Author: Karen Johnson

The Michigan Tech College of Computing offers a full range of undergraduate and graduate degrees in the Computing disciplines.

Promote Your Innovation with Social Media Workshop on Jan. 15

by Husky Innovate Husky Innovate to host the workshop, Promote Your Innovation with Social Media on Jan. 15. Billions of dollars have been raised worldwide through crowdfunding. Consequently crowdfunding has gained popularity as an alternative way to finance innovations and entrepreneurial efforts. Typically we think of crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo and Rockethub. But . . .

Rekhi Innovation Challenge

The Rekhi Innovation Challenge is a crowdfunding competition to help promote and support student innovation and entrepreneurship through the use of Superior Ideas. Enterprise and Senior Design teams (not industry-sponsored projects) are strongly encouraged to participate in the competition. The competition will run for the month of February and the team that raises the most money . . .

All Researchers Invited to Research Development Day 2020

by Research Development Office All Michigan Tech researchers are invited to participate in the 2020 Research Development Day at Michigan Tech. The event will be held Thursday, Jan. 9. The content of the 2020 event is new and designed for both new and returning attendees. Multiple sessions are planned for faculty at all career stages . . .

Spring Break Silicon Valley Experience 2020: Registration Open

by Husky Innovate Aspiring student entrepreneurs and innovators are invited to apply for the Michigan Tech Silicon Valley Experience, a Spring Break immersive tour of California Bay Area companies that includes meetings with entrepreneurs and Michigan Tech alumni who are leaders in their field. The deadline to apply is Feb. 10. Register online. Up to . . .