Category: News

Scholarship Awarded to Auriel Van Der Laar

Members of the Michigan Tech Bird Bums

The Copper Country Audubon Club has awarded the Dr. Laurence Binford Youth Scholarship fund to Auriel Van Der Larr, a senior majoring in Wildlife Ecology and Management. This award will help support her travel to the Wildlife Society Conference this fall on the big island of Hawaii where she will  present her work on determining the gender of Virginia Rails through statistical modeling.

Auriel is pictured on the left with other Bird Bum members Michelle Kroll and Kevin King.

In the News: John Vucetich and Rolf Peterson

Assistant Professor John Vucetich and Research Professor Rolf Peterson contributed to “Great Lakes National Parks in Peril,” a report released Wednesday by the Rocky Mountain Climate Organization and the Natural Resources Defense Council. The report fingers climate change as a cause for the slump in Isle Royale National Park’s moose population and the subsequent decline in the number of wolves. The report is available park.