Category: APMP

APMP Accepting Applications for 2024-25

Our Applied Portfolio Management Program (APMP) is now accepting applications for the 2024-25 Academic Year–DUE Mon, MARCH 11.   

Program participation, if accepted, begins in Summer 2024 with FIN4801 enrollment and continues through Spring 2025.

Go to the APMP website to download the application if you want to manage over $2 million in the stock market next year. 

This opportunity is open to ALL students regardless of major.

Stock Trading Competition- Jan 31 registration deadline

The Finance Club is hosting a stock trading competition on Investopedia open to all College of Business (COB) majors and minors. 

The competition will run from February 1st through April 12th with a starting cash value of $100,000. 

Prize money awarded to the students with the three highest portfolios:

  • 1st: $500
  • 2nd: $300
  • 3rd: $200

If interested in participating, please contact Elisabeth Mattson, Finance Club President, at no later than January 31st to receive the game name, password, instructions, and rules. No late entries accepted.

APMP Applications due March 19 (extended deadline)

High-Tech, Hands-On

Ready to hit the trading room floor to buy, sell, and trade? Michigan Tech’s Applied Portfolio Management Program (APMP) is for you.

As a member of the APMP team, you will:

  • Begin working on day one to create a new investment management firm.
  • Access live-streamed financial market reports and price data.
  • Use cutting-edge investment software in Michigan Tech’s LGSI Trading Lab.
  • Compete in the GAME International Investment Challenge—Michigan Tech students won three times in the past nine years, and even had the opportunity to open the New York Stock Exchange!
  • Gain support and information from alumni and advisory board members in high-visibility business positions.