Category: General Education

Tools to find a general education course

Find classes to meet your general education requirements.  Using the “Attribute Search” will help you find classes available for a particular semester.

Advanced functions are available to search for classes on this site here

After you select the term (Spring 2024 or Summer 2024) you will go to the search functions (see picture below)

  1. SUBJECT:  Select multiple subjects by using the “Ctrl” + right click function or you can select all subjects with a left mouse click and highlight all subjects by dragging down.
  2. CAMPUS:  If wanting online courses select “MTU Online” in “Campus” search.   NOTE most online options are available in Summer terms and some online courses in Fall and Spring are limited regarding enrollment.
  3. PART OF TERM:  AKA Track A (1st Half of Term) or Track B (2nd Half of Term) is helpful especially in Summer to select the track you would wish to take a class.
  4. ATTRIBUTE TYPE:  Finally…need a course to fulfill a particular General Education requirement (attribute) such as a HUFA (Humanities and Fine Arts) course? This can provide a list of courses available to fulfill a requirement for a particular semester.  TIP:  Select multiple subjects or subjects you are interested in or all subjects to maximize the search.
Screenshot of the course search website

Finding a General Education Course

Find classes to meet your general education requirements.  Using the “Attribute Search” will help you find classes available for a particular semester.

Advanced functions are available to search for classes on this site here

After you select the term (Spring 2024, Summer 2024) you will go to the search functions (see picture below)

  1. SUBJECT:  Select multiple subjects by using the “Ctrl” + right click function or you can select all subjects with a left mouse click and highlight all subjects by dragging down.
  2. CAMPUS:  If wanting online courses select “MTU Online” in “Campus” search.   NOTE most online options are available in Summer terms.
  3. PART OF TERM:  AKA Track A (1st Half of Term) or Track B (2nd Half of Term) is helpful especially in Summer to select the track you would wish to take a class.
  4. ATTRIBUTE TYPE:  Finally…need a course to fulfill a particular General Education requirement (attribute) such as a HUFA (Humanities and Fine Arts) course? This can provide a list of courses available to fulfill a requirement for a particular semester.  TIP:  Select multiple subjects or subjects you are interested in or all subjects to maximize the search.
Screenshot of the course search website

Summer plans??

Summer class enrollment remains open and available. Taking a summer class can assist with getting pre-reqs complete, freeing up time during your Fall and Spring semesters and getting you closer to graduation.
As you consider your summer options, if taking a class is on your list we have some to offer in the COB. All courses will be taught online (asynchronously).

Track A (runs May 10-June 24)

  • BUS1100:  Introduction to Business (CRN 52288)
  • EC2001:  Principles of Economics (CRN 51143)
  • EC3100:  International Economics (CRN 50302)
  • FIN3000:  Principles of Finance (CRN 51389)
  • MKT3000:  Principles of Marketing (CRN 51398)
  • OSM4300:  Project Management (CRN 51926)

Track B (runs July 28-Aug 12)

  • ACC2000:  Accounting Principles 1 (CRN 52290)
  • MGT3000:  Organizational Behavior (CRN 52291)
  • MGT4600:  Management of Technology and Innovation (CRN 52289)
  • MIS2000:  IS/IT Management (CRN 51647)
  • OSM3000:  Operations and Supply Chain Management (CRN 51399)

MTU offers a variety of summer course options, many general education and math are taught online (asynchronous and synchronous).
The schedule is available here

Co-curricular (PE) Repeatability for 0.5 credit courses approved

In effort to provide more options for students at this time, University General Education Council has approved the repeatability of 0.5-unit co-curricular courses up to 1.0 unit to count toward the General Education Co-Curricular requirement.  See co-curricular approved courses online here.

This means that any 0.5-unit co-curricular course on the General Education list may be used twice effective fall 2020 for all undergraduate students.  
1.0 unit co-curricular course may still be used only once for the Co-Curricular requirement; that has not changed.