Day: September 30, 2011

Marketing Intern Position


Here is a marketing internship position that has flexible hours
and the potential for good earnings.  It is not for folks who
are shy.

This is a pretty good “product” and could sell well as it has in the past….

If you are interested, you may send your resume to me.  I will forward these on to the company.

This marketing firm will provide training.  

Read on:
We are considering a student for a part time paid internship to help us facilitate several projects in the Houghton area.  Specifically, the Campus Coupon Book that is distributed to both Michigan Tech University students faculty and staff, and also the same at Finlandia University.   JC Advertising is a creative “out of the box” guerilla marketing company that focuses on helping our customers bottomline through non-traditional low cost per impression marketing strategies and projects.  We print and distribute 10,000 books throughout both campuses by means of dorm mailboxes, orientation, and student bookstores.
The job would include but not be limited to:

    • Customer visitation to renew current advertisers
    • Farm new customers to participate in the upcoming year
    • Enter customer data into a CRM software

This internship will be paid on a commission basis upon collection of customer payment (which is up front).  The selected intern will be trained hands on until comfortable venturing out on their own.  Working hours will be flexible to an extent.
Candidates must be:

    • Self Motivated and able to work without a lot of structure
    • Confident, Friendly and Outgoing
    • Must have a vehicle for transportation
    • Must have a cell phone for communications
    • Have a grasp for marketing principles and advertising basics
    • Be able to learn quickly and develop your own style
    • Computer savvy
    • Able to meet deadlines

The successful candidate will receive:

    • Monetary compensation in the form of commission
    • Invaluable resume experience in the real world of small town marketing and advertising (specifically Guerilla Advertising).
    • CRM software experience
    • Consideration for further projects with JC Adverstising and possible future employment (we are a growing business).

This project will be after the new year begins but could develop earlier with the right candidate.

New Venture Comp. Meeting this Monday: $30,000 Prize Money!!


The New Venture Competition is the $30,000 business plan competition, that some of you may have heard of throughout the past couple of weeks.

Our current participants are looking to formulate teams for the competition, and we are looking for students that have experience, or an interest of obtaining experience in the following areas:

7 students for accounting
5 for marketing
7 for legal
5 for sales
3 for human resources
7 for financing
1 for IT

If you are interested in joining someones team for the competition, please consider attending our event on Monday, October 3rd at 6pm.

The event will be located in the Lakeshore Center, but we will provide busing from, and back to, the MUB at 5:50pm, and ~6:50pm respectfully.

The event will start off with current participants giving a 30 second pitch of the overall goal of their idea, and what kind of partners they are looking for.

If you have any questions, please email Travis at
