Michigan Sea Grant Research Funding

Michigan Sea Grant (MISG) is pleased to announce that new funding is available for projects addressing issues affecting the Great Lakes and Michigan’s coastal areas. These projects should aim to develop information, create tools, and build partnerships that will improve decision-making for particularly challenging coastal issues in the state and to fulfill critical research needs for the Great Lakes and coastal systems.

MISG will support three types of research projects during the 2026-2028 funding cycle: Integrated Assessments, Core Research, and Graduate Student Research Fellowships. Research proposals are selected for funding through a competitive, peer-reviewed process.

Letters of Intent are due by 5pm EST on March 14, 2025. Projects invited to submit full proposals are due May 30, 2025. Any questions can be directed to MSG-RFPinfo@umich.edu.

Further information and details to apply can be found at the link to the position description.