Day: January 8, 2025

Student Scoop – January 8, 2025

Welcome Back to a Michigan Tech Winter!

Mark your calendars! The Winter Welcome Back Committee partnered with Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success, Blue Key, MUB Board, Student Leadership Involvement, Broomball, and more, has created a January lineup of events to keep you busy all month long. Starting Sunday, January 5, stop by one of the dorms or the MUB to get a Winter Welcome Back passport and learn more about upcoming events and ways to win prizes, including ‘skip the line’ hockey tickets. For a sneak peek at some of January’s events, visit Involvement Link. To know where to get your Winter Welcome Back passport stamped for a chance to win, see the list of events below.

If you have questions about events, the passport, or accessibility, please email Dawn Corwin, the chair of the Winter Welcome Back Committee and Assistant Director of the Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success.

Welcome Back Tables | Various Res Halls and MUB | January 5, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. (Pick up Passport)

Broomball Festival | Walker Lawn | January 7, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. (Passport)

Get Your Life In Order (GYLIO) – With Success Coaches | 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. (Passport)
January 8 – Wads G042
January 9 – McNair West Lounge
January 14 – DHH Ballroom

Healthy Relationships Presentation | (Passport)
January 9 – Wads 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
January 14 – DHH, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Ask The DOS a Question | Library | 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Passport)
January 9, 14, and 21 (Office hours at the Library)

Clay Creations | MUB Commons | Jan 9 at 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (sponsored by MUB Board) (Passport)

The Wild Robot! Film Screening | Fisher 135 | January 10 and 11 at 5:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m., and 11:30 p.m. (sponsored by Film Board)

Presentation Night w/Dungeons & Dragons | Fisher 139 | January 11, 7:00 p.m. Come and watch or jump in and present on a D&D theme (for example official lore, homebrew lore, items, D&D opinions, and more).

Photo Scavenger Hunt | DHH Ballroom | January 11 at 2:30 p.m. (sponsored by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship)

Learn about the American Society of Mechanical Engineers | MEEM 403 | January 13, 6:00 p.m. Dr. Chad Walber will share his experience from student to industry transition. Also, learn about upcoming company tours.

Greek Fair | Library East Reading Room | January 15, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Play Tabletop games and meet fraternities and sororities (sponsored by IFC and College Panhellenic Council)

Winter Carnival Trivia Night | MUB Commons | January 17, 9:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. (Passport)

MLK Day Reading Service Project | Various regional elementary schools | January 17 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Visit to sign up to read to children.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Banquet and Service | January 20 (Passport)
Brunch in the MUB Ballroom, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (registration required)
Interfaith Prayer Service, Noon
Peace March, 1 p.m. at Husky Statue

Silent Disco | MUB Ballroom | January 18 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. (Sponsored by MUB) (Passport)

Spring Involvement Fair | Memorial Union Building | January 21 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (Passport)

Blizzard Baja | South Range Snowmobile Club | January 25, 6 p.m to 8 p.m. at the

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Broomball Games | Evangel Community Church | January 25, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the (sponsored by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship)

Career Fair | SDC | January 28, 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Blizzard Bash | WADS Annex and Campus Cafe Lounge | Jan. 31, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. (sponsored by Chartwell Food Services)

Fans in the stands | SDC | Feb 1 Women’s game at Noon and Men’s game at 2 p.m.

Do you want to travel abroad this spring with a group of your peers?

Limited space remains on the Student Leadership and Involvement sponsored trip to Ecuador as part of the Alternative Spring Breaks program. If you want to be part of this life-changing journey, apply by Friday, January 10th!

Alternative Spring Break trips are coordinated and led by a Michigan Tech staff member. During the trip, the group will participate in cultural immersion experiences, direct community service, reflection activities, and much more! The Ecuador trip is being planned in collaboration with Manna Project International, a non-profit organization that Michigan Tech also traveled with back in 2023. The majority of the trip will be spent in a small village known as Shandia where the organization has been working since May of 2023. Manna works in partnership with the local community to improve access to clean water, basic medical services, quality education, and economic opportunities. Potential service activities include building planter boxes or chicken coops, assisting in English and art classes with local children, and assisting with trail maintenance and reforestation projects.

When asked, “If someone were considering attending an Alternative Spring Break trip, what would you tell them?” one 2023 participant shared,

Do it. You will not only impact another community, but will reignite your passion for serving those within your own. Alternative Spring Break trips are the perfect way to step just outside of your comfort zone with fellow students and discover what drives you. You will get to meet not only incredible community leaders, but grow connections with peers that may be outside your normal circle. It’s a great opportunity to see what issues others are facing and recognize what you can do to really change the world while building community with your own university.

The total cost for the trip is $1,400 which includes transportation costs, lodging, partnership fees, and all meals while on-site in Ecuador.

Give the Gift of Life This Valentine’s Day Season: Join Our Heartfelt Blood Drive

This Valentine’s Day, trade roses for red cells and candy hearts for hemoglobin. Order of Omega and Student Leadership and Involvement invite the community to share the love by donating blood at our upcoming Blood Drive. Each donation helps save up to three lives, making your contribution the most heartfelt gesture of the season. Whether you’re single, coupled, or somewhere in between, you can be someone’s hero.

When: Tuesday, February 11th and Wednesday, February 12th from 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
Where: Memorial Union Building Ballroom

How to Sign-Up:

The American Red Cross recommends everyone make an appointment. Sign up today online or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

How to Prepare:

  • Eat a healthy meal and drink plenty of water before donating.
  • Bring a photo ID.
  • Share the love by bringing a friend, family member, or partner to donate alongside you.

Let’s make this Valentine’s Day one to remember—not just for chocolates and roses, but for the lives we save together.

36th Annual MLK Day Celebration

CDI Announces 36th Annual MLK Day Events at Michigan Tech

HOUGHTON, MI — The Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) and the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Planning Committee is excited to announce the 36th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day (MLK Day) Celebration at Michigan Technological University on Monday, Jan. 20, 2025. This year’s theme, Beloved Community, draws from Dr. King’s vision of a world united in empathy, peace, and love. The day-long event will feature a variety of activities that celebrate Dr. King’s legacy and foster reflection, unity, and service in our community. Highlights include an MLK Brunch and keynote speaker, Interfaith Prayer Service, Peace March, and an MLK Reading Day with local elementary schools.

MLK Brunch

The celebration will begin at 10:00 a.m. with the MLK Brunch in the Ballroom of the Memorial Union Building. The event will feature Schwartzen Precil, a 2017 alumnus of Finlandia University, as the keynote speaker. Precil will share his personal reflections on Dr. King’s enduring influence and the ongoing pursuit of justice and equity. The brunch offers a unique opportunity for the community to come together in solidarity to honor Dr. King’s life and work. This program is partially sponsored by the Visiting Professor Program, funded through the State of Michigan’s King-Chavez-Parks Initiative.

MLK Interfaith Prayer Service and Reflection

At 12:00 p.m., the Interfaith Prayer Service and Reflection will take place in the East Reading Room of the Van Pelt and Opie Library. Led by Pastor Sarah Semmler Smith of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, this interfaith service will provide a space for reflection, prayer, and the sharing of excerpts from Dr. King’s sermons, prayers, and speeches. The event is open to all members of the campus community, regardless of faith, and aims to unite participants in a shared commitment to justice and peace.

MLK Peace March

Following the Prayer Service, the MLK Peace March will begin at 1:00 p.m. at the Husky Statue. The march, led by Vice President for Student Affairs Kellie Raffaelli, will proceed across campus to reaffirm Michigan Tech’s dedication to Dr. King’s ideals of justice, equity, and peaceful protest. The Peace March will serve as a public demonstration of the campus community’s ongoing commitment to Dr. King’s vision for a more just society.

MLK Reading Day

As part of Michigan Tech’s MLK Day observance, MLK Reading Day will take place on Friday, Jan. 17, 2025. During this event, Michigan Tech students will visit local elementary schools to read children’s books that highlight the themes of social justice and Dr. King’s life and legacy. This annual event continues the tradition of sharing Dr. King’s message with young minds, fostering the values of equality, service, and community. Students interested in volunteering for MLK Reading Day can sign up online at:

Preparation and Beyond

Craft Day Workshop

On Jan. 9  from 5:00-7 p.m. The CDI is partnering with the Black Student Alliance to host a Craft Day Workshop where students will prepare posters for the upcoming MLK and Black History Month exhibits. The workshop will offer participants the chance to create both digital and physical artwork that will be displayed at the Van Pelt and Opie Library.

Student Art Exhibit

The MLK Art Exhibit will be featured along the curved wall of the Opie Reading Room at the Van Pelt and Opie Library from Jan. 13–24, 2025. This year, all students are invited to submit digital or physical art posters reflecting the theme of Beloved Community and honoring the legacy of Dr. King. The exhibit provides an opportunity for students to showcase their creative interpretations of Dr. King’s life, values, and impact on society.

For more information on the 36th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration or to inquire about volunteering for Reading Day, please contact the Center for Diversity and Inclusion at

About the Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI):

The Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) at Michigan Technological University supports students, staff, and faculty from diverse backgrounds. Through a variety of programs and events, the CDI fosters a culture of inclusion, equity, and social justice on campus. The center works to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all members of the university community.

Contact: Lincoln Sorensen, Multicultural Student Success Coordinator
Center for Diversity and Inclusion, Michigan Technological University

Upcycle Food Operations

No News is Bad News

Looking for the best way to get the news? Check out No News is Bad News! Quick, clear, important, this isn’t your dad’s news podcast.

Listen here

Meet & Greet at the Writing Center!

Come by the Writing Center from 3-5 on Wednesday, December 8th to say hi, check out the space in 107 Walker and enjoy some snacks! If you’ve never been to the Writing Center before, feel like you might want to check us out, or are a regular visitor, please stop in!

DIVE into the FIRST Robotics Competition Season as a Volunteer

Are you a FIRST Alumni or a robot enthusiast, or just looking to involved in your local community? FIRST Robotics Competition volunteering is open, and Copper Country Robotics will be bringing members to Escanaba, MI, Sault Ste. Marie, MI, and Saginaw, MI to assist in the operation of these events. This is a great way to stay involved with the FIRST Robotics community without having to dedicate time or money to build a robot.

We frequently make up a large portion of the volunteer base at these competitions, serving in roles such as Referee, Field Reset, FTAA, Scorekeeper, and so many more valuable positions. If this is something that interests you, visit the Copper Country Robotics Involvement Link page ( to RSVP for any of the three events that we will be participating in!

If you have any questions, please email!

(Please note, due to the distance and duration of the Michigan State Championships, Copper Country Robotics may charge all participants no more than $50 to participate. This cost covers any gas or hotel expenses incurred throughout the trip. Follow the Involvement Link page for updates on the final dues requested)

Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being

January Board Game Night

Come to a place where it IS all fun and games- Jim’s board game night! Come de-stress and socialize with other students while playing games (familiar and new) sponsored by our very own Student Org- Board Gamers Anonymous. Head to the Wadsworth Annex (G11) for this wonderful event.

Wednesday, January 8th, from 6-8pm
Wadsworth Annex (G11)

January Cookies and Coloring

Looking for a way to unwind after a tough week? Come relax with us and enjoy some free cookies. Coloring pages and stress-relief tools will be waiting for you in the CDI Basement!

Friday, January 10th, from 1-3 pm
CDI Basement

Janurary Let’s Talk

Let’s Talk provides easy access to free, informal, and confidential individual consultations with a Michigan Tech counselor to all currently enrolled Michigan Tech undergraduate and graduate students. The counselor facilitating the Let’s Talk Program is there to listen to a specific concern, provide support, help explore solutions, and give information about available appropriate resources. Let’s Talk is an informal consultation only and is not a substitute for formal counseling. Let’s Talk is not designed to provide emergency or crisis support. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, contact TELUS Health at 1-877-376-7896. Find out more about whether Let’s Talk may be a good fit for you!

Tuesday, January 14th, from 1-3 pm
CDI Basement

BigFoot Glowshoe 2025

Join us for our annual BigFoot Glowshoe event being held on the Michigan Tech Trails! The event will be a glowing good time – all are welcome and no snowshoeing experience is required. Pre-registration is required and includes beanies, glowsticks and more!

Location: OAP Rental Center – MTU Trailhead
Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025
Time Slots: 6:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm


All Participants: Event Only (BYO snowshoes!) $5
MTU Student: Event + Snowshoe Rental $5
General Public: Event + Snowshoe Rental $10

For more information, visit our website.

15th Annual Sustainability Film Series Kicks Off January 16

The Sustainability Film & Discussion Series begins Thursday, January 16 at Michigan Tech.

Series Details:

  • When: Third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m., from January to May
  • Where: Fisher 135 or 138 (refreshments in lobby)
  • Cost: Free to attend. $5 donations are greatly appreciated. 

Now in its 15th year, the Sustainability Film & Discussion Series continues to bring relevant, informative, and thought-provoking films to Michigan Tech’s campus to spark discussion and reflection amongst faculty, students, and staff at Michigan Tech, as well as the entire Keweenaw community. The series provides an opportunity for people of diverse ages, backgrounds, and life experiences to engage in meaningful discussion facilitated by a local expert on a sustainability topic relevant to the film.

Films will be shown at 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month, January to May, in Fisher Hall on MTU’s main campus. Everyone is welcome to attend. Each film will be followed by a discussion with refreshments. All films are free. A suggested $5 donation is appreciated and helps to support the continued offering of this film series.

Film Schedule:

Cooked: Survival by Zip Code — January 16, Fisher 135
Looking through the lens of the 1995 Chicago heat wave, this documentary explores how race, poverty, and geography intersect to reveal the systemic inequities affecting poor and marginalized communities. Add Cooked: Survival by Zip Code to your Google calendar.

Troubled Water — February 20, Fisher 138
Lifelong friends Chris Yahanda and William Wright embark on a 425-mile paddleboard journey across Lake Michigan and the Grand River, exploring environmental threats to the Great Lakes and discovering the power of community in protecting the waters they love. Add Troubled Water to your Google calendar.

  • Women of Carbon — March 20, Fisher 135
    This film highlights innovative women redefining our relationship with carbon by repurposing living materials and driving decarbonization, while navigating challenges in male-dominated industries to restore, protect, and preserve the planet. Add Women of Carbon to your Google calendar.
  • Common Ground — April 17, Fisher 135
    Dig into the regenerative agriculture movement and consider how working to heal our soils holds the power to mitigate climate change, restore ecosystems, and build a more equitable food system, while hearing from diverse voices working together to create a sustainable future. Add Common Ground to your Google calendar.
  • Water for Life — May 15, Fisher 135
    Hear the powerful stories of Berta Cáceres, Francisco Pineda, and Alberto Curamil—three Indigenous leaders who fought to protect their water resources from exploitation by governments and corporations, despite facing threats, corruption, and violence, all while advocating for environmental justice and Indigenous rights. Add Water for Life to your Google calendar. 

The film series is coordinated by the Michigan Tech Office of Sustainability and Resilience.
Film sponsors include Keweenaw Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Keweenaw Co-Op, Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative, WUP MiSTEM Network, Friends of the Land of Keweenaw (FOLK), Keweenaw Land Trust, MTU: Office of Sustainability and Resilience, and the Hardwood Mass Timber Institute. 

MUB Board Presents:

Join us this Thursday to turn out wonderful air-dry clay into beautiful clay creations! Turn them into magnets, keychains or knick-knacks!

Bring your friends, grab a headphone set, and dance and sing your heart out at our silent disco! There will be multiple channels with many different types of music!

Join Us for the Undergraduate Research Info Session

Are you interested in undergraduate research? Are you considering applying for the Undergraduate Research Internship Program (URIP) or the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) for the 2025/2026 academic year? Join us for an information session this Thursday, January 9th at 4 pm, in the Library East Reading Room.

We’ll cover everything you need to know about these programs, including:
– The application process and timeline
– Tips for finding and working with a faculty mentor
– Program schedules and expectations
Opportunities to ask questions about undergraduate research

Whether you’re new to research or looking to expand your experience, this session will help you get started. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how URIP and SURF can enhance your academic journey!

*Unable to make it to the info session? Set up a meeting with the SURF/URIP Coordinator, Chris Hohnholt, by sending him an email at (

The Wild Robot

This Week Film Board Presents:

The Wild Robot

After a shipwreck, an intelligent robot called Roz is stranded on an uninhabited island. To survive the harsh environment, Roz bonds with the island’s animals and cares for an orphaned baby goose.

The Wild Robot is rated PG

Friday (1/10) 5:30pm 8:30pm 11:30pm
Saturday (1/11) 5:30pm 8:30pm 11:30pm
Sunday (1/13) 5:30pm 8:30pm

Located on Michigan Tech’s campus in Fisher 135. Free admission for tech students and $5 for community members. Concessions are $1.50 card accepted. We hope to see you at the movie this weekend and have a great day.

Become a Coach at the Alley Makerspace

Do you like to work with your hands, getting access to a workshop environment, and helping out students as you go?

Then we want you to join the Alley’s team of coaches! When you volunteer at the Makerspace you will be expected to spend one 2-hour shift each week in the space helping other students with their projects, this can involve training them on tools and giving suggestions to bring their ideas to life. In exchange for your time, you will be granted full tap access to the space! This allows you to work on your projects after hours or on the weekend, as long as you are responsible, of course. So, if you think you’re interested, stop by the Alley on Saturday, January 11 at 12pm for our New Coach Onboarding Meeting.

Hope to see you there!

Zero Waste Hockey Game & Volunteer Opportunity

Michigan Tech will host its first-ever Zero Waste Hockey Game when the Huskies take on Lake Superior State on Saturday, January 11. The initiative aims to demonstrate how large-scale sporting events can minimize their environmental impact while maintaining an exceptional fan experience.

Attendees will notice several environmentally-friendly changes at the game, including compostable packaging at concessions, waste collection stations with clearly marked recycling and composting bins, and volunteer support to guide proper waste sorting. Following the game, a team of volunteers will ensure proper waste management, partnering with Recycle 906 and Partridge Creek Compost to divert materials from landfills. This event is a partnership between MTU Athletics, Husky Eats, and the Office of Sustainability and Resilience.

Interested in volunteering during the Zero Waste Hockey Game? Volunteers gain free entry into the game. Sign up to volunteer and support sustainability efforts on campus!

Midnight Cookies with Alpha Phi Omega!

Join the brothers of Alpha Phi Omega in the Olympus Kitchenette on the 5th floor of Wadsworth Hall on Friday, January 10th at 10pm to learn about our organization over cookies!

Triangle Fraternity Presents

The brothers of Triangle Fraternity have a ton of events coming up this season. From chill inside gaming, to chilly outside exploring, Triangle has it all. Stop by to have fun, meet new people, and let loose for an amazing new semester!

Art Night with BSA and CDI

Come join BSA and the CDI for a fun night of art Thursday, January 9th from 5-7PM at the CDI. Art will be displayed in the library for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Black History Month. All you need to bring is your creativity! All skill sets are welcome and supplies will be provided.

Michigan Tech Intramural Sports

Sign yourself or your team up on! Please email with any questions.

Coming Up on GivePulse

Support Michigan Tech Athletics!

At Michigan Tech, we’re not just about football, basketball, hockey, and volleyball; we’re about fostering a vibrant and inclusive community where everyone has a place to belong. Our games aren’t just about winning; they’re about celebrating the spirit of competition, camaraderie, and the pure joy of sports.

Support the Copper Country Humane Society!

Earn volunteer hours while supporting an amazing cause. Volunteers will serve as ushers, greeters, and 50/50 raffle sellers. This event benefits the Copper Country Humane Society and couldn’t be possible without your help! 
