Proposals in Progress November 20, 2014

PI Trejin Yoon (KIP), “Sex Effects on Stress-Induced Brain Activity During a Motor Task,” Marquette University

PI Lanrong Bi (Chem/BRC) and Co-PI Qinghui Chen (KIP/BRC), “Target Mitochondrial Fusion Process: Engineering of a Nanoparticals-Based Mitochondrial Drug Delivery Platform,” US Department of Health and Human Services-NIH

PI Zhiying Shan and Co-PI Qinghui Chen (KIP/BRC), “Brain Prorenin Receptor and Sympathetic Activation in Salt Sensitive Hypertension,” US Department of Health and Human Services-NIH

PI Zhiying Shan (KIP), “Dysregulation of Neuropeptide Networks in Nicotine Addiction,” University of Florida

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