Category: News

Biotechnology Research Center Spring 2015 Travel Grant Recipients

Biotechnology Research Center Spring 2015 Travel Grant Recipients

The Biotechnology Research Center has announced its Spring 2015 Travel Awards. The award recipients follow:

Post-doctoral Research Scientist Presentation

  • Qi Xing (Biomed), TERMIS–AM 2014 (poster)

Graduate Student Presentations

  • Andrew Chapp (KIP), Experimental Biology 2015 (poster)
  • Faten Dhawi Almuhanna (Biology), Experimental Biology 2015 (poster)
  • Ida T. Fonkoue (KIP), Experimental Biology 2015 (podium)
  • Michael Huber (KIP), Experimental Biology 2015 (poster)
  • Haiping Liu (Biology), 20th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society (poster)
  • Zichen Qian (Biomed), Gordon Research Conference (poster)
  • Lina Shi (Biology), 20th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society  (poster)

    Undergraduate Student Presentation

  • Travis Wakeham (Biology), Experimental Biology 2015 (poster)

Biology Week comes to Michigan Tech Campus

Organized by Phi Sigma

Monday, March 23

BeTheMatch Bone Marrow Registry

12:00 – 5:00 in the Library

Hosted by PHAT


Tuesday, March 24

Undergraduate Research Presentation

7:00 pm in Fisher 125


Wednesday, March 25

Biology Jeopardy Night 

7:00 in DOW 642


Thursday, March 26

Peruvian Mobile Clinic Event

6:00 pm in Fisher 126

Hosted by MedLife


Biology Movie Night: Osmosis Jones

8:00 pm in Fisher 139

Hosted by Phi Sigma


Friday, March 27

Plant/Bake Sale

10:00 am in DOW

Hosted by Phi Sigma


PureWellness Showcase on Depression and Anxiety

3:00 pm in the Library

Hosted by Wellness

Winners of the ESC 11th Annual Student Research Forum

Jade OrtizThe Members of the Ecosystem Science Center would like to congratulate the winners of the 11th Annual ESC Student Research Forum:

Grand Prize winner of the Graduate Student submissions :
Alex Bales (Bio Sci, Advisor: Erika Hersch-Green) for the poster “Polyploidy Influences Plant Carbon/Nitrogen Balance and Resistance to Insect Herbivory in Chamerion angustifolium
The Two Merit Prize winners of the Graduate Divisions were:
Alida Mau (SFRES, Advisor: Molly Cavaleri) for the poster “Photosynthetic Temperature Responses Within Temperate and Tropical Forests”

Mickey Jarvi (SFRES, Advisor: Andy Burton) for the poster “Below-ground C Allocation Responses to Climatic Variation across Sugar Maple’s Native Range”

The Grand Prize winner of the Undergraduate Student submissions:
Jade Ortiz (Bio Sci, Advisors: Amy Marcarelli, Casey Huckins and Kevyn Juneau) for the poster “Invasive Myriophyllum Spicatum and Nutrients Interact to Influence Phytoplankton Communities in the Portage Waterway”
The ESC would like to thank all the participants and our judges for a good forum. The posters will remain on display in the atrium of the Noblet building for the next two weeks.

The End of HPV

Dr. Ebenezer Tumban. Undergoing a Pap smear—a simple test to detect cervical cancer—is a regular health habit for most American women. But in many other parts of the world (and some under-served populations in this country), women lack access to cervical cancer screening and treatment. As a result, some 275,000 women—80 percent of them in developing countries—die each year from the disease, which is caused by the sexually-transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV).


In Print

Huan Yang (Post-Doc Harvard), Assistant Professor John Durocher (Bio Sci), Robert Larson (Bio Sci) and Professor Jason Carter (KIP) published the paper “Role of the Ovarian Cycle on Neutral Cardiovascular Control in Sleep-deprived Women,” in the American Physiological Society’s Journal of Applied Physiology, 15 Feb. 2015, Vol. 118, No. 4, 419-426. Yang earned her PhD in Biological Sciences at Michigan Tech, her advisor was Jason Carter.

Graduate Student Awards

Congratulations to our award winning graduate students:

The Graduate School and Graduate Student Government proudly announce the 2014-2015 academic year winners of the following awards:

Outstanding Scholarship Award
Ashley Coble
PhD Student, Biological Sciences
Amy M. Marcarelli

Outstanding Teaching Award
Chelsea Mitchell
MS Student, Biological Sciences
Thomas Werner

Outstanding Teaching Award
Mengmeng Qiao
PhD Student, Biological Sciences
Guiliang Tang

More details at:

Travis Wakeham is awarded the David S. Bruce Outstanding Undergraduate Abstract

 Travis Wakeham is a David S. Bruce Outstanding Undergraduate Abstract Awardee! This award is based on the abstract that Travis submitted to the Experimental Biology Conference that will be held in Boston at the end of March, a personal statement written by Travis, and a letter of support from his mentor Dr. Durocher. Travis will receive $100 and a 2-year complimentary membership to the American Physiological Society as part of this award. He will also be eligible for an Excellence in Undergraduate Research Award at Experimental Biology based on his poster presentation. His abstract is titled “Obesity and neural cardiovascular responses to mental stress in humans.” Dr. Durocher has noted that “Travis always anticipates what needs to be done in the lab and he is extremely dedicated and reliable. He makes conducting a research study a seamless process.”

Congratulations Travis!

Congratulations to Top 10% Biological Sciences instructors in Fall 2014

It gives me great pleasure in congratulating the following faculty, instructors and graduate students from Biological Sciences Department for their inclusion in the list of campus wide, top 10% instructors in fall 2014 semester.

The following faculty received scores above 4.78 out of 5 on average of 7 elements of university-wide class size group with response rate of >50% on student evaluations of their lecture classes.

  • Dr. Amy Marcarelli, Assistant Professor
  • Ms. Brigitte Morin, Lecturer
  • Ms. Karyn Fay, Professor of Practice
  • Dr. Ramakrishna Wusirika, Associate Professor
  • Dr. Thomas Werner, Assistant Professor

The following instructors received scores above 4.64 out of 5 on average of 7 elements of university-wide class size group with response rate of >50% on student evaluations of their lab classes.

  • Dr. Cinnamon Pace, instructor
  • Ms. Emily Geiger, Graduate student
  • Mr. Morton Harwood, Graduate Student
  • Mr. Ryan Dixon, Undergraduate student


Thanks for your great contributions!
Dr. Chandrashekhar Joshi, Chair, Department of Biological Sciences

Jackson Grant Recipients Announced

Due to a generous gift from William G. Jackson, the William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is pleased to announce the 2015 grant recipients. Nearly $55,000 in grants were awarded to instructors and teams of instructors at $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000 levels. These grants will support course/program reform or expansion projects using blended and online learning.

This year’s solicitation placed special emphasis on mentoring of instructors new to blended learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, shared content, matching support, testing and assessment. A committee, assembled by the Provost and the CTL Director, reviewed many compelling grant proposals in order to select this year’s grant recipients.
Grants that included Biological Sciences faculty are:

$5,000 Level

  • Integrative Statistics for Social, Behavioral and Biological Sciences Using Blended Learning ($3,000), Susan Amato-Henderson (CLS) and Erika Hersch-Green (Bio Sci)
  • Blended and Active Learning for Health Sciences at Michigan Tech, Brigitte Morin and John Durocher (Bio Sci)

For additional awards in other departments see the original Tech Today article.