Category: Advising Announcements

Virtual Appointments with Career Services

As campus continues to be remote learning and operations, we as faculty and staff are here for you. Career Services is an office that is going virtual.

If you go into your Handshake Account there is an area where can select to schedule an appointment with staff from Career Services.

Please reach out to let us know how your employment opportunities are going (internship, co-op, full-time). Some students have had offers rescinded, some delayed while other companies are looking for help and hiring now.

COB (College of Business) academic advisor is also available for virtual appointments through Summer.

To schedule a Virtual COB Advising Appointment with Jodie Filpus-Paakola
– Students select an appointment time through Google Calendar     (be sure to be logged into Google with your mtu email account)

Co-curricular (PE) Repeatability for 0.5 credit courses approved

In effort to provide more options for students at this time, University General Education Council has approved the repeatability of 0.5-unit co-curricular courses up to 1.0 unit to count toward the General Education Co-Curricular requirement.  See co-curricular approved courses online here.

This means that any 0.5-unit co-curricular course on the General Education list may be used twice effective fall 2020 for all undergraduate students.  
1.0 unit co-curricular course may still be used only once for the Co-Curricular requirement; that has not changed.

Advising for Spring and Summer Registration (Weeks 6-10)

Spring and Summer 2019 Registration will begin Oct 24th.
SBE students sign up for advising here

The “Registration Priority Schedule” will be available shortly to determine when you can register (based on earned credits)

Prior to your advising appointment…

  • Run your Audit through MyMichiganTech (uAcheive Degree Audit) *tip: Run “Latest”, not a possible program from the drop down menu, using the drop down will bring up an audit using the 2018-19 degree requirements and not YOUR Catalog Term
  • Review your degree completion progress and requirements left
  • Note any questions or concerns about your Audit
  • Develop a proposed Spring and Summer course list
  • Check course availability and develop a schedule (Spring available now, Summer shortly)


Pitfalls to avoid:

  • Meet with Academic Advisor at least once a year
  • Verify you don’t have holds (parking tickets, unpaid bills, discipline, safety first, etc)
  • Look at pre-requisites courses to ensure you have taken them.
  • Course descriptions can be found hyperlinked in your audit.
  • Be sure you meet any restrictions for a course

REGISTRATION WORKSHOP (Mandatory for First year students-optional for continuing students)

learn more about degree requirements, gen ed requirements and how to plan your academics, come to an advising session required for first year students
Wed, Oct 17
5:15-7:15 p.m.
EERC 226
Thurs, Oct 18
11 a.m.-1 p.m.
EERC 226

Michigan Tech Approved as Test Site for Graduate Record Exams

Michigan Tech has been approved as an official test site for the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), an entrance exam required by most graduate programs around the country. This will enable students from this area to take the GRE at Michigan Tech’s Testing Center, part of the Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning.

Previously, Michigan Tech students and locals had to travel four hours or more to take the standardized exam. The closest test sites were Sault Ste. Marie and Duluth, Minn.

“We have been working for years to get approved as a GRE test site,” said Margaret Landsparger, coordinator of the Michigan Tech Testing Center. “Now we have this beautifully equipped center and the capability to administer secure exams, and this time we were approved.”

The Michigan Tech Testing Center opened in October 2013. It is also certified to give Pearson Vue exams, including the popular Fundamentals of Engineering exam and the GMAT, a graduate entrance exam for business schools.

Tech joins 10 other GRE test sites in Michigan. The Testing Center can administer up to 10 tests at a time. The center has four test dates scheduled between now and the end of the year: the first is on Sept. 26, and there will be two in October and one in December.

“I am delighted that the GRE test will be offered at Michigan Tech in the future,” said Jacqueline Huntoon, dean of the Graduate School. “We have all been working on this for a very long time. The hard work done by the Jackson Center staff made it all possible. Staff members in the Graduate School have also been working to educate individuals in leadership positions at GRE, to help them understand the realities of our geographical location.”

For more information, see GRE.

Upcoming Information Sessions for Entrepreneurship and Supply Chain and Operations Management

The School of Business and Economics would like to invite all interested students to an open session to learn more about the opportunities within the two new Management concentrations, ask current students and advisors questions, and learn about career opportunities for each concentration.

Both sessions are being held in the Academic Office Building in conference room 101.

Dates and additional information for each session are provided below:

Supply Chain and Operations Management Concentration:

Wednesday, March 19th @ 4:00 pm

SCOM Info Session

Entrepreneurship Concentration:

Entrepreneurship Info Session

Monday, March 24th @ 3:30 -5:00

Both sessions will provide pizza and pop for attendees.

Attention Management Majors…and those who might like to be!

New Management Concentration now available in Supply Chain and Operations Management

The Supply Chain and Operations Management concentration, now an option in the B.S. in Management, will give you a tailored set of courses and skills that employers love. When an employer asks you what you are majoring in and you say Management, you can now add Supply Chain and Operations Management.  Students graduating with this major/concentration have some of the top salaries in the School of Business and Economics, as high as $60-70K.  The majority of students in this concentration have at least one internship.

Supply chain and operations management majors are highly sought after.  All it requires is to complete a four course concentration that includes cutting edge courses as Introduction to Supply Chain Management, Procurement and Supply Management, Six Sigma Fundamentals, and Transportation and Logistics.  If you are interested in learning more about career opportunities, you may speak with Dr. Greg Graman or Dr. Dana Johnson.  If you are ready to make the move, Carly Harrington will help you with your schedule.  In Spring 2014, OSM 3150 Intro to Supply Chain Management and OSM4650 Six Sigma Fundamentals are offered and will get you start towards an exciting career!

Modern Language Placement Exams @ No Cost

 I am happy to report that, in an effort to streamline the placement process for MTU students,  the Department of Humanities has agreed to assume the cost of the modern language placement exam beginning February 2013. Hence, there will be no charge to students for the exam going forward into the 2013-2014 calendar year.


The online Modern Language Placement exam is being offered now until the close of Fall registration 2013.

 There is no cost for the exam. The exam is required for students with prior background in Chinese, French, German or Spanish.

 Exam score ensures appropriate course placement and possible award of advanced placement credit.

 The registration form is available online at:

or at the Humanities Office in Walker 319.





Dr. Sandra Boschetto-Sandoval

906 487-3241




I am so glad I took that first step!”(Karina Jousma ’09, International Spanish Minor)

Modern Language Course Offerings

This summer 2013, we will be offering the following mostly beginning language classes:

Track A:
    52208    HU2271    Beginning French IA        9:35-10:50
    52235    HU2272    Beginning French IB        9:35- 10:50
    52167    HU2291    Beginning Spanish IA     2:05- 3:20

Track B
    52172    HU2281    Beginning German IB    (online)
    52345    HU3265    topics in East Asian Cultures    (online)
Beginning language courses are designed for “true beginners.” If the students you advise have had at least one year of prior language study, they are required to complete the Michigan Tech modern language placement test in order to be placed at the appropriate level.

Here is the newly revised link for placement exam registration:

Beginning Fall 2013, students who place into a 3000 level language class, and complete at least one language course at this level successfully, satisfy the Global Learning graduation requirement. In other words, they may opt out of UN1025: Global Issues. 3000 and 4000 level modern language classes are offered during Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 semesters.

Sandra M. Boschetto-Sandoval, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Spanish Language & Latin American Studies
Director, Modern Languages & Literatures Program
Department of Humanities
906 487-3241
906 487-3559 (fax)
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