Top Stories:
- News: MTU sued: Schultz & Grainger Respond
- Pulse: Color Run 2016
- Opinion: Debate: Was MTU justified in expelling Schultz?
- Sports: Hockey is coming
Homecoming Schedule of Events
Sunday, September 25
- Pi Mile – 10:00 AM, Walker Lawn
- Soccer vs. Grand Valley State – 12:00PM, Sherman Field
- Kickball Tournament – Softball Fields 1-4, 2:00-4:00PM
- Tug-of War – Softball Fields 1-4, 2:00-4:00PM
- Window Painting – SDC, 4:00-6:00PM
Monday, September 26
- Career Fair Cookout – 11:00AM-3:00PM, CareerFEST Tent
Tuesday, September 27
- Career Fair
Wednesday, September 28
- Homecoming Court Dinner – Great Lakes Research Center 202, 6:00PM
Thursday, September 29
- Trails Relay – Tech Trails, 4:30PM
- Spotlight Night – Homecoming Talent Show – 8:00PM, MUB Ballroom A
Friday, September 30
- Cardboard Boat Races – Houghton Waterfront Park, 4:00PM
- Volleyball vs. Findlay – 5:00PM, Varsity Gym
- Soccer vs. Findlay – 7:00PM, Sherman Field
Saturday, October 1
- Women’s Tennis vs. Northwood, Gates Tennis Center
- Homecoming Tailgate – Lot 24, 11:00AM-1:00PM
- Football vs. Saginaw Valley State – Sherman Field, 1:00PM
- Volleyball vs. Wayne State – 4:00PM, Varsity Gym
Homecoming Cardboard Boats Bus Shuttle Schedule
There will be free bus shuttles to and from the Homecoming event, Cardboard Boats, located at the Houghton Waterfront Park on Friday, September 30. The event starts at 4:00 p.m.
Shuttles will run from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 pm. The continuous loop route will consist of first stop: Student Development Complex (SDC), next stop: Memorial Union Building (MUB) Bus Stop, destination stop: Houghton Waterfront Park.
For more information please contact Student Activities at 906-487-1963.
Khana Khazana Serving Hawaiian Cuisine
This week at the Memorial Union North Coast Grill and Deli, we are featuring a menu from Hawaii.
The menu features:
· Creamy Potato Salad
· Huli Huli Chicken
· Fresh Corn Tomato Salad
Serving is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday. The cost is $7.95 and include a fountain beverage.
Film Board Presents, Finding Dory
Located on Michigan Tech’s campus in Fisher 135. Tickets are $3 and concessions are $1 each. We hope to see you at the show this weekend and have a great day!
Finding Dory is rated PG for mild thematic events.
MUB Board Brings You, Spotlight Night
Spotlight Night is an annual talent show that exists to celebrate Homecoming Week! Earn Homecoming points by either taking part in the event or by coming to enjoy the show!
Register to perform at goo.gl/0cfDGo
Skate with the Huskies Saturday, 9/24
Annual Skate With The Huskies on Saturday, September 24 at the John MacInnes Student Ice Arena. The hockey team will be playing a scrimmage starting at 11 a.m. with the fans allowed on the ice after.
The first 150 fans to the scrimmage will get hot dogs from Vollwerth’s and there will be free posters for the players to sign on the ice.
Tech fans can catch a glimpse of the 2016-17 Michigan Tech hockey Huskies before they travel to Minnesota Duluth to open the season on October 1-2. The first home series is October 14-15 against Alabama Huntsville.
The Huskies will be defending the MacNaughton Cup after going 23-9-5 overall last year and 18-7-3 in the WCHA. The nine losses were the fewest since 1975-76, and the MacNaughton Cup returned home to Houghton for the first time since that same season.
Fans looking to purchase season ticket packages can do so at the SDC Central Ticket Office for $255. Each package includes one reserved seat at the John MacInnes Student Ice Arena for each of Tech’s 14 regular season home games and the first round of the WCHA Playoffs. Single game tickets are also on sale for $18 for adults and $10 for youth. All tickets can be purchased at the SDC Central Ticket Office, online at BuyHuskiesTickets.com or over the phone at 906-487-2073.
Muck Run 2016
Runners of all abilities are invited to the Muck Run on October 29 at 10:00 AM at the Michigan Tech Trails. The Muck Run is a trail 5k through mud, muck, and maybe even snow hosted by the Michigan Tech Cross Country teams. There are door prizes as well as awards for each age group and the Best Halloween Costume. More information can be found on our Eventbrite page, http://www.eventbrite.com/e/muck-run-2016-tickets-27230091938
For more information visit Link above.
Barn Dance Sponsored by St. Al’s and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
There will be a Barn Dance held in the Chassell Pavilion on Friday, September 23, hosted by St. Al’s and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Country Swing dance lessons will be available from 8-9pm and the dance will be from 9pm-12am.
For more information please contact Abigail at arsteinb@mtu.edu.
Rozsa A-Space Gallery Presents Flats and Rounds
The Rozsa Center and Department of Visual and Performing Arts presents the first Rozsa A-Space Gallery show of the 2016-17 Season: Flats and Rounds, an exhibition of the work of two artists, Kathleen McCloud and Sarah Hewitt. Flats and Rounds opens with a public reception on Friday, September 30, from 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM, and will continue through November 18. The reception is free and open to the public, and gallery hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM and Saturday from 1:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Hewitt will also create a weaving installation on-site, in the Rozsa Lobby, from October 20 – 26th. A public lecture by Hewitt to discuss her work further will be held in the Rozsa on the evening of Tuesday, October 25.
FREE SALE – Gently Worn Wome’s Business Clothing
Need something to wear to the Career Fair and interviews? The semi-annual FREE SALE, a giveaway of gently worn women’s business clothing and accessories, will be held this weekend:
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Van Pelt and Opie Library, Rooms 242-244.
Items are available to all Tech students at no costs. Business suits, blouses, shoes, and accessories are included – everybody leaves with something! This event is made possible through the generous donations of our faculty, staff, alumnae, and friends of Michigan Tech. FREE SALE fall 2016
Have you completed re-registration? It is due by Friday, October 7 at 5:00 p.m.
Complete the checklist (found in your org mailbox), online re-registration on Involvement Link, RSO training for Advisors and Presidents.
Email questions to rso@mtu.edu or cal Student Activities at 906-487-1963.

Resumes are the heart of a strong professional portfolio and should be shaped toward their intended audience. Whether refining an already strong resume or drafting a completely new one, this resume workshop will help you discover the necessary concepts for professional document success.
Where: Multiliteracies Center, Walker 107
Contact Rachel Hetherington at rmhether@mtu.edu for more information.
EPC Hackathon, Business Idea Development
Join in a Hackathon event on Saturday, September 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m in the Library. 120 seconds to pitch your idea!
Free Coaching Sessions for Business Development
Development of business Model Canvas
Development of 120 seconds of pitch
Prizes for the winners, Best pitch (3) -$100, Best Social Entrepreneurship pitch (3)-$50, top 5 receives direct entry into Elevator Pitch Competition!
For more information please contact Andre Laplume at aolaplum@mtu.edu.
2016-17 Social Justice Lecture Series Presents, Alina Fernandez
First in the series Fidal Castro’s Daughter, Alina Fernandez, shares her first-person, intimate account of growing up in Cuba, and the many broad sweeping changes affected by Cuba today. Don’t miss her presentation on October 6 at 6:00 PM in the MUB Ballroom B.
Please add these great upcoming events to your calendars, see calendar for more information!
For questions please contact Zach Rubinstein at zlrubins@mtu.edu.
This Week in Career Services
Sunday, September 25 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
CareerFEST Invitational Golf Outing
The Science of Body Language with Allie Irwin
Did you know your body language sends off signals that you might not be aware of? This session is for everyone! Even if you don’t plan to attend the Career Fair, you will learn something about yourself, your classmates and how to make a positive impact on company reps.
Sunday, September 25 | 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
This casual cookout features companies who will be attending the Career Fair on Tuesday. Stop by between classes for a bite to eat and a great opportunity to meet company reps who have come to campus early to meet you and talk about jobs.
Monday, September 26 | 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
The Science of Body Language with Allie Irwin – Short Talks
Stop by the East Reading Room in the Library for Allie Irwin’s talks. Drop in for quick 15-minute presentations to learn how your body language speaks volumes. Prepare for recruiters at the Career Fair to make that great first impression.
Monday, September 26 | 12:00 PM – 12:15 PM | 12:20 PM – 12:35 PM | 12:40 PM – 12:55 PM
ACIA Networking Mixer
Alliance for Computing, Information & Automation
For students who are part of the Alliance: Computer Science (SCS), Electrical Engineering (EEE), Computer Network & System Administration (TCSA), Computer Engineering (ECP), Electrical Engineering Technology (TEET), & Software Engineering (SSEN) Take the opportunity to network with company reps in an informal setting prior to Career Fair. Socialize, network, meet, and greet.
Monday, September 26 | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Ace Your Technical Interview – Delivered by Amazon
A lot of Silicon Valley companies use interview techniques that are different than traditional behavior-based interviews. Bring your brain and be ready to simulate the situations you may experience in a technical interview!
Monday, September 26 | 8:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Career Fair
With 331 companies attending the Career Fair, there is a position for you. Come set up your future!
Tuesday, September 27 | 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Business Careers Day
Network with companies to learn about the variety of career options available in Business, Finance, and Economics.
Thursday, September 29 | 11:00 PM – 5:00 PM
For more information contact Christine Houston atchhousto@mtu.edu.
Dial Help presents How to Help Someone Who Has Been a Victim of Sexual Assault
All are welcome to an info session on helping those who have been victims of sexual assault on Wednesday, September 28 from 6-7pm in Fisher 125.
For more information contact Beth Lunde at titleix@mtu.edu.
Pavlis Institute Information Session
Upcoming Inramural Events
Entry Deadlines
Flag Football: Friday, September 23 @ 8:00 am
– Season begins on Sunday, October 2
Disc Golf Doubles: September 23 @ Noon
– Tournament on Saturday, September 24 @ 10:00 am
Kickball: Friday, September 23 @ Noon
– Tournament on Sunday, September 25th
Trails Relay: Thursday, September 29 @ 8:00 pm
– Race will take place on Thursday, September 29 @ 4:30 pm
Co-Rec Water Polo: Friday, September 30 @ 8:00 am
– Season begins on October 3rd
3-on-3 Basketball: Friday, October 7 @ 8:00 am
– Season begins on October 9th
Disc Golf Singles: Friday October 7th @ 10:00 am
– Tournament on Saturday, October 8th @ 10:00 am
– Tournament rescheduled because of the Golf 2-person scramble
Register your team at www.imleagues.com/MTU
For more information: E-mail imsports@mtu.edu
LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP: P3: People, Purpose, Passion: Student Success Summit 2016
October 8, from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Sessions include:
Sleep and Success
Mental Health Check Up
Conflict Management
The Career Fair is Over: Now What?
Working with Diverse Learners
Healthy Relationships
Student Organization Management, Budgeting and Recruitment
Event Planning
Register Here for the Success Summit!
The winners of the Constitution Day Essay Contest are:Noelle Eveland, 1st PlaceHeather Sander, 2nd PlaceJared Bazile, 3rd Place