Category: Applied Computing

MTU RedTeam Earns More Accolades: Students Excel in National Cyber League Competition

When it comes to red teaming, Michigan Tech Computing Huskies are among the best in the nation. The MTU RedTeam earned an overall Cyber Power Ranking of 22nd in the nation from the National Cyber League (NCL). NCL said the ranking represents the ability of students to perform real-world tasks, including identifying hackers from forensic . . .

This Graduation Celebration is All in The Husky Family

The nearly 100 Huskies who graduated with the Michigan Tech College of Computing Class of 2024 at mid-year commencement included cybersecurity major Abby Jurewicz. For her, the milestone is both a personal accomplishment and the continuance of a cherished family tradition. Jurewicz’s parents are both Tech grads. Mom Amy Jurewicz, ’94, earned her bachelor’s in . . .

PhD Student Sunyoung Ahn to Present Final Oral Exam November 19

Graduate student Sunyoung Ahn (Ph.D. in Computational Science and Engineering) will present a final oral examination (defense) on Tuesday, November 19, from 11:30 am-1:00 pm in MEEM 405 and via virtual meeting. The title of Ahn’s defense is “Bayesian Inference of Longitudinal Binary and Ordinal Data Utilizing Multivariate Probit Models.” Defense Abstract This dissertation explores . . .

Tomorrow’s Needs: National Security

From Michigan Tech News; by Andrew Barnard and Susan Janiszewski; published October 23, 2024 This is the fourth in a series of opinion pieces from leaders around campus on the role that Michigan Tech innovators will play to define the world’s emerging needs. Research is the backbone of the technological advantage the U.S. has held . . .

Eric Houck ’20 ’22 Joins Denver Skiing as Assistant Nordic Coach

From University of Denver Sports, by Ron Knabenbauer; published October 15, 2024 DENVER – University of Denver Skiing announced today that Eric Houck ’20 ’22 (BE, Mechanical Engineering; MS, Mechatronics) has been named assistant Nordic coach of the program. “I am thrilled to bring on Eric Houck as the new Nordic ski assistant coach for what is slated to . . .

Tomorrow’s Needs: Computing and AI

by Dennis Livesay and Jeffrey D. Naber From Michigan Tech News; published October 16, 2024 This is the third in a series of opinion pieces from leaders around campus on the role that Michigan Tech innovators will play to define the world’s emerging needs. From large mainframes to personal computers to the mobile devices of . . .