Category: Research

Gary Campbell, Professor of Natural Resource Economics, Discusses Resources Policy Journal in Podcast

Gary Campbell, Professor of Natural Resource Economics

Gary Campbell, Professor of Natural Resource Economics in the College of Business, was recently a guest on the podcast “Journals 101,” which hosts discussions about the world of academic publishing.

The podcast was hosted by Dr. Brian Lucey, professor of international finance and commodities, at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.

Listen to the podcast.

In the podcast, Campbell discussed his work as reviewer and editor of Resources Policy, an international journal devoted to the economics and policy issues related to mineral and fossil fuel extraction, production, and use.

Campbell has been reviewing papers for the journal for close to 40 years, and for the past 12 years he has been editor in chief. Campbell will step down from the editor role this December.

In 1974 the Resources Policy journal published its first two issues with 11 research articles, book reviews, and conference information. In 2012, 52 articles were published. And, with significant growth in the number of submissions from around the world, a record 1,087 articles were published in 2023.

Campbell says the journal has led to many opportunities to present online and in-person talks around the world and to meet many interesting people.

In the 2022 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) of the Web of Science (WoS), the Resource Policy journal had an impact factor of 10.2, and was ranked in the eighth position out of 128 journals in the WoS category of Environmental Studies (Social Sciences Citation Index edition).

The podcast also touched on Campbell’s love of nature photography, and the host, was especially interested in Campbell’s photos of dragonflies, as well as birds and butterflies.

Gary Campbell began teaching in the College of Business at Michigan Tech in 1982. He helped establish the MS in Mineral Economics Program (currently named Applied Natural Resource Economics), which admitted its first students in 1983.

Research Focus: Minerals are a necessity for society, but they come with a number of concerns and problems. Dr. Campbell’s research looks at the economic behavior of mineral markets and the social issues of mineral extraction. Recent research has focused on the markets for rare earths and copper and at the social conflicts over opening and operating mines.

Campbell’s specialties include metal markets, sustainability of mining, and social decision-making about resource use.

The Michigan Tech College of Business prepares tomorrow’s business professionals through STEM-infused, AACSB-accredited degree programs and minors. The college’s bachelor of science programs are in accounting, business analytics, construction management, economics, engineering management, finance, management, management information systems, and marketing; master of science programs are in accounting and analytics, applied natural resource economics, engineering management, and the TechMBA®.

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Early Interest in Behavior Analysis Leads to Rewarding Career for College of Business Professor Sonia Goltz

Sonia Goltz, Professor of Organizational Behavior and the Mickus Endowed Faculty Fellow in Business Impact in the College of Business at Michigan Tech

Sonia Goltz, professor of organizational behavior and the Mickus Endowed Faculty Fellow in Business Impact in the College of Business, applies behavior analysis concepts and principles to examine and understand the topics of power, coercion, and toxic leadership, as well as organizational change. She has also conducted research in gender equity and their legal aspects.

The publication of Goltz’s 2022 paper, “On Power and Freedom: Extending the Definition of Coercion,” in the journal Perspectives on Behavior Analysis, prompted great interest among her colleagues and has led to numerous opportunities to present her research to organizations focused on behavior analysis.

Today, Goltz is exploring the topic of coercion and freedom, an extension of her previous work on power and equity. This year she published her paper, “An analysis of types and targets of coercive interference,” in the Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.

Goltz has been invited speak at the Texas Association for Behavior Analysis in spring 2025.

Goltz also presented her research at the 2024 Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan (BAAM) Conference. In 2023, she presented a webinar titled, “What About Coercive Interference with Positive Freedom?” for the Association for Behavior Analysis International. And in 2022, she presented her lecture,” Coercion is Going Undercover: Can Behavior Analysis Unveil the Disguise?” at the Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis.

Goltz’s talks often fulfill ethics continuing education requirements and attendees typically receive continuing education unit (CEU) credits.

Goltz doesn’t like to repeat her presentations, so she typically uses her speaking engagements to stimulate new thinking, which often results in another paper and a new presentation. For example, a discussion of coercion and toxic leadership at her spring 2024 BAAM lecture is informing a future presentation at the Texas Association for Behavior Analysis.

Goltz’s interest in behavior analysis was inspired by her father, who instructed trouble youth at the Indiana Boys School in Plainfield, Indiana. His use of rewards and reinforcement to motivate his students prompted a psychology professor at the University of Indianapolis to visit his classroom. That professor was to become Goltz’s main undergraduate psychology advisor when she attended the University of Indianapolis a few years later.

Sonia Goltz began her career at the University of Notre Dame and joined Michigan Tech in 1996. In addition to teaching and research, she is active in several academic and business communities. She has served as director of business graduate programs at Michigan Tech. She is an editorial board member for the Journal of Management Education and the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management. Goltz also consults for local organizations, including the Portage Lake District Library and LaSalle Technology Group.

Presentation Citations

Goltz, S.M. Toxic Leadership in Behavioral Terms: The Reliance on Coercion and Countercontrol. Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan Conference, Ypsilanti, MI, February 22, 2024.

Goltz, S. “What About Coercive Interference with Positive Freedom?” Webinar. Association for Behavior Analysis International, Sept. 19, 2023.

Goltz, S. “Coercion is Going Undercover: Can Behavior Analysis Unveil the Disguise?” Presented at the Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis, Reno, Nevada, October 15, 2022.

The Michigan Tech College of Business prepares tomorrow’s business professionals through STEM-infused, AACSB-accredited degree programs and minors. The college’s bachelor of science programs are in accounting, business analytics, construction management, economics, engineering management, finance, management, management information systems, and marketing; master of science programs are in accounting and analytics, applied natural resource economics, engineering management, and the TechMBA®.

Follow the College of Business on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.