- The student seeking BUS 3900 will contact a School of Business and Economics faculty member to support their internship. The student and faculty member will collaborate to complete the Internship or Co-op Project Approval Form and develop a study contract for the project. Note: BUS 3900 is not a substitute for required courses.
- Projects must involve a minimum of 20 hours of effort for each hour of course credit. This applies to business internships or cooperative education experiences that are 2-3 credits. It does not apply to 1 credit experiences.
- Required elements and examples of the contract can be provided by Academic Advisor, Carly Harrington.
- All contracts require review and approval prior to the academic term in which the project is proposed. The semester submission deadlines are:
- Spring: December 1st
- Fall/Summer: April 1st
- Completed forms must be returned to the Academic Advisor by the aforementioned deadlines for final approval by the Undergraduate Programs Committee.
- Upon approval of internships by the Undergraduate Programs Committee, the Academic Advisor will register the student for the appropriate credit hours in BUS 3900.
- Students must submit deliverables (as outlined in the contract) to the instructor for grading by the end of final exam week.