Category: Audio and Sound

Opening Reception For Noise Floor Tomorrow

Noise FloorNoise surrounds us. In the industrial world we are constantly bombarded with sounds, most of which we no longer even notice (the hum of compressor motors, the whine of routers, the whirr of hard drives, the roar of lawnmowers).

Noise Floor is an interactive exhibit by artist Josh Loar (VPA), focused on the pervasive noise around us, mechanical and cultural–bringing into focus sounds that we normally shut out of our conscious minds.

Join us for a reception with the artist at 5:30 p.m. Friday, January 22, 2016, in the Rozsa Gallery A-Space. This exhibit is free and open to the public, and will be in the Rozsa Gallery A-Space through jan. 30.

Gallery hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. M-F and 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturdays. Loar, Professor of Practice in the Department of Visual and Performing Arts, is a multimedia artist and designer whose works have been featured in galleries and salons from NYC to Los Angeles, and his design and music composition has been featured in countless stage shows, films, TV programs, theme parks, concerts, and so on. He is a composer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, director, writer, painter, filmmaker, and all-around general artist type.

From Tech Today, by Bethany Jones.

Rozsa’s 2015/16 Season

Pep BandThe Rozsa Center and Visual and Performing Arts 2015/16 season presents a little something for everyone. The season includes more than 39 events, encompassing film, lectures, music, art gallery exhibitions, dance and more. From Shakespeare and ballet, to comedy and jazz, Rozsa shows will entertain all tastes and ages. The season even includes an opportunity for local young dancers to perform alongside professional ballet dancers in The Nutcracker.

Flexible discount season ticket packages are on sale Aug. 1 to 31with single tickets going on sale Sept. 1. For more information visit the Rozsa Center website or contact Bethany Jones at

From Tech Today.

Undergraduate Research Expo 2015

Undergraduate Research Expo at the Rosza Lobby

by Michigan Tech Honors Institute

The Undergraduate Research Expo was held Friday, March 20, 2015, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Rozsa Lobby. Thirty undergraduates from twelve different departments and schools were represented this year. Their presentations and posters were evaluated by Tech faculty and staff, and everyone was invited to attend. The posters were displayed in the lobby until noon on Saturday, to coincide with Preview Day.

The Undergraduate Research Expo is sponsored by the Vice President of Research Office, and prizes are sponsored by the Provost’s Office.

From Tech Today.


Paul Kirby, Capturing the Soundscapes of Abbaye Peninsula

Soundscape Ecology Lecture Today

SFRES Lecture Today: Interdisciplinary Ecology

Faculty from across campus will come together to present current and planned work in soundscape ecology, architecture and artistry surrounded by a dynamic soundscape installation today from 3 to 4 p.m. in the Noblet Atrium. Presenters include Assistant Professor Andrew Barnard (MEEM), Assistant Professor Lisa Johnson (VPA), Professor of Practice Josh Loar (VPA), Instructor Elizabeth Meyer (VPA) and Associate Professor Christopher Plummer (VPA).

Discussion will cover the transformation of soundscapes in public environments and the resulting impact on people, ways soundscape ecology is documenting the world around us, and how collaborations between scientists and artists can help engage science audiences in new ways.

From Tech Today.

Chris Trevino in Michigan Tech Magazine Fall 2014

Chris Trevino
Chris Trevino. Photo by Sarah Bird.


A sound design student orchestrates the clamor and creak of the zombie apocalypse.

Chris Trevino brings life to the undead, whooshes and whams to super-heroes and villains. He sets the scene for every noisy medium imaginable, from video game to vlog to TV show. And as an up-and-coming sound effects producer, he’s got one of the coolest (and sometimes sloppiest) jobs around.

Read more at Michigan Tech Magazine Fall 2014, by Danny Messinger.

Auditory Emoticons Publication for Plummer

In Print

J. Sterkenburg, M. Jeon and C. Plummer were published in M. Kurosu (Ed). Human-Computer Interaction, Part II, HCII 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 8511 for their paper, “Auditory emoticons: Iterative design and acoustic characteristics of emotional auditory icons and earcons,” pp. 633-640. The paper was published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Print ISBN
Online ISBN

From Tech Today.

Collin Doerr-Newton is the Student Speaker

The next generation
Michigan Tech holds commencement

Nearly 1,000 graduates were honored at Michigan Technological University’s Spring Commencement Saturday with 747 students receiving bachelor’s degrees, 203 master’s degrees and 38 Ph.D.s.

Student speaker Collin Doerr-Newton, a sound design major who was chosen to speak after submitting and reciting his speech to a panel, likened Michigan Tech to a piece of music. Originally from Lansing, Doerr-Newton said that he frequently encounters the idea that everyone at Michigan Tech is the same. They are, he agreed, just as much as they aren’t.

Read more at the Mining Gazette, by Meagan Stilp.

Watch the YouTube Video: Michigan Tech Spring Commencement 2014, Featuring Collin Doerr-Newton

Collin Doerr-Newton 2014

SURF Award for Kirby

This summer, the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program will fund 23 students from across the University with funds from the Vice President for Research and the Honors Institute. The total funding for the program this year is $80,500.

Among the recipients is Audio Production major Paul Kirby, working with Christopher Plummer on “Capturing the Soundscapes of Point Abbaye.”

From Tech Today.