Tag: small business

Small UP Businesses Get Huge Boost Thanks to Regional SBDC Office at Michigan Tech

Three people with SBDC shirts are all smiles as they stand in front of a brick wall bearing a partially visible logo for Dina Mia Kitchens.
From left, College of Business intern Jaylen Body with Small Business Development Center Associate Regional Director Daniel Yoder and SBDC Business Consultant Jordan Craven onsite at Dina Mia Kitchens, one of the U.P. businesses that the center has assisted. Both Yoder and Craven are Tech alumni. (All images courtesy Michigan SBDC)

The Upper Peninsula Regional Small Business Development Center (SBDC) office hosted at Michigan Tech is making a difference across the U.P. and joining in SBDC Day celebrations across the country.

March 19, 2025 marked the ninth annual national SBDC Day, designed to raise awareness about how centers around the country contribute to job creation and measurable economic growth.