Having a passion for nature and finding beauty in the simple things, Bobbi Bicigo from Protea Floral chatted with us about her journey to becoming a florist.
Originally studying environmental science in school, she came to the realization that it wasn’t something she could see herself pursuing for the rest of her life. Looking for a more creative outlet and making friends with a stranger, Bobbi found herself heading off to the Floral Design Institute in NW Portland. “I had no idea something like that existed, once I found out, I knew I had to do it”, she said. Learning from some of the West Coast’s top floral designers, Bobbi knew she had to continue her passion for floral design wherever she ended up.
Ending up in Hancock, MI of all places, she moved from a renovated camper design studio to her current studio on 100 Navy St. in a matter of roughly six months. Now owning a successful business, Bobbi offers workshops and advice for all the plants in her shop. Typically workshops are held in the spring before the wedding season and after the holidays, but Bobbi still offers advice to those that are interested!
If you’re looking for some bouquets or floral designs, some advice Bobbi has is, “You’ll always receive the best design when you allow for some creative freedom. Trusting the designer will always yield you the best results that stem from heartfelt inspiration. Giving them a color, feeling, or mood you’re wanting to create will allow the designer to choose the best possible blooms for your vision.”
If you’re looking to bring home some new plant friends Bobbi recommends Philodendron Brasil for beginners, because of how easy they are to take care of. But, she notes that it’s easy to love your new plant friends too much! Reminding us that, “it’s better to let the [plants] dry out a little than to over water” and that “not all plants should be on the same watering schedule”. Another tip suggested is switching your watering schedule in the winter. “Less light means the less they drink. They go into a state of dormancy.”, she notes.
While we did previously mention in our Instagram post the health and well-being benefits of owning plants, Bobbi echoed similar benefits saying, “Not only are they incredible at purifying your air, but there is a whole list of science-backed benefits to having plants in your space. They reduce stress, purify your air, sharpen your attention, may boost your immune system, are therapeutic to work with, and can increase productivity, to name a few.”
If you’re also a lover of plants and floral design head over to Bobbi’s shop at (100 Navy St, Hancock, Michigan 49930) or website to learn more about what she offers and all the plants she has available.