Month: June 2022

Michigan Tech STEAM Programs

Michigan Tech has a new facility located in Traverse City, Michigan. Currently, a STEAM program is being launched through this new facility.

What is STEAM?

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. STEAM has always been here but was always called STEM.

The Importance of having Art

A common shortfall in many schools is the lack of funding and interest in the visual arts. This is a shame considering that it is an important part of everyday life. You can find art in everything you look at, whether its the cars that drive, the Lego’s you build, down to the simple way your shoelaces look.

Current STEAM Lesson

The Glowing cloud

The goal of this lesson plan is to teach and focus on the Technology and Art aspect of STEAM.

In this lesson you will make your very own glowing cloud by using STEAM. You will learn how to program and code an Arduino Uno, learn how to program a WS2812 LED strip to create a light show, and learn how to turn it into art.

Other STEAM Lessons

Painting with pH levels

This lesson focuses on the combination of Science and Art. This lesson will teach you about pH levels, how these pH levels are present in every day life, and using chemical reactions to paint a pretty picture.

Cardboard Automaton

This lesson focuses on the combination of Engineering and Art. This lesson will tech you about measurements, ratios, gears, and much more. You will also learn how to make a cardboard creature come alive with what you learned.

Drawing with Graphs

This lesson focuses on the combination of Math and Science. This lesson will teach you about graphs, equations, and how to graph with a calculator. You will learn how to draw with equations.