Category: Minors

Seeking Input on SHAPE Essential Education Minor Themes

The SHAPE Essential Education Minors Working Group is tasked with identifying 15 themes for SHAPE Essential Education minors to be developed over the next three academic semesters. We are sharing our preliminary identification of themes and requesting feedback from the campus community. 

As a reminder: SHAPE = Social Sciences, Humanities, & the Arts for People and the Economy/Environment. The SHAPE units on campus include: CLS, COB, CFRES, KIP, HU, Pavlis, SS, and VPA. The SHAPE Essential Education Minors will be hosted by SHAPE units and the majority of courses in the minors will be drawn from these units.

Please complete the feedback form by Wednesday, March 6, to provide your input!

Sign Up for Essential Education Minor Development Workshops

The Essential Education leadership team is hosting two workshops next week and one workshop in November to begin developing Essential Education minors.

The first workshops will take place next week on Monday (Oct. 9) and Wednesday (Oct. 11) from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Alley Makerspace. Participants should plan to attend both sessions — on Monday and Wednesday — to complete the workshop. This workshop will be an opportunity to generate ideas for Essential Education minor themes. We will not be making any final decisions at these sessions. Please come with an open mind — ready to share your ideas and listen to others.

If you are not able to attend next week’s workshops, there will be another workshop on developing Essential Education minors on Nov. 17 from 2-5 p.m., also in the Alley Makerspace.

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