Call for Presenters: World Usability Day in the UP

World Usability Day, an annual event highlighting the importance of humans as participants in technology, is Thursday, Nov. 13. Michigan Tech is the center of activities for World Usability Day in the Upper Peninsula (WUD-UP).

In a world where basic infrastructures—including health care, education and finance—depend on rapidly changing technologies, WUD organizers call for ways to “serve people first.” This year’s theme is “Engagement: Getting People on Board with an Idea, Earning Trust and Working Toward Mutual Goals.”

If you are involved in research, education or service that is associated with human factors, human-centered design, usability, ergonomics or other fields related to humans and technology, you are invited to participate in WUD-UP. Participants from other institutions are welcome.

For more information, visit WUD UP or contact Charles Wallace at

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