply visit


University Partnerships Office

ORAU provides innovative scientific and technical solutions to advance research and education, protect public health and the environment and strengthen national security. Through specialized teams of experts, unique laboratory capabilities and access to a consortium of more than 100 major Ph.D.-granting institutions, ORAU works with federal, state, local and commercial customers to advance national priorities and serve the public interest. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and federal contractor, ORAU manages the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

ORNL Pathways to Computing Internship Program – Accepting Applications

ORNL is accepting applications for summer 2020!

Pathways to Computing Internship Program at ORNL accepting applications for summer 2020!

The Pathways to Computing Internship Program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is a 10-week summer program that provides undergraduate students with research projects in computer science, computational science, and mathematics. Students will learn under the direction of ORNL research staff and will participate on projects in diverse domains including computer science, health data science, and climate science. Selected interns will have access to ORNL’s leadership-class facilities, including Summit, the world’s most powerful supercomputer.

Eligibility criteria

For acceptance into the program, applicants must:Be currently enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student in a degree-seeking program at a regionally accredited U.S. college or university at time of application (including accredited community colleges)
– Have completed at least one year as a matriculated undergraduate student at the time of applying
– Have a cumulative minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
– Be 18 years of age at time of application


– $600 per week stipend
– $175 per week housing allowance (paid with stipend) and limited travel reimbursement (up to $500 total), if eligible

Application deadline

Applications are due January 15, 2020. Selections will be made on a rolling basis and continue until applicants have been chosen. To be considered for selection, applications must be fully completed and submitted and two recommendations must be received within the Zintellect system.

Click on the following link to apply:

Auto-Owners Insurance Internship Opportunities

Winter Tech Updates from Auto-Owners

The Auto-Owners IT Division is looking forward to this upcoming winter recruiting season! We continue to seek your assistance in hiring the brightest and best technical talent for software development, security, infrastructure, UX, and data warehousing positions. We also have a few remaining summer internships for 2020!

Our updates for this season include:

·         Modernizing Development for Efficiency, Automation, and Security

·         Robotic Process Automation

·         Our First Ever A-O Hackathon

Modernizing the Way We Develop Software

We are putting significant investments into new procedures and tools that allow us to analyze, plan, and execute software development projects faster and more efficiently. For many years we have used a home-grown application to track work and are modernizing that by use of industry standard products that have a far richer feature set. In addition, we are investing in new technology which will allow us to release applications in a more automated fashion. Using concepts drawn from continuous delivery, we are automating even more components of our software development lifecycle – such as how the code is packaged for deployment, and automating scanning our code for security vulnerabilities. It’s an exciting time to be involved in software development at Auto-Owners!

Robotic Process Automation

This fall, Auto-Owners started creating our first software robot using Robotic Process Automation software. These software “bots” are being programmed to execute the steps of a business process that involve mundane and repetitive tasks. This allows our associates to focus on work that requires decision making and critical thinking skills. Bots can be configured to capture and interpret data and interact with applications. 

Here are some examples of tasks the bot has done:

·         Extract information from a website

·         Input information into a website

·         Spreadsheet processing to extract or populate data

·         Interact with client software

We are excited about what this technology will do in the way of automating tasks because it has the potential to save literal years of manual, tedious work!

1st Ever A-O Hackathon

Our very first associate-only hackathon was an opportunity for participants to work on a creative software project of their choosing. It could be something to help their team at work, a passion project, or anything in between. During twelve hours, teams designed, implemented, and demoed the software projects. At the very end, a team was voted the “Hackathon Champions” and bestowed with the Hackathon Trophy. We had an impressive number of different languages, platforms, and technologies used by the teams. Kotlin, Unity, Kubernetes, Virtual Reality, React/Redux, Python, R, Spark, and SQL Server were used to name a few, but there were many more. With these tools, the participants created things ranging from an IT DevOps-style system dashboard to an interactive virtual reality Lego building game. As software developers, the best way to learn is by doing, and that’s exactly what our hackathon enabled. The event was a big success, and we look forward to facilitating future hackathons similar to this for future employees of Auto-Owners.

Please share these updates and our company information with any of your students who may be seeking a paid internship or full-time tech position. We look forward to working with you this season and wish you a successful semester!

ERIN McLAUGHLINSr. Tech Recruiter | HRp: 800.346.0346, ext. 51855 ADRIENNE KIMBRELLManager | Traverse City Remote ITp: 800.346.0346, ext. 52433

National Science Foundation Data Analysis and Statistics Internships

National Science Foundation Data Analysis and Statistics Internships

Apply Today!

*Open until filled.

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education is currently accepting applications for full and part-time internships with the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES).

What will I be doing?  You will be involved in a variety of interesting and original activities. You will learn and collaborate on projects that make use of expertise from a variety of fields, including survey methodology, survey statistics, economics and other social science disciplines to design, study, implement and conduct national surveys to measure the science and engineering enterprise.  You will be a part of and learn about research projects, evaluation initiatives, surveys, data collection and specialized analyses.

Why should I apply?  Both independently, and as part of a team effort, you may have the opportunity to conduct analysis of key trends and patterns, and to visualize and present the findings in novel and informative ways. You will also have opportunities to collaborate with some of the world’s leading experts on the science and engineering enterprise and in fields such as statistics, survey methodology, and economics. NCSES is the world’s premier source for data and information on the science and engineering enterprise.

What are the benefits?  You will receive a competitive stipend for living and other expenses as determined by NSF. Stipends are typically based on academic standing, discipline, and experience. You may also be eligible to receive a health insurance allowance and reimbursement for travel expenses.

Am I eligible?You must be currently pursuing, or have received within 4 months of application, a Bachelor’s or Master’s in Communications & Graphic Design, Computer Sciences, Data Science, Demography, Economics, Engineering, Physics, Mathematics & Statistics, Sociology, Survey Methodology or similar field. You must have a minimum GPA of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale.

For a full description of this opportunity and to submit your application, visit For questions, send an email to Please include the reference code for the opportunity [NSF-NCSES-2019-0002] in your email subject line.

Robotics System Enterprise – October 23rd

Robotic Systems Enterprise (RSE) is recruiting CS and Software Engineering students of all years. Our projects involve self driving software development and robot hardware development. If you are interested, come down to our information session tonight!
Where: EERC 214
When: 7PM Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019
Check us out at

Fellowship Opportunity for Masters, PhDs, and Postdocs seeking careers as Data Scientists

Program: The Data Incubator is an intensive 8 week fellowship that prepares masters students, PhDs, and postdocs in STEM and social science fields seeking industry careers as data scientists. The program is free for Fellows and supported by sponsorships from hundreds of employers across multiple industries. In response to the overwhelming interest in our earlier sessions, we will be holding another fellowship.

Who Should Apply: Anyone who has already obtained a masters or PhD degree or who is within one year of graduating with a masters or PhD is welcome to apply. Applications from international students are welcome. Everyone else is encouraged to sign-up for a future session.

Locations: In addition to the below in-person locations, we will have a remote online session:

  • New York City
  • San Francisco Bay Area
  • Boston
  • Washington, DC.

Dates: All sections will be from 2020-01-13 to 2020-03-06.

Application Link:

Early Deadline: 2019-10-14.
Regular Deadline: 2019-10-21.
We are assessing and interviewing candidates who apply for the Early Deadline first and then based on remaining availability, will take candidates who applied for the Regular Deadline on a first-come first-serve basis.

Data Science in 30 minutes: Learn how to build a data-science project in our upcoming free Data Science in 30-minutes webcast. Signup soon as space is limited.

Learn More: You can learn about our fellows at The New York TimesLinkedInAmazonCapital One, or Palantir. To read about our latest fellow alumni, check out our blog. To learn more about The Data Incubator, check us out on Venture BeatThe Next Web, or Harvard Business Review

Auto-Owners IT Division Fall Recruiting

The Auto-Owners IT Division is looking forward to this upcoming fall recruiting season! We continue to seek your assistance in hiring the brightest and best technical talent for software development, security, infrastructure, Project Management, UX, and data warehousing positions and several summer internships for 2020! Our updates for this season include:

· Building a container orchestration system

· Investing in a Project Management career path

· Our annual IT/Actuarial Day! (Fri, Oct 18)

Building Nimble Applications with Containers

For the past couple of years, we’ve been rolling out a new container orchestration system. This has allowed us to run many different types of applications side by side in one unified system. Now we can build a diverse portfolio of small, lean applications which, when combined, make up the feature-rich systems our customers have come to expect.

The use of automated containers means that we are able to use whichever technology is best for the project. This allows the use of some of the newest front-end frameworks, different types of servers based on needs, or even new messaging platforms. As Auto-Owners continues to grow and build, we can be confident that we have the necessary flexibility to ensure that the right tool is being used for the task at hand.

Investing in Project Management Career Paths

Recognizing the increasing need for projects to have dedicated project leadership, Auto-Owners introduced the Project Management career path in January 2018. Since this time, the Project Management Community at Auto-Owners has helped individuals prepare for and grow in this career path. Some provided opportunities include:
· Monthly meetings to learn tools, tricks, and best practices, and to discuss how to handle current challenges

· Mentoring for associates new to the career path or looking to advance to the next job class

· Opportunities to attend Project Management, Agile, and tool-related conferences

· Opportunities to join community groups, such as the Project Management Institute

Having associates dedicated to managing projects saves us money and time and helps avoid the frustration of unmet project expectations. Our PM Community continues to strive to make the projects at Auto-Owners the best that they can be.

IT/Actuarial Day is Friday, October 18!

This year’s IT/Actuarial Day is on Friday, October 18. IT/Actuarial Day is an exciting day where students can come to the Auto-Owners Home Office in Lansing and see how their degree can be used in a career field. There is a networking lunch with management, presentations from our tech and Actuarial areas, and a chance to visit a workspace to see what day-to-day work is like. This is a chance to discover – in person instead of on a website – the many different tech and math fields at Auto-Owners and is a great opportunity for students to connect to a major employer in Michigan. Additional details were sent in a separate email earlier this week. Faculty and staff are also welcome, and we would love to see you there!

Please share these updates and our company information with any of your students who may be seeking a paid internship or full-time tech position. We look forward to working with you this season and wish you a successful semester!

Sr. IT & Actuarial Recruiter | HR
p: 800.346.0346, ext. 51855

Manager | Traverse City Remote IT
p: 800.346.0346, ext. 52433