Category: Students

College of Business DECA Chapter Shines at State Competition

12 Michigan Tech students in suits joke around and hold up DECA awards in front of a beige wall at a statewide conference.
College of Business students in the Michigan Tech DECA Chapter celebrate their wins at the state conference as they prepare to proceed to international competition. (Images courtesy Michigan Tech DECA).

The Michigan Tech College of Business Collegiate DECA Chapter brought a record 13 students to the state Career Development Conference in Bay City, Michigan last month, where nine were recognized as finalists. Five Business Huskies were top-three competitors and now move on to global competition at the International Career Development Conference in San Francisco, California in April.

Students Across Campus Can Compete for Cash Prizes in College Stock-Picking Contest

A graph of stock market data with a waveform on a computer screen, stock listings on a second computer screen, and two hands at mouse and keyboard are visible as a Michigan Tech finance student logs in on a Bloomberg Terminal in the campus library.
Log on to the Bloomberg Terminal on the second floor of Van Pelt and Opie Library to start playing the spring semester stock-picking contest. It’s open to all current Michigan Tech students.

There’s a little-known resource on the second floor of the Van Pelt and Opie Library that can help students chart a brighter financial future. The College of Business, the Michigan Tech Finance Club, and the Library are encouraging Huskies to find and use the Bloomberg Terminal.

In addition to developing financial literacy, there’s another strong incentive—cash prizes will be awarded in a stock-picking contest open to all graduate and undergraduate students enrolled this spring semester at Michigan Tech. The first-place winner will receive $500, second place, $300, and third place, $100. An additional $100 prize will be awarded to a randomly selected participant.

Business Alumni Connect With Current Huskies at Winter Carnival

A group of people gather in a conference room in the Michigan Tech College of Business to talk about careers and college studies while enjoying pizza.
Huskies enjoyed pizza and conversation in the College of Business as alumni shared their experiences and expertise with students. (Image credit: Jodie Filpus-Paakola)

If anyone needs proof that Winter Carnival brings the Husky family together, they need look no further than the College of Business. Students had a career-forward chance to kick off their Carnival weekend with an alumni panel on Friday. And on Saturday, a pair of management information systems scholarship recipients and the donors who made it possible met up at the MTU Huskies hockey game.

Join Us for Spring 2025 Professional Blueprint Workshops

Our events for students get you ready to make the right impression on recruiters at Michigan Tech’s Career Fair.

As a part of our Professional Blueprint Program, the College of Business offers workshops by some of our student organizations and clubs, as well as staff from the College of Business.

Join us this semester for a workshop (or two!) designed to enhance your professional skills and prepare you for your career after graduation. From resume prep and a pre-Career Fair meetup with potential employers to portfolio reviews and how-tos on perfecting your personal pitch, these activities are designed to enhance your confidence and increase your success. There’s also some fun in store, including our annual Winter Carnival All-Nighter statue building.

No RSVPs to the workshops are required unless indicated on the schedule (you do need to make reservations for the Etiquette Dinners). If you have ideas for future workshops or wish to host a workshop please email us