This summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site is open to 10 undergraduates from across the U.S. to be held at Texas State University for 10 weeks over the summer. Funding ($6000 stipend plus additional benefits) is provided from an NSF CISE award.
Women, veterans, underrepresented minorities, and students from primarily teaching universities and colleges are especially encouraged to apply.
The application deadline is March 1st and we will continue to accept applications until all positions are filled.
Please find more information about this research opportunity at
and in the attached flyer.
Kind regards,
Vangelis Metsis
PI – REU Site in Smart & Connected Communities
Vangelis Metsis, PhDAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Computer ScienceTexas State UniversityE-mail: vmetsis@txstate.eduWebpage:
The Pavlis Honors College is pleased to announce the fifth year of our Undergraduate Research Internship Program (URIP) for the 2020-21 academic year. There are three tracks for faculty mentors to consider:
- Faculty in Health-Related Fields are invited to identify an undergraduate research intern with any amount of prior experience – Portage Health Foundation Scholars
- Faculty in the fields of Research in Engineering, Technology, Environmental Sciences or Wildlife Sciences with any amount of prior experience – DeVlieg Foundation Scholars
- Faculty in any discipline are invited to identify an undergraduate intern that is relatively new to research or scholarship (less than 6 months) – Pavlis Young Investigators
The internship program is open to any undergraduate student on campus. Faculty are welcome to encourage students with whom they are already working to apply.The program consists of a 20-week internship (Mid-September through Mid-March) for the student, as well as professional development activities centered in academic research and scholarship. The Pavlis Honors College will provide $800 in funding for the student intern, with the expectation that faculty will identify a source to match this value, resulting in a total of $1600 (or $10/hr for 8 hours per week for a period of 20 weeks). Faculty may make use of research funds, IRAD, startup packages, or consult their chairs, deans or center/institute management.Once awarded the internship, the student intern is required to:
- meet with the faculty mentor within the first 2 weeks of the internship and complete an individual development plan (IDP) – a form will be provided by the Pavlis Honors College
- present their research findings in a poster at the Undergraduate Research Symposium in March (Friday of Preview Day Weekend).
Applications are due by March 30, 2020 and include the following:
1. Online Application Form
2. Project Description
3. Faculty Mentor Letter of Support
4. Faculty Match Funding Acknowledgement
The Project Description is to be completed as a collaborative effort between the student applicant and the faculty mentor.
Details of these requirements can be found at
This program is made possible by generous donations from the Portage Health Foundation, the DeVlieg Foundation and with the support of the Pavlis Honors College.
Finding a Research Mentor Workshop for Undergrads, Sept. 10 and 13
Tuesday, September 10th 4-5pm in Fisher 133orFriday, September 13th 12-1pm in Fisher 133Are you interested in conducting research? Are you unsure how to locate a faculty member to work with? Please join this interactive discussion featuring practical advice and tips for finding and approaching a faculty member for a research position. In addition, learn about paid research internship opportunities at Michigan Tech and beyond.