Professor Marty Jurgensen has received $120,000 from the USDA for a two-year project, Climate Change, Native Plant Production, and Restoration. |
Richard (Rick) Judd visited all the way from San Antonio, Florida in June to “check out all the changes” at Michigan Tech and the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science.
Rick was joined by his wife Karilyn. Rick says, “My lovely wife of 45 years was the one who put me through college and is responsible for me graduating from Michigan Tech in 1969.”
Assistant Professor Oliver Gailing recieved $1,746 from Pennsylvania State University for a project, DNA Isolation and Primer Test in Honey Locust (Gleditsia Triacanthos).
Assistant Professor John Vucetich and Research Professor Rolf Peterson contributed to “Great Lakes National Parks in Peril,” a report released Wednesday by the Rocky Mountain Climate Organization and the Natural Resources Defense Council. The report fingers climate change as a cause for the slump in Isle Royale National Park’s moose population and the subsequent decline in the number of wolves. The report is available park. |
Professor Andrew Storer has received $9,800 from the USDA, Forest Service for a one-year project, Climate Controlled Reproductive Asynchrony and Mating Success in Gypsy Moth Populations: Houghton Site.