Tag: Smithsonian

Because of Her Story Cohort Internship Program

  • American Women’s History Initiative
    Paid 2024 Because of Her Story (BOHS) Cohort Internship Program
    • As part of the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum (SAWHM), the Smithsonian will host a cohort of up to 14 Because of Her Story interns in Washington, D.C.
    • Through a variety of experiential learning opportunities, including a hands-on internship with a designated Smithsonian unit, Because of Her Story interns will gain a deeper understanding about museum and educational best practices, and will help further the work of the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum.
    • Undergraduate Students who have a commitment to women’s history and are at least 18 years old with a GPA of 3.0 or higher are welcome to apply.
    • The program lasts for eight-weeks from June 10-August 2, 2024, with a weekly $400 stipend, provided housing in Washington, D.C., and reimbursement for travel to and from Washington, D.C.
    • Applications open January 8—February 7, 2024
      • The application will close when the system receives 400 applicants or
        5pm ET on February 7, 2024, whichever comes first. 

Smithsonian Leadership for Change Internship

The Leadership for Change Internship strengthens students’ understanding and commitment to social justice and leadership through meaningful, hands-on projects and access to leaders in the field. All projects will focus on one or more of the four core topic areas: women’s history, climate change, race and social justice, and the changing American narrative (including rural initiatives, immigration, education, civics, democracy, and other topics). All internships are 32 hours per week and take place June 10-August 2, 2024. Students receive a modest stipend, plus travel and housing assistance (where applicable). Application deadline is February 26, 2024.

There are two internship opportunities available:

Smithsonian Affiliate Hybrid Internship

  • This opportunity matches interns with one of several participating Smithsonian Affiliate organizations. This is a hybrid internship—interns will spend 4 weeks in-person at an Affiliate organization and 4 weeks working virtually at their home location.

Washington, D.C. Internship

  • This opportunity matches interns with one of several participating Smithsonian museums or offices. This option is 8 weeks in-person on the Smithsonian campus.