Author: College of Engineering

Sue Hill is the Digital Content Manager for the College of Engineering.

Students Visit Rail Yards in Superior, Wisconsin

SYP Rail 2016KBJR-TV Channel 6 (NBC) in Duluth broadcast a story about students from Michigan Tech’s Summer Youth Program Rail and Intermodal Transportation Institute visiting rail yards in Superior, Wisconsin.

From Tech Today.

Michigan Tech students get an up close look at trains in Superior

Today, students from throughout the country enrolled in Michigan Tech’s Summer Youth Program’s Rail and Intermodel Transportation program were in Superior to get an up close look at Railroad Transportation.

Read more and watch the video at KBJR-TV Channel 6, by Anthony Matt.

David Hand Quoted on Flint Water

David Hand
David Hand

David Hand, chair of the department of civil and environmental engineering, was quoted in the article “Flint Water: Where Science Took a Backseat to the Money.”

The article, by Seth Augenstein, was printed in Laboratory Equipment.

From Tech Today.

Flint Water: Where Science Took a Backseat to the Money

General Motors had a problem. The engine blocks in their Flint, Mich. plant were corroding as fast as they came off the production line. In the few months since the city had switched from Detroit water to the supply of the nearby Flint River, everything the factory produced was rusting over.

Tests quickly revealed the cause: elevated levels of chlorides were allowing the water to more-easily oxidize the metal.

The city switched to the river water in April 2014. GM reported its problems within months. After more months of inaction from the city leaders, the company alone switched back to Detroit water in December 2014.

“GM did inform the city,” said David Hand, chair of the civil and environmental engineering department at Michigan Technological University, in an interview with Laboratory Equipment. “No doubt (the city) should have realized they should evaluate the water.”

Read more at Laboratory Equipment, by Seth Augenstein.

Students Learn Environmental Stewardship at Torch Lake

Torch Lake
Torch Lake

Students learn environmental stewardship through planting, monitoring, birding at Torch Lake Superfund site

LAKE LINDEN — Despite some chilly, windy weather and predictions for snow in mid-May, Lake Linden-Hubbell High School 10th grade students spent an afternoon on the shores of Torch Lake planting red-osier dogwoods and dark-green bulrushes, bird watching and installing nesting boxes for birds, and playing disc golf just for fun.

Coordinated by Michigan Tech’s Center for Science and Environmental Outreach, along with EPA and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the students’ monitoring assists EPA’s efforts in charting the progress of the vegetation cap and habitat reconstruction done under the Superfund program. This project is the first of its kind to utilize students for the collection of data for use by EPA.

“Engaging students in learning about, and contributing to, the improvement of their local environment and community, is an excellent way to create lifelong natural resource stewards,” observed Joan Chadde, director, Michigan Tech Center for Science and Environmental Outreach, and a partner on the Lake Superior Stewardship Leadership Team.

Read more at Keweenaw Now, by Michele Bourdieu.

Students Can Investigate Lake Superior on the Agassiz

Ride the Waves
Ride the Waves

Michigan Tech’s “Ride the Waves Program” invites Copper Country youth in Grades four to 12 to join scientists from Michigan Tech’s Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC) in the exploration of Lake Superior, Portage Waterway and Torch Lake. There are four programs to choose from that will accommodate 17 youth and chaperones. They’re fun, educational and free.

“Aquatic Food Web and Lab Investigation” (three-hour session, one and half hours on the Agassiz and one and a half hours in lab at the GLRC). Find out how scientists investigate water quality and collect samples to examine in the lab. Find out “what makes a lake trout?” All ages.

“Mine Waste Remediation and Torch Lake Restoration” (four-hour session, two hours on Agassiz and two hours on land; meet at the Lake Linden Marina). The copper mining and milling history of the Copper Country is explored by land and water. Students visit historic copper milling sites, reclaimed mine waste sites and the bottom of Torch Lake. Ideal for middle school students.

“Navigation Exploration” (Four-hour session, two hours on the Agassiz and two hours in classroom at the GLRC). Students in grades four through six will use chart dividers and compasses to make mathematical measurements of distance, angles and lines to determine the Agassiz’s position on a navigational chart. Students grades eight through 12 will use these same skills to navigate the Agassiz to a new location. Using algebra, students will be able to determine the accuracy of their navigation.

“Lake Superior’s Ring of Fire” (three to four hour session on the Agassiz). Explore an area in Lake Superior where the shrimplike organism Diporeia is up to 20 times more abundant than in any other part of the lake. How does this affect the Lake Superior food web?  Ideal for high school students.

Register online.

List all dates and times that work for you and we will reply and fit you into the earliest available slot. Groups of five or more students will be given preference in scheduling, so get with your friends and form a group.

The “Ride the Waves Program” is made possible with a grant from General Motors to Michigan Tech’s Department of Civil and Environmentanl Engineering (PI: Martin Auer) and the GLRC.

More than 3000 youth have benefited from GM’s support, now in its fourth year. For more Information email Joan Chadde or Lloyd Wescoat or call 7-3341

From Tech Today, by Joan Chadde.

25 Service Years for Dewey, 35 Service Years for Auer

Michigan Tech Employee Service Recognition Event

On Wednesday, May 11, faculty and staff members, along with their guests, gathered at the Memorial Union Ballroom for an awards dinner recognizing 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of service to Michigan Tech. The following CEE faculty were recognized:

25 Years
George Dewey, Civil & Environmental Engineering

35 Years
Martin Auer, Civil & Environmental Engineering

Read more at Tech Today, by Human Resources.

New Funding for Zhang and Li

Kuilin Zhang (CEE/MTTI) is the principal investigator on a project that has received $65,139 from the University of Chicago.

Yue Li (CEE), is the Co-PI on the project “Coordinated Transit Response Planning and Operations Support Tools for Mitigating Impacts of All-Hazard Emergency Events.”

This is the first year of a potential two-year project totaling $135,000.

From Tech Today, by Sponsored Programs.

Drewyor Re-appointed to Pair of State Boards

Gov. Rick Snyder has re-appointed Mike Drewyor (SoT), to the State Board of Professional Surveyors and the State Board of Professional Engineers. The boards regulate the practices of professional surveyors and engineers.

Drewyor is a professor of practice in the School of Technology and teaches in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering as well. He earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in civil engineering from Michigan Tech.

Read more at Tech Today, by UMC.